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College Orientation Course Analysis

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The College of Professional Studies program is structured around a five week time frame for each course. Most students start out registered with Online Success in Professional Studies as the first class. This class is comparable to the College Orientation Experience class that most traditional freshman participate in. Research indicates that orientation classes have significantly increased retention (Fritz, M., 2002). The orientation class helps facilitate the transition to online learner for all new students by providing a course syllabus. The syllabus presents the student with important information about when discussion and complete assignments are due. Each course unit is broken down into sections to be completed by either Wednesday or Sunday except the read and attend portion. The read and attend section can be …show more content…
R., & Kennedy, T. L., 2012). I could not have asked for a better professor for my first online college course. Clay Cunningham, my facilitator, has been very committed to me. Clay has demonstrated that he will go above and beyond to answer any questions that I have. I am new to online learning and felt very overwhelmed the first week of class. Clay helped to alleviate my anxiety by promptly returning my emails and phone calls. He never made me feel ignorant for needing additional clarification on the unit assignments and help navigating the online virtual campus. Clay is constantly updating the announcement page with reminders of assignment deadlines. He is very prompt with grading the assignments. This helps me to understand what I need to improve on for the next unit. Many times the first week I wanted to give up and withdraw from the program. Clay has made this transition less challenging by continuously lending support when I need

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