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Com Study Guide


Submitted By Anndeline
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The quiz will be given in sections on Friday, April 19th. You will need to purchase a Scantron form at the University Bookstore (50¢) and bring a No. 2 pencil & your student ID. There will be a penalty if you do not bring a Scantron form and a pencil.

The test will consist of 25-30 multiple choice items and will cover lecture through April 18. Some items will focus on recall of concepts and definitions, while others will tell you a brief story or describe a scenario and then ask you to identify properly an idea or concept within it. All of the materials on the test are mentioned in one way or another on this study guide. If it’s not in the study guide, it will not be on the test.


Verbal codes
Nonverbal codes
Selective exposure
Selective attention
Selective perception
Selective retention (memory)
Denotative meaning
Connotative meaning
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis mneumonics as memory aids
Linguistic determinism
Fallible memory
Transactive memory
Transactive encoding
Transactive retrieval
Contested memory
System 1 vs. System 2
Semantic differential
Halo effect
Dating (language)
Indexing (language)


1. According to the opening lecture, what is main thing that the study of communication about?
2. In the Floyd study discussed the first day, how did kissing their romantic partners more often affect research subjects?
3. According to the lecture on models of communication, where can we find meanings?
4. According to Dr. Parks, what is the single most important communication skill?
5. How can the channel of communication influence our interpretation of messages?
6. What are two differences between the Action Model and the Interaction Model of communication?
7. What does the Transaction Model of communication add that the Interaction Model does not have?

8. Perception involves a number of highly selective activities. Are we usually aware of these processes as they are occurring?
9. What is the reinforcement principle? How does it affect the way we process messages?
10. According to the study by Bohn and Short, how much electronic and print information does the average American take in each day?
11. What are three principles guiding what we pay attention to?
12. Do sources always have to intend to communicate in order for communication to occur?

13. According to research on eyewitness identification of criminal suspects, how often are people who claim to be eyewitnesses wrong?
14. How does having an eyewitness identify a suspect affect the likelihood that the suspect will be convicted? Does it matter if the eyewitness is wrong?
15. What are some of the factors that can cause errors or bias in eyewitness identification?

16. What are the essential characteristics of language? (five – see lecture)
17. Approximately how long ago did humans acquire language?
18. Be able to define and recognize examples of these four levels of language: phonetic, semantic, syntactic, pragmatic

19. According to lecture, why does the name we give an object, product, or idea matter? What can it affect?
20. What was the main point of the study about culturally relevant stories discussed during the first lecture?
21. What is good about using “common sense” to guide your communication? What is not so good about it?

22. What are some ways to enhance your memory of everyday communication?
23. What does it mean to say that memory is often “co-constructed”? Be able to recognize an example of this.
24. How do Google, Wikipedia, and other online sources of information affect the way we remember things?

25. What’s the difference between peripheral and central pathways to persuasion (see the “two systems” lecture).
26. What strategies are most effective on the peripheral pathway? On the central pathway? How should you decide what path to aim for?
27. According to the lecture on naming and meaning, what are three dimensions of meaning?
28. In the lecture on language, Prof. Parks said language did three things. What were they?

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