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Columbian Exchange Effects Essay

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Lasting Effects Of The Columbian Exchange What would the world be like without the effects of the Columbian Exchange? The Columbian Exchange had many effects on how today’s world works. It greatly affected almost every society on earth, bringing disease that decreased population, and brought new crops and livestock. It also led to many Africans being transported to the New World as slaves to do skilled and unskilled labor. The Columbian Exchange have many different impacts on today’s world and how it works, it had a major effect on the population of the new and old worlds. It is well proven, the Columbian Exchange involved the exchanges of plants, animals, and technology. It played a significant role in the primacy of mercantilism as economic …show more content…
The exchange involved more than just the trade of plants, animals, and technology. Disease was one of the negative parts of the Columbian Exchange as well. Entire populations were wiped out by warfare and European diseases like smallpox. The smallpox epidemics caused the largest death tolls among Native Americans killing more people than any war. With the large numbers of disease brought by the Europeans to the New World, the Indian population was immensely impacted by these illnesses. Infectious disease had the most impact on the world following the initiation of contact by Columbus and his men. Additionally, slave trade was another negative effect during the Columbian Exchange. says, “Native slaves were treated as commodity”, they were overworked and children born to them became the legal property of their owners. To recapitulate, the Columbian Exchange has several different effects on how today’s world works. Without trading of goods the number of Europeans that migrated to the Americas would have never been put into effect. Animals such as wild cattle, sheep and goats, menaced the food crops of Native Americans. Disease being spread had a profound effect on the world then and continues in the world today. Now you can clearly see how the Columbian Exchange had an effect on how the world works

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