...College Students and Drug Abuse The irresponsible use of drugs and alcohol by college students has always been an issue for university campuses, but the problem has become more and more frequent and has grown in familiarity with every passing generation. In past years, the problem has not only multiplied in frequency, but has also grown in danger. Now students are abusing not only recreational drugs like Marijuana and Cocaine, but also prescription drugs like Ritalin and others like it such as Adderall. "As many as 20 percent of college students have used Ritalin or Adderall to study, write papers, and take exams..." (Jacobs 2). Medications like Ritalin are used to provide energy and concentration when a person cannot achieve them through regular means. Students take medication like Ritalin to help them deal with loss of sleep so they can stay up all night to cram and still do well in class. Students are now using similar medications like Adderall that are released over long periods of time so they can keep an energy high throughout an entire day instead of just one or two class periods. On some campuses, if you’re not using Ritalin or Adderall, you are just increasing your risk to fall behind. As one Columbia student said, “If you don’t take them, you’ll be at a disadvantage to everyone else” (Jacobs 3). This previous statement is unfortunately all too true, these types of prescription medications are so popular and commonplace that students attending certain...
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...Drugs and College Students Victoria Lyles-Savage Professor Stone SOW 301-01 Drugs and College Student In today’s society there are a number of college students and teens, who misuse prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons along with street drugs such as marijuana, ecstasy, heroin and steroids. Drugs and alcohol use on college campuses is universal. This has been an epidemic that has grown across the United States. According to Yusko,Buckman, White, and Pandina; alcohol and drug use in college is one of the more serious problems faced by colleges today .Another study stated that 90 percent of teens said they have used alcohol, over 50 percent have used marijuana, 17 percent used cocaine and 13 percent have used some form of hallucinogenic drug. Athletes are at risk to drug use because of the increased physical demand of athletics and heightens stress and time constraints placed upon them by fulfilling the dual role of being an athlete and student (Yusko, Buckman, White, Pandina, 2008). Peer pressure in itself is an epidemic and strongly impacts nonathletic individuals as well. The use of prescriptions drugs for nonmedical use is higher than are use of cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, ecstasy, and inhalants all combined. Prescription Opioids result in more drug abuse deaths than both cocaine and heroin combined (Katelyn Rozenbroek& Rothstein, 2011).There are a lot of factors that drive teens and college students to turn to drugs and alcohol. The highest rates of...
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... A Research Essay About Why College Students Are Using and Abusing Stimulants To Get By February, 2014 Abstract Prescription stimulant use as academic performance enhancers is increasingly widespread among college students and the prescription stimulant use as "cognitive enhancers" has been described among undergraduate college students. Adderall and Ritalin are the most popular among the students. Some use the drugs to stay awake to study to get by with good grades, even with acknowledgement of the dangers of using. However, the use of prescription stimulants among future graduated students is at risk. Table of Contents Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………... 2 Chapter 1 ……………………………………………………………………………..….. 4 Purpose of the Study ……………………………………..……………… 4 Statement …………………………………………………..……………. 4 Research Questions …………………………………………..…………. 5 Significance of the Study ……………………………………..………… 5 Delimitation ……………………………………………..……………… 5 Definition of Terms …………………………………………..………… 6 Chapter 2 Literature Review…………………………………………………………….. 7 Chapter 3 Research Methods …………………………………………………………… 18 References ………………………………………………………….…………………… 22 Appendix A ……………………………………………………………………………… 23 Dean’s List and More Nature of Study If you are a full time student with heavy load of courses while working to support your lifestyle, then you will be worrying where you can find the time. Undergraduate college students do stress out daily worrying...
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...Introduction: While most college students legitimately suffer when attempting to complete their studies, some students revert to misusing prescription drugs to help confront the overloaded assignment schedules. The misuse of prescription drugs, such as Adderall, has provided some college students the edge over others. Being a full-time college student and employee, I feel the full effect of an overloaded work schedule. I have often thought about ways to overcome heavy workloads and the misuse of Adderall passes through my mind. However, before we go any further, we must define Adderall. Adderall is a prescription drug that is prescribed to individuals that suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or better known as ADHD. Through my years of college, I’ve heard various rumors that Adderall aids in productivity. Some of these rumors include; Adderall can make one remain focused on the task at hand; Adderall can prevent one from becoming tired, therefore giving one the ability to stay awake and...
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...Implications Of Drug Abuse Among Undergraduates: A Case Study Of The Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Nigeria. Citation: Kobiowu, S.V. (2006) The Social And Academic Implications Of Drug Abuse Amonst Undergraduates: A Case Study of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. 11 (1), 61-68 [pic] Abstract The researcher investigated the incidence of drug misuse among university undergraduates, with particular reference to Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria. The study revealed that the academic pursuit of those undergraduates who engage in drug misuse is not unduly jeopardized, and that the abusers do not socialize extraordinarily, contrary to seemingly popular expectation. [pic] Introduction The term ‘drug’ in the main, would relate to “any substance that, when taken into a living organism, may modify one or more of its functions”, while abuse’ implies “a particular application of a drug more destructive than constructive for society, or the individual”. One may be hooked emotionally and psychologically, and may have a physical dependence, where one has a drug addiction problem, whether to a legal or illegal drug, there is a craving for it. The individual wants to use the drug again and again, and if it is stopped, there are usually unpleasant physical reactions. While it is not everyone who uses drug that becomes...
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...Gil Kerlikowske National Drug Control Policy Director White House Administration Presented by Ethan George Student of business management April 10, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Stimulating the Severity of Stimulants…………………………………………………………1 Memorandum…………………………………………………………………………………….3 Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………...4 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………5 Purpose of the Report ………………………………………………………………………...…...5 What are Stimulants?.......................................................................................................................5 Stimulants and ADHD…………………………………………………………………………….5 The Problem and Causes……………………………………………………………………..….6 Chart 1…………………………………………………………………………………..…………6 Table 1…………………………………………………………………………………………….7 Chart 2……………………………………………………………………………………………..7 Nonmedical Use of Prescription Stimulants……………………………………………………8 Contrary Findings……………………………………………………………..…………………8 Table 2…………………………………………………………………………………………….9 The Danger of Prescription Stimulants……...…………………………………………………9 Short Term Side Effects……………………………………………………………………….…10 Continual Use Side Effects………………………………………………………………………10 Conclusion……….……………………………………………………………..………….........10 Works Cited……………………………………………………………………………………..11 Memorandum Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to provide insight to the problem of the rise in use of prescription stimulants in college students. The nonmedical use of these...
Words: 1971 - Pages: 8
...The Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on Academic Life Drug and alcohol use on college campuses is universal. Students articulate many reasons why they do it, but most neglect to consider both the long-term consequences of their actions. How wide-spread is drug and alcohol abuse? Teenagers today admit to extensive experimentation. According to one study, 90 percent of teens said that they have used alcohol, over 50 percent have used marijuana, 17 percent have used cocaine and 13 percent have used some form of hallucinogenic drug. Drug use has been classified as a major problem of students as early as in the fourth grade. Consequently, it is no surprise that substance use is prolific on college campuses, where many young adults are free from adult supervision for the first time in their lives. Alcohol use accounts for over 100,00 death per year in this country. It contributes to over 50 percent of all suicides, violent crimes, emergency room admissions, traffic accidents, substandard job performances and industrial accidents, and 80 percent of all domestic violence incidents. You may falsely believe that your are “safe” because you live in the small community of Melbourne and that these issues don’t really affect you. To be more specific, how can drug and alcohol abuse affect a healthy young college student like you? The statistics are staggering: • Drug and alcohol abuse is the leading cause of death for people between the ages of 15 and 24 • 95% of all college campus violence...
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...of a high-schoolers as students are expected to retain more information through application and critical thinking. Students who typically received straight A’s with minimal work invested arrive at the harsh realization that this habit is not successful in college. This transition can be difficult to manage, and students resort to Adderall for this increased focus. Desantis and Hane explore the prevalence of ADHD stimulants with a specific focus on how college students perceive and justify the use of these medications. Many students say, “I’m doing it for the right reasons,” especially in the case of Adderall (35). The “right reasons” stem from this desire to be academically successful, which is...
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...Prescription Drug Abuse and Misuse Tactical Plan Key Health Communication Messages: Abuse and misuse of prescription drugs can be dangerous and deadly. Many people think prescription drugs are not as dangerous as other illegal drugs. This is false, prescription drugs are just as dangerous as any other illicit drug when misused and or abused. This can lead to addiction, overdoses and death. Mixing prescription medication with other drugs or alcohol can lead to permanent health problems, including organ and cardiovascular problems. It is illegal to share your prescription medication with someone or to have someone else’s prescription regardless of the reason. You can be convicted of illegal drug possession and or illegal drug distribution. The law is very clear on prescription medication. The only one that can use or carry the medication is the person it is prescribed to or their licensed medical caregiver. Prescription drug abuse and misuse negatively affects students grades and can jeopardize their futures. Abusing or misusing stimulants or other prescribed medication to help academically does not work. In fact it has proven to negatively affect grades as well as a danger to your health . Identify the signs of prescription drug abuse and misuse. Know where to seek help for yourself and others. If you or someone you know shows signs of prescription drug abuse or misuse seek help immediately before it gets worse. If you suspect someone has a problem...
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...Could the abuse of medicine prescribed to help treat Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) be compared with the use of illegal substances used to improve athletic performance, such as anabolic steroids? Some say no; however if the two situations are looked at more closely, both anabolic steroids and prescription stimulants are substances used to aid and assist in a particular activity or task. As the Center of Disease Control (CDC) states, anabolic steroids aid in the production and repair of muscle tissue at a quicker rate than our own body can actually perform (reference). On the other hand, prescription stimulants assist in helping the individual concentrate on the issue at hand, blocking out any distractions. Although the two are both a form of aid in the performance of an individual, prescription stimulants remain more accepted among our culture (Dodge, Williams, Marzell, & Turrisi, 2012). Taking anabolic steroids and prescription stimulants without being prescribed these medications are both ways of abusing a substance. More importantly, they are two examples of substance abuse that are also considered a form of cheating in both athletics and academics, correspondingly. Some think that using either one of these substances constitutes cheating, but somehow our culture does not view stimulants in an academic context as cheating. Perhaps it is the outcome of the two actions. Using substances to improve one’s athletic ability results in only one win. Thus if...
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...are considered to be the top ten common problems students face during college. (Garfieldgatehubpages.com, 2012) A. What are some of the experiences you face? Have you ever found a solution to your problem? How do you overcome these things? B. You meet up with your friends or your partner and you go out and party, drink, do drugs but have you ever consider the consequences you will face later an in life? C. Then, today we are going to talk about Friends/ relationships, partying , health & sickness and some ideas you might gain from this information might be useful in the future for you or a friend that’s in College. (Transition: What I’m going to talk to you about now is about our Friends and Relationships) 2. Did you know friends and personal relationships affect you decisions. A. All our decisions in school are being affected by our relationships, that includes friends, family, boyfriend’s, girlfriend's, all of the people we decide to surround our self's with (yourlife.usatoday.com, 2011). B. According to USATODAY.com "The relationship game among college-age adults today is a muddle of seemingly contradictory trends. Recent studies indicate that traditional dating on campuses has taken a back seat to no-strings relationships in which bonds between young men and women are increasingly brief and sexual” (yourlife.usatoday.com, 2011). C. Also according to USATODAY.com many college students are not interested in serious relationships because...
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...Substance Abuse Prevention in the United States G. Lester Introduction to Addictions and Substance Use Disorders 3/2/2014 There are many substance abuse programs for many different circumstances all across America. Each program caters to individuals who are suffering within the scope of their program. The goals for each program is the same, to help prevent addiction. There are three program that will be discussed in this paper. The D.A.R.E. Program, the Safe Haven, and the Late Night Program. The D.A.R.E. Program The Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program, which is commonly called D.A.R.E., targets younger generations. It is one of the largest prevention programs directed at school aged children from kindergarten through high school. (West & O'Neal, 2004). Established in 1983, the goals of the D.A.R.E. program is to educate America’s youth in the prevention and dangers of using drugs and alcohol. D.A.R.E. focuses is not only telling children that they should resist the temptation of using drugs but teaches the how to resist the temptations. (Department of Safety & Homeland Security, n.d.). D.A.R.E. has proven to be so successful that it has been implemented into 75% of America’s schools. The officer led classes educate children to “resist peer pressure and live drug and violence free lives” (Department of Safety & Homeland Security, n.d.). Every officer must go through 80 hours in depth training that includes child development, classroom and teaching techniques...
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...Mackenzie Weiss ENC1101-Tuesday July 31, 2012 Research Paper ADHD Medications and their Abuse Today The medications used to treat Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are powerful, especially when abused, and have lasting impacts on the patients and the abusers. Treatment, in the form of prescription drugs is available to help these individuals, yet is harmful to others who either are misdiagnosed or abuse it. Additional laws and policies implemented by our elected officials will help ensure the prescribed medications reach the intended patients resulting in lower abuse. ADHD is described as the “most common neurological disorder” (“Facts”) and is a condition that affects many children and adults all over the world. The diagnosis and treatment for ADHD is on the rise in this country, and the signs and symptoms are important for people to notice. ADHD first appears in children who may show a combination of disruptive problems including impulsive behavior, low self-esteem, hyperactivity, and poor performance in school/work. Children, treated for this disorder, are more likely to carry it until adolescence, but for some, ADHD may become a life-long adjustment into adulthood. Specifically for males, hyperactivity is a huge signal that they need to be tested for attention deficit. For females, the signs are the opposite, leading to many underdiagnosed women. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “boys were more likely than girls to have ever...
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...Prescription Drug Abuse Crisis Pepper Iris Abstract Prescription drug abuse is a huge and growing problem in the United States. People who are subject are often the ones to develop these addictions. This can happen by being raised or living in a bad neighborhood where drug abuse is prevalent. People with mental illness are also much more likely to develop an addiction than people with normal brain tendencies. To prevent and decrease prescription drug abuse across the country, there are several things that can be done. Students can be better educated of the dangers of drug abuse, in detail, at an early age, then in a more serious way as they grow up and reach the older grades. Doctors can also be better educated in their colleges and medical schools through new programs that can be required to obtain a degree. Finally, the rehabilitation centers of America can use a total reform in both the program, and the priced. Prescription drug abuse is a serious problem in the United States. The rate at which abuse is growing is now higher than it has ever been. The issue is getting so bad, that some states, including Tennessee, have now labeled it as an epidemic. There are several factors that can contribute to prescription drug addiction, such as the environment the abuser is subjected to, as well as their psychological status. Doctors and pharmacists also contribute to the problem, although most of the time, unknowingly. There are several ways to decrease prescription drug abuse rates...
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...Drinking binges are generally occurring among college aged people. Binge drinking also known as episodic drinking is defined as “drinking alcoholic beverages with the primary intention of becoming intoxicated by heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time. “Some binge drinkers may also consume a consistent amount of alcohol over a long period of time, also leading to intoxication. Binge drinking can also be described as four or more drinks for women and five or more drinks for men per sitting. “Binge drinking is a kind of purposeful drinking style, and somewhat overlaps with social drinking since it is often done in groups.” Due to long-term effects of alcohol misuse binge drinking is considered to be a major public health issue. “As college students arrive on campus, it’s a time of new experiences, new friendships, and making memories that will last forever.” Binge drinking is more common in males, during young adulthood. Most binge drinkers do not know any of the risks associated with binge drinking. “Heavy regular binge drinking is associated with negative effects on neurologic, cardiac, gastrointestinal, hematologic, psychiatric, immune and musculoskeletal organ systems.” Up to one third of college aged people binge drink, six percent result in having an alcohol related substance use disorder. Binge drinking in college aged people is commonly associated to unprotected sex, car accidents, unplanned pregnancy, contraction of diseases, suicide and other types of...
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