...Irregular Verbs List This is a list of some irregular verbs in English. Of course, there are many others, but these are the more common irregular verbs. V1Base Form | V2Past Simple | V3Past Participle | awake | awoke | awoken | be | was, were | been | beat | beat | beaten | become | became | become | begin | began | begun | bend | bent | bent | bet | bet | bet | bid | bid | bid | bite | bit | bitten | blow | blew | blown | break | broke | broken | bring | brought | brought | broadcast | broadcast | broadcast | build | built | built | burn | burned/burnt | burned/burnt | buy | bought | bought | catch | caught | caught | choose | chose | chosen | come | came | come | cost | cost | cost | cut | cut | cut | dig | dug | dug | do | did | done | draw | drew | drawn | dream | dreamed/dreamt | dreamed/dreamt | drive | drove | driven | drink | drank | drunk | eat | ate | eaten | fall | fell | fallen | feel | felt | felt | fight | fought | fought | find | found | found | fly | flew | flown | forget | forgot | forgotten | forgive | forgave | forgiven | freeze | froze | frozen | get | got | got (sometimes gotten) | give | gave | given | go | went | gone | grow | grew | grown | hang | hung | hung | have | had | had | hear | heard | heard | hide | hid | hidden | hit | hit | hit | hold | held | held | hurt | hurt | hurt | keep | kept | kept | know | knew | known | lay | laid | laid | lead...
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...英語動詞三態變化表 不規則動詞 (Irregular Verbs) 一、三態同形(AAA) |動詞原形 |過去式 |過去分詞 | |動詞原形 |過去式 |過去分詞 | |割 |cut |cut |cut |讀 |read |read |read | |投、拋 |cast |cast |cast |使擺脫 |rid |rid |rid | |花費 |cost |cost |cost |放、置 |set |set |set | |打、擊 |hit |hit |hit |關、閉 |shut |shut |shut | |傷害 |hurt |hurt |hurt |伸展 |spread |spread |spread | |讓 |let |let |let | | | | | |二、過去分詞和動詞原形同形(ABA) |動詞原形 |過去式 |過去分詞 | |動詞原形 |過去式 |過去分詞 | |變成 |become |became |become |跑 |run |ran |run | |來 |come |came |come | | | | | |三、過去式和過去分詞同形(ABB) |動詞原形 |過去式 |過去分詞 | |動詞原形 |過去式 |過去分詞 | |說 |say |said |said |得到 |get |got |got | |付出 |pay |paid |paid |忘記 |forget |forgot |forgot | |賣 |sell |sold |sold |坐 |sit |sat |sat | |告訴 |tell |told |told |贏 |win |won |won | |捉、抓 |catch |caught |caught |挖 |dig |dug |dug | |教 |teach |taught |taught |掛 |hang |hung |hung | |買 |buy |bought |bought |搓、抓 |hold |held |held | |帶來 |bring |brought |brought |遇見 |meet |met |met | |想 |think |thought |thought |餵食 |feed |fed |fed | |戰鬥 |fight |fought |fought |領導 |lead |led |led | |有 |have |had |had |射擊 |shoot |shot |shot | |聽見 |hear |heard |heard |照耀 |shine |shone |shone | |製造 |make |made |made |感到 |feel |felt |felt | |建設 |build |built |built |保持 |keep |kept |kept | |借出 |lend |lent |lent |睡覺 |sleep |slept |slept | |送、傳遞 |send |sent |sent |離開 |leave |left |left | |花費 |spend |spent |spent |掃 |sweep |swept |swept | |丟棄 |lose |lost |lost |站、立 |stand |stood |stood | |嗅 |smell |smelt |smelt |理解 |understand |understood |understood | |拼寫 |spell |spelt |spelt |找到...
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...|Begin |Began |Begun | |Swim |Swam |Swum | |Stink |Stank |Stunk | |Drink |Drank |Drunk | |Spring |Sprang |Sprung | |Sing |Sang |Sung | |Sink |Sank |Sunk | |Ring |Rang |Rung | |Shrink |Shrank |Shrunk | IRREGULAR VERBS |Dig |Dug |Dug | |Cling |Clung |Clung | |Hang |Hung |Hung | |Stick |Stuck |Stuck | |Sting |Stung |Stung | |String |Strung |Strung | |Sling |Slung |Slung | |Slink |Slunk |Slunk | |Sneak |Snuck |Snuck | |Fling |Flung |Flung | |Strike |Struck |Struck | |Swing |Swung |Swung | |Withhold |Withheld |Withheld | |Hold |Held |Held | |Wring |Wrung |Wrung | |Bring |Brought |Brought ...
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...DAFTAR REGULAR VERB DAN ARTI BAHASA INDONESIA Verb 1 | Verb 2 | Verb 3 | Arti | adhere | adhered | adhered | mengikuti | adjoin | adjoined | adjoined | bersampingan | adjourn | adjourned | adjourned | menunda | afford | afforded | afforded | mampu | age | aged | Aged | usia | agglomerate | agglomerated | agglomerated | menggumpal | agonize | agonized | agonized | menderita sekali | augment | augmented | augmented | menambah | authorize | authorized | authorized | mengesahkan | avail | availed | Availed | faedah | avenge | avenged | avenged | membalas dendam | average | averaged | averaged | rata-rata | avert | averted | averted | mencegah | avoid | avoided | avoided | menghindari | await | awaited | awaited | menunggu | awaken | awakened | awakened | membangunkan | award | awarded | awarded | hadiah | babble | babbled | babbled | celoteh | back | backed | Backed | kembali | bound | bounded | bounded | terikat | bow | bowed | Bowed | busur | box | boxed | Boxed | kotak | brace | braced | Braced | penjepit | brag | bragged | bragged | membual | branch | branched | branched | cabang | brand | branded | branded | merek | breakfast | breakfasted | breakfasted | sarapan | breathe | breathed | breathed | bernafas | bribe | bribed | Bribed | suap | bridge | bridged | Bridged | jembatan | brighten | brightened | brightened | menerangi | bristle | bristled | Bristled | meremang | broaden | broadened | broadened | memperluas...
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...|LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS | |Infinitive |Past |Past Participle |Translation | | |Simple | | | |Be |Was/Were |Been |Ser,Estar | |Beat |Beat |Beaten |Batir,Vencer | |Become |Became |Become |Llegar a ser | |Begin |Began |Begun |Empezar | |Bend |Bent |Bent |Doblar | |Bet |Bet |Bet |Apostar | |Bite |Bit |Bitten |Morder | |Blow |Blew |Blown |Soplar | |Break |Broke |Broken |Romper | |Bring |Brought |Brought |Traer | |Build |Built |Built |Construir | |Burst |Burst |Burst |Explotar | |Buy |Bought |Bought |Comprar | |Catch |Caught |Caught |Coger | |Choose |Chose |Chosen |Elegir | |Come |Came |Come |Venir | |Cost |Cost |Cost |Costar | |Cut |Cut...
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...School of Liberal Arts Mission The School of Liberal Arts provides an innovative, multidisciplinary, student-centered, flexible curriculum that prepares the student for further study or work in a global economy. The School seeks to develop the student’s learning through faculty engagement in cross-disciplinary teaching, research and service with a flexible curriculum that responds to increased globalization. Course Number: SPAN 1001-12 (Hybrid)(CRN 20957) Course Title: Elementary Spanish I-Hybrid Term and Year: Spring 2013 Professor: Dr. McGlone Office: A-1085 Open Door Times: Mutually agreed time between professor and student Professor’s Contacts: 678-485-1603(cell) jmcglone@ggc.edu Prerequisites: None Course Location: A-1155 Meeting Time: Tuesdays, 5:00 PM-5:50 PM Required Text: Vistas: Introducción a la Lengua Española, 4a edición. (Student edition text, vtext, super site code, and Maestro Web-SAM (SS Plus) ISBN: 978-1-61-767-059-6; Approximate cost: $240.00 Publisher’s Link for GGC Spanish text: http://www.vhldirect.com/gwinnett CLEP in Spanish: Students who are native/heritage speakers of Spanish (or those who have taken years of Spanish in high school) are strongly encouraged to take the CLEP in Spanish. Students who successfully complete the CLEP in Spanish can receive up to 12 credit hours in Spanish! This exam is available in the Testing Center (Building A). The...
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...how to pronounce and say lexis. We can predict by reading through the transcript that Ruby has taken what Lou has reinforced on board. Ruby later on says “yes”, when Lou asks her if she wants apple juice, Lou again repeats after Ruby “yes”, she does this in order to emphasise the reinforcement that you pronounce “yeh” like “yes”, she has done this more than once as it is more likely to stay in Ruby’s head. This is acting as a kind of ‘role play’ in order to make Ruby learn a fun and effective way. Vivian Pauley emphasises on the importance of play in order to help children develop. In the transcript Ruby says “bitted”; she has simply added ‘ed’ to the irregular verb ‘bit’, as she believes like regular verbs adding an ‘ed’ will highlight its tense, in this case past tense. However, in order to make it a past participle irregular...
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...Lecture 6 DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR Verbal Parts Outline: I. Indo-European verb-system II.. OE Verb: 1) grammatical categories: a) Person & Number; b) Mood; c) Tense; d) Aspect; e) Voice; 2) morphological classification of OE Verbs: a) strong verbs; b) weak verbs; c) preterite-present; d) irregular; III. Verb in Middle and Early New English: 1) strong verbs 2) weak verbs 3) other classes 4) development of analytical constructions 5) categories IV. Adverb. Degrees of comparison. I. Indo-European verb-system. The verb in IE is one of the oldest parts of speech. Therefore the development of the verb in any IE languages can be understood only if the old IE verb-system and its peculiarities are taken into account. The IE verb-stem had the following structure: consonant-vowel-consonant. The sounding of the vowel in the root was dependent on the conditions of the stress falling upon it. This vowel-variation, termed Ablaut, was primarily a phonetic process in IE. In Germanic languages it was widely employed as a grammatical means. The root-vowel could either change its quality (qualitative Ablaut), or its quantity/length (quantitative Ablaut). Indo-European Ablaut: possible changes of sounding Qualitative gradation: Quantitative gradation: o – fully stressed vowel (full grade) ō – prolonged...
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...divided in two parts. The first part is a summary for students who want to receive a practical explanation, and the second part is a deep explanation of this tense. Summary WEIRDO The most common reason why the subjunctive can be so difficult for English speakers is because there is not a similar tense in English. It is a structure that is used only whenever certain expressions are used. Think it this way, you use it when you want to express a desire for something to occur but only someone else can make it happen. This acronym can help you understand in which cases the subjunctive should be used. W - wish/will E - Emotion/opinion I - Impersonal expressions (es importante que..., es necesario que...) R - Request D - Doubt/Denial O - Ojalá The structure of sentences using the subjunctive is usually the following. Noun + WEIRDO expression + que + the someone else who could make your desire happen + the subjunctive verb conjugated according to the someone else person + the end of the sentence. Note: The Noun and the “someone else” who make the action do not need to be written since the conjugation of the verb can tell us who we are talking about. (Yo) quisiera que (tú) juegues conmigo. Yo and tú could be interpreted because of the conjugation of the verbs. Quisiera is conjugated in the first person for the present tense, and juegues in the second person for the subjunctive tense. The action juegues conmigo does not depend on yo, only tú can make it...
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...1. El Alfabeto A B C CH D E F G H I J K L LL M N Ñ O P Q R RR S T U V W X Y Z a a e i o u (Vocales/vowels) be ce che a= a as in father de e= ay as in say e i= ee as in see efe o=o as in go ge u=u as in tulip hache i CH, LL, Ñ, RR --4 letters that are different jota ka K , W---2 borrowed letters ele elle Special Pronounciation eme “c” with “a,o,u” sounds like “k” ene “c” with “e,i” sounds like “s” eñe “g” with “a,o,u” sounds like “g” o “g” with “e,i” sounds like “h” pe “h” is always silent cu “j” is always “h” ere “ll” is always “y” erre “ñ” is always “en-yay” ese “q” always uses a “u” like English te “qua, quo” sounds like “kwa” u “que, qui” sounds like “kay and key” respectively ve “rr” is a rolled r sound doble ve “v” is softly spoken (“b” is sometimos the same) equis “x” in the middle of a word sometimes “h” i griega “z” is never harsh but almost the same as “s” zeta Rules of Stress: 1. If a word ends in a vowel, n, or s the stress is placed on the next to the last syllable. 2. If a word does not ends in a vowel, n, or s the stress is placed on the last syllable. 3. Exception: a written accent will put stress on the accented syllable. Ga- to (ga is stressed) Can- tar (tar is stressed) A-yú-da-me (yu is stressed because of accent) ...
Words: 11113 - Pages: 45
...1. Nouns Nouns name people, places, things, or ideas. Kinds noun: Proper Proper nouns name specific people, places, things, or ideas. Examples: Britney, Paris, Rover, Nike Common Common nouns are the opposite of proper nouns. They are your run of the mill, generic nouns. They name people, places, things or ideas that are not specific. Examples: woman, city, dog, shoe Collective Nouns Collective nouns refer to groups of people, animals, or things. Examples: audience, band, class, club, crowd, collection, committee family, flock, group, herd, team Example sentences: Our class went to the museum today. The audience clapped wildly at the end of the play Concrete noun A concrete noun is anything that can be perceived with our senses. We can see it, hear it, smell it, taste it or touch it. Abstract Nouns An abstract noun is a state, a quality or feeling that can not be perceived by the senses. We cannot use our five senses to perceive happiness, jealousy, beauty, trust, loyalty, Countable Nouns: To linguists, these count nouns can occur in both single and plural forms, can be modified by numerals, and can co-occur with quantificational determiners like many, most, more, several, etc. Examples: There were so many bikes on sale. Material Nouns : This is used to tell the substance by which the things are made. Examples: The chair is made of bamboo. 2. Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns These pronouns are used to demonstrate (or indicate). This...
Words: 1929 - Pages: 8
...Rakhmankulova Anna 311(1) Before we had (regular verb, Past Simple Tense, Active Voice, transitive) books to tell us how to bring up (particle or prepositional adverb) our babies, we were (linking verb, Past Simple Tense) afraid of them, and Understandably (adverb of manner) so. Babies are bizarre creatures with gigantic heads who feed on our very bodies and poop (irregular verb, Present Simple Tense, Active Voice, transitive) utter chaos, whose screams and rattling chains haunt our (possessive adjective) nights like ghosts, reminding us of the horrible frailty that bookends (third-person singular simple present verb, transitive) our short lives (noun, plural, common, abstract, countable, nom-human, inanimate) . It’s no surprise that (subordinating conjunction) we would attempt to swaddle them ever so (qualifier) safely in a blanket of folklore and familiar (adjective, attributive, gradable)) superstitions such as these (demonstrative pronoun, proximal, plural): • A baby who is born with teeth will be a financial success, even while (subordinating conjunction) he is still a baby. • A (determiner, indefinite article) )baby born with a fever will ( auxiliary verb, Future Simple Tense) become a blacksmith. • A baby who smiles at (simple preposition) himself in the mirror will become a movie (attributive adjective) actor. If (subordinating conjunction) he was also born with teeth, whoah! (interjection) you can go ahead and retire. • A baby who (pronominal...
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...and match past and present tense words, and write three past tense and three present tense words. The literacy center activity is for designed for students in second and third grade to practice identify and matching the verb to the correct tense, past or present, and write more verbs in both past and present tense. Students will use hand-eye coordination to place each verb on the trifold Velcro board, and can work with one to two classmates to match the verb tenses. After students identify which words are past and present tense words, students will watch the past and present tense word; for example, student will match the words walked and walk. Once student complete this step, students will then write on the big blue...
Words: 415 - Pages: 2
...1 Copyright Copyright 2009 - Daily Writing Tips http://www.dailywritingtips.com/ All rights reserved. No part of this ebook may be reproduced, posted or shared in any form, by any means. The content of this ebook was written by Maeve Maddox and Daniel Scocco. 2 Introduction This ebook does not attempt to include every aspect of English grammar found in a traditional school textbook. Its purpose is to present a brief review of grammar terms necessary to an understanding of the most common errors that occur in ordinary, nonacademic writing. Because written language is an arrangement of words, understanding how words work individually and in groups is essential to correct written expression. The sports fan must understand terms like shortstop, quarterback and center in order to follow the description of a game. Similarly, those who wish to speak and write standard English must master the concepts that we will cover ahead. 3 Section 1: The Sentence The basic unit of speech and writing is the sentence. A sentence is a series of words that form a complete thought, for example: Birds fly. Samuel Johnson's father ran a bookstore. My two black cats enjoy lazing in the sun. A complete sentence has two main parts: subject and predicate. 1.1 The Subject When we speak or write, we speak or write about something. The subject is what is being spoken about. For example: Birds fly. (the subject is "birds") 4 Samuel Johnson's...
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...The Complete List of English Verb Tenses Do you find English verbs confusing? Take a look at this chart of English verb tenses to help you understand when to use each one: Simple Present Past Future speak / speaks spoke will speak going to speak Continuous am/is/are speaking was/were speaking will be speaking Perfect have/has spoken had spoken will have spoken Perfect Continuous have been speaking had been speaking will have been speaking Present Simple Use the present simple tense in English… For general facts: This shirt costs ten dollars. We speak English. For actions that happen regularly: I take guitar lessons on Wednesday nights. Sarah sometimes eats lunch in her office. Present Continuous Use the present continuous tense in English… For a continuous action in progress at the moment: I‘m currently studying biology at university. Bill can’t talk on the phone right now – he‘s doing his homework. We‘re watching TV at the moment. For future plans/arrangements: www.espressoenglish.net © Shayna Oliveira 2012 I‘m having lunch with Jack tomorrow. My sister is driving me to the airport on Saturday. Tim and Joanna are joining us for dinner next week. Present Perfect Use the present perfect tense in English… With actions that happened in the past at an unspecified time: I‘ve met several celebrities. He‘s been to Australia several times. We‘ve already taken the test. With actions that began in the past and continue to the present: I‘ve lived in this house for five...
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