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College Football Persuasive Essay

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My father bleeds blue and white, as he is a Penn State alum, and through him, I was introduced to the passion and pageantry that is college football at a young age. I remember sitting in the living room with my dad and his friends, frantically covering my ears from the consistent and deafening screams at the television. As I grew older, I got into watching college football, and to this day, I still cannot name something that has the same sense of community and passion every fall weekend. However, the problem is that a lot of American football fans neglect the considerably better experience of college football, opting to focus their attention on the National Football League. This is understandable, “as college football is more regionally focused …show more content…
It’s not just the games that are more meaningful, but each performance from a college player is meaningful as they try to reach the next level in their respective sport. Each game in college offers players limited, but crucial opportunities to reach the next level. Also, the newly implemented college football playoff system will add more fairness to the college football scene. Bill Connelly, an ESPN staff writer, said, “10 years into the College Football Playoff era, comes a genuine, tournament-style playoff, one with 12 teams and auto-bids.” This new system allows college football teams to lose a game and still have a purpose to keep trying after that loss. College football games also have more unpredictability, making each play more meaningful, as particularly demonstrated by the higher scoring games in college football. Based on a chart on the “team rankings” website, 38 or around 14 of college football teams averaged 30 or more points per game (College FB Points per Game). Contrastingly, only one or 1/32 of NFL teams averaged 30 or more points per game (NFL Team Points per Game). College football games also average more passing yards and rushing yards per game than the NFL. Overall, the difference in stats and the new college football playoffs led to a more meaningful and unpredictable

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