...Communication Process 2 Web site, the sender, and receiver This web site was developed by QinetiQ Organization, to inform the public of the type of services that are offered by the company and how they came into existence. QinetiQ is a British company that was privatized and created from the infrastructure of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense Research Agency. After the company became public, they entered into acquisition and acquire several US companies and became QinetiQ North America. QinetiQ North America is an independent U.S. company separated from QinetiQ by an agreement that protects the national interests of the United States. QinetiQ North America always looking at new ways of expanding the organization by sending out effective messages to the news media to inform the public of changes the within the company and to educate the public of the different ways in which the company embraces innovation and changes to further expand QinetiQ North America. QinetiQ N.A change its leadership by hiring a new senior vice president to take over the business development department; this move allow QinetiQ to expand its business development in the organization putting their focus on acquiring new businesses and built a stronger team. The new president came from cooperate business world where he was the leader of five cooperate industry companies. He is a proven leader with an impressive success rate and will be a major factor in strengthening QinetiQ presence...
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...The Communication Process Communication is defined by the Oxford dictionary as the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium (Oxford, 2013). At its fundamental basis communication represents the quality and proficiency that one is able to send and receive messages. However, communication as an academic discourse and its implied relationship to leadership, yield wide-ranging and often ambiguous results. Perhaps the is due to the observations that “from a sociological perspective communication is perhaps one of the most extensively studied of all aspects of human behavior (Ogreene, 2013). Communication is essential to being an effective leader. Forbes contributor Matt Myatt goes as far as saying that: “It is simply impossible to become a great leader without being a great communicator” (Myatt, 2012, para. 1). So what is communication and how is it related to leadership? Communication studies, as a theoretical academic discipline, cover a variety of communication related topics. However, there is an assumption by communication scholars that communication at a base level is rooted in semiotics. This results in scholars agreeing that communication involves signs, which can be words and writing; and codes, which are the context that is added in order to understand the sign (Fiske, 2012). Strong and effective leaders have a firm grasp on communication and are able to use signs and codes to their advantage providing guidance and inspiration...
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...Assignment 1.1: Communication Process Model Directions: Think of a misunderstanding you experienced when communicating with someone else at work, home, or school. Then fill in the blanks of the chart below. Who was the sender? Me Who was the receiver? My wife What was the message? “why didn’t you make dinner?” What channel was used to send the message? Text message What was the misunderstanding that occurred? I texted my wife a question, “whats for dinner tonight”? Her response was, “Nothing”. I texted back, “why didn’t you make dinner?” She took this as my jumping on her, and that I was upset. I meant the question more as a ‘what happened today, are you ok’ question knowing she must have been too busy to make dinner, and just wanting to know how her day went. How could the misunderstanding have been avoided? I could have called her instead of texting. So many times true meaning gets lost in text. What did you learn about the communication process from this activity? I learned that words are often the words purveyors of truth What seemed to be the main causes of the misunderstandings? The words I asked texted her seemed to her to be in an upset way, so immediately her defenses went up. Instead of calling and asking her where she would hear my tone and that it wasnt upset, she took my meaning as upset, and that made her upset because she was already stressed out from her long day. Assignment 1.1: Communication Process Model Directions:...
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...Communication process: Source... As the source of the message, you need to be clear about why you're communicating, and what you want to communicate. You also need to be confident that the information you're communicating is useful and accurate. Message... The message is the information that you want to communicate. Encoding... This is the process of transferring the information you want to communicate into a form that can be sent and correctly decoded at the other end. Your success in encoding depends partly on your ability to convey information clearly and simply, but also on your ability to anticipate and eliminate sources of confusion (for example, cultural issues, mistaken assumptions, and missing information.) A key part of this is knowing your audience: Failure to understand who you are communicating with will result in delivering messages that are misunderstood. Channel... Messages are conveyed through channels, with verbal including face-to-face meetings, telephone and videoconferencing; and written including letters, emails, memos, and reports. Different channels have different strengths and weaknesses. For example, it's not particularly effective to give a long list of directions verbally, while you'll quickly cause problems if you criticize someone strongly by email. Decoding... Just as successful encoding is a skill, so is successful decoding (involving, for example, taking the time to read a message carefully, or listen actively to it.) Just as confusion...
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...COMMUNICATION PROCESS The communication process is the guide toward realizing effective communication. It is through the communication process that the sharing of a common meaning between the sender and the receiver takes place. Individuals that follow the communication process will have the opportunity to become more productive in every aspect of their profession. Effective communication leads to understanding. The communication process is made up of four key components. Those components include encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback. There are also two other factors in the process, and those two factors are present in the form of the sender and the receiver. The communication process begins with the sender and ends with the receiver. BASIC ELEMENTS OF COMMUNICATION PROCESS Over the years a basic model of communications has evolved that represents the various elements of the communications process. The elements of the model include: A. Source/Encoding- the sender or source of a communication is the person or organization who has information to share with another person or group. It should be noted that the source can be an individual (e.g., salesperson or hired spokesperson) or a non-personal entity such as the corporation or organization itself. The receivers’ perception of the source influences the manner in which the communication is received, interpreted and responded to. Encoding is the process of putting together thoughts, ideas and information...
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...BCOM/275 Individual Assignment Chp. 1 Exercise 1:1 Communication Process Model Directions: Think of a misunderstanding you experienced when communicating with someone else at work, home or school. Then fill in the blanks of the chart below. Who was the sender? Mrs. Reynolds (my mother) Who was the receiver? Do’Shonique (my niece) What was the message? Do’Shonique, will you please go in my room and look in my refrigerator and bring me a coke zero? What channel was used to send the message? Face-to-Face communication What was the misunderstanding that occurred? Instead of my niece going in my moms room to the refrigerator, she went to the kitchen refrigerator to discover there were no drinks in there. How could the misunderstanding have been avoided? The misunderstanding could have been avoided by my mom making sure my niece understood what was asked of her to do. Misunderstanding could have also been avoided if my niece would have clarified that she understood what was asked of her to do. 1. What did you learn about the communicating process from this activity? I learned that as the receiver, it is important to know that you clearly understand the message being sent before taking action. 2. What seemed to be the main causes of the misunderstanding? The main cause of the misunderstanding was improper decoding of the message. Because my niece did not decode the message properly, she didn’t go to the proper place to fulfill the task. ...
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...Communication Process Model I recently started a new job. Before I was to start my job, I was a little concerned because I had not heard from anyone with the company. I spoke with my immediate department head who explained how to get in the building. She explained that she would not be there when I arrived, but another team member would be. When I arrived, I followed the directions exactly, yet no one was in the area to meet me. I waited for several minutes, and no one appeared. After about ten minutes of waiting another employee working in a nearby area saw me waiting. I explained to her who I was and that it was my first day. She left to get the supervisor over our entire department, the Chief Financial Officer. Right when I was being introduced to the CFO, my team member arrived. She had been waiting for me in the lobby the entire time! She was quite embarrassed especially since I was introduced to the CFO under those circumstances. The entire situation could have been avoided if my department head had conveyed to my team member that she had given me instructions to enter the building using the back entrance. From this experience I learned the importance of collaborating and sharing information with your team. In a situation like that, you never want to make yourself look bad by displaying poor communication skills, especially with a new member of your own team. It is important and necessary to make good first impressions and for everyone to be on the same page. Sometimes...
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...Communications Process Model Checkpoint James Bullock XBCOM/275 August 10, 2013 Robin Clawson Communications Process Model Checkpoint One of the first jobs I had was at a retail store. This is a large retail, store that is known for its ice cream on a cone. The store manager had told one of the employees to clean the freezer. So that night the employee left the freezer on defrost so that in the morning when someone came in they could clean it easily because it would already be defrosted. That morning when the vendor for the ice cream showed up to deliver the shipment there were major problems because the freezer had been turned off and on defrost all night. The receiver of this message was the employee whom the sender, the manager, told to clean the freezer. The communication channel was through verbal communication. The cause of the misunderstanding was on both the receiver and the sender. The sender did not clearly state when she wanted the freezer cleaned, she just assumed the receiver would do it that night because there was a load coming in the morning. The receiver did not give any feedback to the sender, asking questions as to when she wanted it clean. The receiver also thought that if he just turned the defroster on overnight then someone in the morning would clean it before he came to work. From this misunderstanding I learned that as a manager you should always be specific and clearly state what kit is you want done. People are not mind readers they do not...
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...Communication Process Complete the following table. • Review the steps of the communication model on in Ch. 2 of Business Communication. See Figure 2.1. • Identify one personal or business communication scenario. • Describe each step of that communication using your personal or business scenario. Use detailed paragraphs in the boxes provided. |Steps of communication model |Personal or business scenario | |Sender has an idea. |The sender is building information from around himself to include noise and body | | |language getting ready to send the message. | |Sender encodes the idea in a message. |The sender encodes the message with body language styles to reflect temperament or | | |emotion with message. | |Sender produces the message in a medium. |The medium can produce noise which can distorte the message with loss of tone or added| | |feedback. | | Sender transmits message through a channel. |The spoken channel offers face to face instante feedback but can also add instant | | ...
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...James Greer Week 1 The Communication Process Ch1 Exercise 1.1 Misunderstanding: Wrongful repossession of vehicle Who was the sender? Piedmont Bank of North Carolina Who was the receiver? Unlimited Recovery/ James Greer What was the message? Vehicle was to be repossed because borrower was behind on payments. What channel was used to send the message? Email. What was the misunderstanding that occurred? Borrower was not behind on car payments and car should not have been repossed. How could the misunderstanding have been avoided? Piedmont Bank could have verified if borrower was actually behind on payments before issuing a repossession order. 1. I learned that no matter how big a business may be there can still be misunderstandings and errors in record keeping resulting in people being hurt in different ways. 2. Poor record keeping and record checking. Misunderstanding: Soldier instructed during Pre-Jump training to not “Run with the wind” during descent from aircraft. Who was the sender? James Greer Who was the receiver? Soldiers preparing to conduct an Airborne training jump. What was the message? Soldiers were given Pre-Jump instructions on proper exit and descent from aircraft and proper landing procedures. Part of the instruction was to NOT do what is called “Running with the wind” because this would increase their decent towards the ground. What channel was used to send the message? Verbal and visual instruction What was the misunderstanding...
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...DEFINE AND EXPLAIN PROCESS OF COMMUNICATION Communication is a process where we share our feelings, thoughts, experience, ideas, suggestions, feedback etc. So before communicating with other person we usually think of how to speak, what to speak, when to speak, which channel I should adopt to communicate, how can I make it effective, how to respond to the feedbacks etc. So process of communication is need not be same i.e. it’s not necessary to follow any persons definitions or explanation. It can be explained on the basis of our knowledge and belief. In process of communication receiver, message, sender, feedback are some of the important elements which has their own role and meaning. Usually the process of communication will not end in our life. We keep on communicating throughout our life and even we keep on communicating on our belief with someone like God. When the process of communication gets over on a particular issue it gives either positive result or negative result. In process of communication the idea which plays an important role. It is not possible to communicate with other person without having a meaningful idea. So our minds should generate the ideas in order to pass to another person. Definition of Communication: “No matter the type or mechanism of communication, every instance of communication must have a message that is being transferred from sender to receiver. In order for communication to be successful, the sender and receiver must have some signs, words...
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...Communication Process Tammy Scott BCOM/275 October 22, 2012 Dr. Lodessa Washington The communication process has a few things that one has to take into consideration. Attention to detail will go a long way when communicating. One should have a clear message to send out on a good channel. This way there is no misunderstanding. Who is the sender? Company travel agent Who is the receiver? Coworker What was the message? The travel agent sent an itinerary for the wrong year. What channel was used to send the message? E-mail. What was the misunderstanding that occurred? The travel agent misunderstood the e-mail that was sent from the coworker about the coworker’s leave information. How could the misunderstanding have been avoided? The travel agent could have read the e-mail carefully and looked over the leave request. If the travel agent was unsure about the leave time frame they should have contacted the coworker and asked the questions. In this situation it should have been obvious to the travel agent that the coworker did not want a flight itinerary for a year out. The travel agent could have also double-checked their work. Who was the sender? Finance department from Corporate. Who was the receiver? Employees. What was the message? The message was how to fill out a business expense report on Deltek (an automated time tracking system). What channel was used to send the message? E-mail. What was the misunderstanding that occurred? The corporate office thought...
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...Communication Process Complete the table below. Review the steps of the communication model. Describe each step using your own personal or business example in paragraph form. Review pp. 10 & 11 of Ch. 1 of Business Communication Today for more information. Steps of Communication Model Personal or Business Scenario 1. Sender has an idea. This step is when you have a complaint about a company procedure and think of a solution to fix it. Maria notices that the company is spending too much money on Fed Ex charges. She comes up with a solution that will eliminate the constant need for Fed Ex’s. 2. Sender encodes the idea in a message. This is when you put your idea in writing. Maria writes out her idea on paper as well as the pros and cons to her solution. 3. Sender produces the message in a medium. This step consists of finding the right form of communication for conveying your idea. Maria decides to implement her plan through a Power Point presentation to the CFO and other managers that her idea will affect. She chooses this form because visual aids help your audience visualize your concept easier. 4. Sender transmits message through a channel. There are many vessels in which you can deliver your message or idea. In this step process you are going to decide through what form of technology you want your message received. Maria decides on oral and visual. Her company is very old fashioned and having an in-person meeting while providing visual aids will...
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...1. Inter-process Communication (IPC) Introduction Inter-Process Communication, which in short is known as IPC, deals mainly with the techniques and mechanisms that facilitate communication between processes. Now, why do we need special separate mechanisms or techniques for communicating between processes? Why isn't it possible to have information shared between two processes without using such special mechanisms? Let us start from something primitive. Imagine you have two glasses completely filled with water. One glass contains hot water and the other contains cold water. What can you do to make the temperature of water in both the glasses equal? The simplest answer will be to mix the water from both the glasses in a glass with much bigger capacity. Once water is mixed, the temperature becomes equal after some time. If one can remember, this will be framed as a problem with some numerical data in a High-School Physics examination. If we go by principles, then the phenomenon here is conduction. If we go by our topic of IPC, then we can say that since the two glasses were full, we had to use another glass with a larger capacity to mix the contents in order to balance their heat energy. We know that some medium or other is required for communication between different processes. Similarly, when it comes to computer programs, we need some mechanism or medium for communication. Primarily, processes can use the available memory to communicate with each other. But then, the memory...
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...Are you a self-motivated individual and have high goals for yourself? We are offering a career changing opportunity. Summary of the position are to include and limited to managing sales of the company’s products and services in the general area. You have to ensure consistent, profitable growth in sales revenues through positive planning, deployment and management of sales personnel. You have to possess and identify objectives, strategies and action plans to improve short- and long-term sales and earnings. The following are the duties you will have to perform to the best to your ability. Sales Manager Job Duties: * •Determine annual unit and gross-profit plans by implement marketing strategies; analyzing trends and results. * •Establish sales objectives by forecasting and developing annual sales quotas for regions and territories; projecting expected sales volume and profit for existing and new products. * •Implement national sales programs by developing field sales action plans. * •Maintain sales volume, product mix, and selling price by keeping current with supply and demand, changing trends, economic indicators, and competitors. * •Establish and adjust selling prices by monitoring costs, competition, and supply and demand. * •Complete national sales operational requirements by scheduling and assigning employees; following up on work results. * •Maintain national sales staff by recruiting, selecting, orienting, and training...
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