...Professional sports organizations have been a mainstay in American culture since the birth of our country. Recently, a new emergence in the popularity of amateur sports has bred curiosity that like professional athletes, collegiate athletes should receive compensation for their efforts. Many believe that paying college athletes will lead to the decline of amateurism in sports. That is not the case. The NCAA should pay collegiate athletes because full-ride scholarships rarely pay for the full cost of attendance, the NCAA uses players' marketability to endorse their products, and with the immense amount of cash flowing through the ranks in collegiate sports, some of the money should go to the athletes. The rule in the official NCAA rule book...
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...making it hard for athletes to differentiate game like situations to real life situations. In both professional and collegiate levels people hear many stories about athletes being involved in sexual abuse, physical abuse, harassment, and other violent cases. If this is something that is continuing, what can the professional and collegiate levels do to educate and help put a stop to athletes being involved with violence and criminal law? Looking at sports we see that there is violence on the field, but this is normal, this does not fall into the category of regular violence, but competitive sports. The definition of violence is the use of excessive physical force, which causes or has obvious potential to cause harm or destruction. We then can break violence down into four different categories. The first type is brutal body contact; this is physical practices common in certain sports and accepted by athletes as part of sport participation. The second type is borderline violence; this is practices that violate rules of the game but are accepted by most players and coaches, like players pushing back getting positioning on a rebound. The third type is quasi-criminal violence that violates the rules of the game; examples of this would be cheap shots, late hits, sucker punches, and things of that nature. The last type of violence would be criminal violence, which is outside of the law and law enforcement prosecute. (McGraw, 2013) In sports there have been cases of each, we all...
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...Student-athletes should be paid College athletics in today society is big business. The revenue and excitement that it generates are at all-time highs. Revenues for college football and basketball have topped $6 billion annual revenue. But there is an ongoing debate in the world college athletics. Is it time to start paying the student-athletes? The answer has always been a resounding no. Some make the argument that the student-athletes get the best of both worlds of college. Free educations to play a game and special treatment on campus are some of the many reasons that experts are against paying student-athletes. I do not feel the same way. There is much more that goes in to practicing, playing and particapatating in sports at the collegiate level. Student-athletes should be compensated with some form of monetary payment for their efforts and all they sacfice on a day to day basis. In the United States today, most businesses and companies are try to run more efficiently as well as keeping up profitably. Companies have to produce a product that the consumer not only wants but needs. Keeping that particular product in demand, as well as increasing income, bottom line is the ultimate goal. As the company does well, the workers are compensated for all their effort and hard work. Companies over the years have devised many different options in rewarding employees: profit sharing, bonuses, and incentives based performance in addition to regular benefits. CEOs of companies are...
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...Per National Athletic Trainers’ Association Position Statement: Management of Sport Concussion. 3.8 million concussions occur every year in the United States resulting from physical or sport activity (NATA CITE). A concussion occurs when a sudden impact of a high magnitude acceleration takes place. Since concussions are one of the most complex injuries in the sports field, professionals are constantly coming up with new ways to help predict, prevent and treat concussions. i1 Biometrics has released a new mouth guard that they say will help prevent and detect concussions by sending data from the mouth guard’s sensors to laptops of athletic trainers and coaches on the sideline. i1 Biometrics states that their Vector mouth guard’s benefits include...
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...a century of existence, the National Collegiate Athletic Association stands today as a multi-million dollar organization, one of the largest and most successful organizations in the nation. The NCAA is in charge of overlooking every college athletic competition in the United States. Every year millions of fans watch NCAA organized games and follow the top prospects of every sport. However, all schools and players involved with the NCAA are obligated to follow a strict set of rules to be eligible to compete at the college level. The NCAA holds college athletes specifically to a very strict set of rules. Under the NCAA all athletes are considered amateurs. The term amateur is used to describe a person or group of people who participate in any form of activity for their own pleasure or entertainment, often distant from those who participate in the same activity for a financial benefit. They NCAA uses the term amateurs to distinguish college athletes from professional athletes. The official NCAA website states that “Maintaining amateurism is crucial to preserving an academic environment in which acquiring a quality education is the first priority”(“Amateurism”). They believe that by labeling them as amateurs they set them apart as student-athletes and everything that the students do for their own respective sport is part of extracurricular activities they are taking a part of. Their website emphasizes this point and declare, “In the collegiate model of sports, the young men and women...
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...professional sports. While an athlete plays a sport they will suffer multiple concussions throughout their career in sports. In the last 3 years in high school football 400,000 concussions occurred. Concussions are a problem, at times is hard to detect, because the symptoms are sometimes hard to spot and in many cases symptoms can last for day, weeks, years and even life time. Through study they found that adults can heal faster than young athletes, and they can heal in just two weeks. Sport concussions are becoming bigger problems in all sports and researchers are trying harder to find how concussions occur, how to prevent them to make all athletes safer while playing and how to make sure all athletes are safe to play after a concussion. One way to help preventing concussions is to understand how they occur. Fist a concussions is defined as a complex pathophysiological process that affects the brain, typically induced by trauma to the brain. A concussion happens when there is trauma to the brain. Trauma can happen when you take a blow to head region. It can also happen when you get something called the whiplash effect to the body. The whiplash effect is when the impact to your body accelerates your head causing the trauma to your brain. With contact sports there are many ways concussions can occur. In any tackling sport, without proper tackling technique, the player can hurt not only the one they tackle but they can get a concussion from tackling. With football a lot of players are...
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...around since the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) put restrictions on amateur athletes. Is education enough compensation for representing a college in sport, and should an amateur athlete be allowed contractual representation? The NCAA and their affiliated schools hide behind the word “amateur”, while making billions of dollars from revenue generated from student-athletes and their likeness. When presenting my research we will dive into certain aspects of compensation not offered, and how the NCAA exploits young men and women through their no pay rules. Maybe outright paying kids is not the answer, but with all the outcry and settlements out of court, it appears that something more must be offered. Amateurism. (2014). NCAA.org. Retrieved from http://www.ncaa.org/amateurism says to qualify as amateur, “an athlete is not permitted to: sign contracts with any professional team, receive salary for participating in athletics, collect prize above actual and necessary expenses, play with professionals, tryout/practice/compete with a professional team, accept benefits from an agent or perspective agent, agree to be represented by an agent, and delay initial full-time collegiate enrollment to participate in organized sports competition.” So, before young athletes can start their dream of moving on to the next level, they need to run a check list. For most athletes these guidelines are no problem, but for the upper echelon of young athletes there could be some snags...
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...laborious studies, excruciating weight training and tiresome athletic practices and after all of it is over going home to house full of unpaid bills and a refrigerator that is empty. For many college athletes today this is a very real scenario. Student athletes from colleges across the country dedicate their whole lives to a sport and receive no compensation from the NCAA for their hard work. The NCAA, or the National Collegiate Athletic Association, regulates and controls all activity that has to do with collegiate sports. The NCAA is also responsible for resolving all complications in collegiate sports but is often ridiculed by many for neglecting the issue of paying college athletes. While some do believe that athletes are already compensated enough, others agree that these athletes deserve payment. This topic has sparked debate throughout the country and that is why currently the NCAA is working hard to find a solution. There are many reasons that student athletes should be paid, including: the NCAA and the rest of college sports is a multi billion-dollar industry, student athletes have no time for work to support their very active lifestyle, there is high injury risk that comes with playing competitive sports, and finally the added incentive for athletes to stay in school and the overall competiveness would rise making the collegiate athletics more enjoyable. First off, the NCAA and all of college sports is multi billion-dollar industry and the hardworking athletes deserve...
Words: 3435 - Pages: 14
...Running head: PROS AND CONS Pros and Cons of Compensation for NCAA Division I Student Athletes Mark Dunkley PEP 461 Student The College at Brockport Abstract This paper weighs in the pros and cons for the compensation of Division I college student athletes. This paper also introduces a plan that would allow monetary compensation of college athletes in the United States. A survey was distributed to 14 males of the Suny College at Brockport basketball team Pros and Cons of Compensation for NCAA Division I Student Athletes The exploits of student-athletes in sports have variously been advanced as generating a lot of dollars in forms of revenues for their respective institutions, which has generally raised the question as to why they shouldn’t be compensated for their sporting prowess. Student-athletes generate tens of millions of dollars for their respective athletic departments and ideally then should be reimbursed. However, as per the guidelines of the National Collegiate Athletics Associations (NCAA), athletes are not supposed to receive any commercial use of their personas and likenesses and are indeed not expected to gain any monetary compensation for their sporting engagements. This has generally been interpreted to mean that they cannot enter into agreements for endorsements in their sporting activities as has been the case with professional engagements. Instead, students are expected to benefit from the payment for tuition fees from their sporting activities...
Words: 2163 - Pages: 9
...LaForge and Janie Hodge, and “The NCAA,” an episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, both discussing issues of the NCAA. The thesis of “NCAA Academic Performance Metrics” is the positives of FGR, APR, and GSR in concurrence with sound institutional policies and the appropriate uses and misuses of each metric, whereas “The NCAA” thesis is an argument for the monetary compensation of collegiate athletes. “NCAA Academic Performance Metrics” uses the warrants of scientific research, visual statistics, and policy implications...
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...If you were to contribute thousands of dollars to an organization, wouldn't you want some sort of compensation? That's exactly what college athletes are fighting for. College athletes obtaining pay for participating in their sport has been a controversial debate for years. The National Collegiate Association (NCAA), was formed in 1905, set bylaws requiring college student-athletes to be amateurs. The NCAA has been making large sums of money off college sports which has led some to question as to whether student-athletes can be considered amateurs anymore, and whether they should, instead, be paid for their efforts. Those who believe athletes should not be paid support the fact that the athletes get their board and education for free. Meanwhile those who support this idea believe that...
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...player should be given scholarships and medals as an encouragement to be a wining athlete and a successful student. Let us also not forget, talks of collegiate pay for play, the reason college athletes are in school in the first place is they are here to acquire an education (hence the word student before athlete) which in turn will catapult them to lucrative careers down the road. “Sports as great as it is, is at least in college, a side show and should remain that way if for nothing else to protect the innocence and integrity of the game. For the athletes who are great and posses the potential to elevate their games to the next level, they will eventually be more than adequately compensated for their athleticism to the tune of millions in some cases. And before you under value the worth of a college education, look at it like this for some perspective. A college education, especially an American, one of the most desired attributes worldwide.” .”(Powell, A 2004) Every day Latinos climb on boats, along with anything else that will float, to try to navigate themselves on to Florida's coast and any other piece of U.S. soil. And for what you ask? A chance to live in America's poorest neighborhoods. “Not an opportunity to freely attend a place of higher learning because of their athletic ability as they seldom do, but merely an opportunity to live in poverty, in most cases for the rest of their lives. Not a chance to become college graduates with degrees...
Words: 1127 - Pages: 5
...provide a “free” education (as it does not cover all costs incurred from matriculation to graduation. In many cases, the university does not live up to its end of the bargain of providing an education; as evidenced by the dismal number in the graduation rates, especially among African Americans. Furthermore, the athletic scholarship is only a one-year (renewable) agreement that can be terminated by the coach or university in any given year for any reason. In debating the pay-for-play issue in college athletics, the history of the governing body (i.e., currently the NCAA), their mission and view of amateurism, the past history of college athletes benefitting financially, and the degree to which athletes benefit from the university experience must all be examined. The counter point section of this paper addresses each point made by my colleague. Using the Eitzen (12) analogy comparing the NCAA and big-time athletic programs to the old southern plantation system will be the underpinning wellspring for the subject of athlete exploitation and the financial benefits enjoyed by the university derived from that plantation-like exploitation. An economic viewpoint will be presented to demonstrate the cartel-like atmosphere held by the NCAA while maintaining the illusion of amateurism. Finally, five proposals that outline means to promote pay-for-play in NCAA Division I football and men’s basketball...
Words: 1640 - Pages: 7
...For starters, collegiate sports weather its division one, division two, or even division three sports bring in a lot of money to the universities. Especially sports like football, basketball, and in special cases track and field. Not to mention if the sports program at a university win a conference championship, and or national championship. We’re talking about hundred thousand’s even millions of dollars that a sports team is bringing into the sports program and the school itself. Of course depending on the school as well as the school’s athletic conference determines the actual amount of money that is received from a championship. Regardless of the amount, we are talking about a lot of money going back into the program from the performance of student athletes. Would it be fair for the student athletes to receive a stipend for their athletic integrity? To tell the truth, I would say yes. Being that I am a former collegiate athlete it is quite difficult to devote all my time to my studies and athletic duties...
Words: 1132 - Pages: 5
...Who Deserves the Money? Anyone who keeps up with sports news recently has noticed the rising controversy of whether or not college athletes should be paid; yet many people don’t realize that more things have to be taken into account than pure salaries for players, like a union, health insurance, and the role of academics. Although many people can get caught up in the emotions when trying to debate the issue, in order to fully understand the whole argument we must look at it from all the different angles including those of the player, coach, school administrator, and chairman of the NCAA. The most efficient and proper way to show these players compensation would be to give them some form of stipend referring to the controversies over the salary of players, they should be represented by a union, current and past players should receive health care benefits, and this all should only be possible if they are able to maintain grades. Over the last couple months there has been a sharp rise in people calling for the payment of college athletes with one of the major arguments being that we should give them straight salaries. There are many different aspects that must be considered when breaking down the idea of giving players a straight salary, or even the partial payment of them. Coach Brian Kelly’s statement, a recent participant in the 2011 National Championship, “"I still think the overriding factor here is that these young men put in so much time with being a student and then...
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