...Communication and Collaboration Strategies Communication and Collaboration Strategies A university professor named Howard Gardner had a theory that there are at least eight intelligences that people perceive to help in solving problems or that provide tools for effective communication between people in a group. Not everyone will possess the same intelligences and this makes each individual different from the other. The eight intelligences are verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, visual-spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical and, naturalistic. (Carter, Bishop, Kravits, 2007). Gardner believed that a person’s intelligences are based on their experiences and challenges throughout his or her life.. Communication and Collaboration of Learning Styles Characteristics of an Intrapersonal Learning Style are that a person is able to evaluate the way they think. They are aware of their own feelings and are able to express their feelings without difficulty. They understand their self in relationship to others and can reason at higher levels than other people. Characteristics of an Interpersonal Learning Style are that a person is able to see things from another person’s perspective. They are able to work well in a group setting and communicate very well verbally and nonverbally. They are very good at maintaining their personal relationships. Characteristics of a Naturalistic Learning Style are that they are very good at connecting with nature. They...
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...Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper 1 Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper Luz Perlera GEN 200 July 2, 2010 J. Laura Chakalian Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper 2 Communication and Collaboration My name is Luz Perlera. I was born in El Salvador in 1987 in the city of San Salvador. Going through personality and pathways to learning I realize I had several parts of me I didn’t know about like how I like my instructor to be, how I learn best and how my pathways to learning are that I am more interpersonal, visual, musical, and naturalistic. The personality spectrum showed me how I like my instructors to be. I realize I expect them to tell me exactly what they want out of me and also to have a safe classroom and make learning active and exiting. According to how i learn the material better, I realize I like it well organize, and something I can do hands-on. In this assignment I learn how other people think of me. It showed me that people see me as loyal, creative, honest, and inventive. I also see myself as sensible, spontaneous, giving, and analytical. The pathways to learning answers showed me how enjoy physical activities and I didn’t know I enjoyed. I realize that when am sitting down I move my hands and feet to take the stress Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper 3 Out. I did a study on myself with this answer, and ask someone to observe me to see if I move my hands or feet when sitting down and realize I move...
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...Jessica Krugman UNV103 June 4, 2016 Keith Rogers Collaboration and Communication Journal Entry The group collaboration that I was involved in that most comes to mind, would have to be my involvement in a group of people that organize and plan events for people who are in recovery from substance abuse. We are involved in every aspect of these events from planning, to acquiring funding, and to setting up and executing the event. The group effort had a positive impact on the amount of time it took to complete the required tasks. When people work well in groups and complete certain tasks that are delegated to them, it makes the overall project easier for everyone. To have good collaboration you must have good communication and interpersonal skills. Someone who is shy or a loner may struggle in a group setting, whereas someone who is a good communicator and is good at giving as well as receiving input, whether it is positive or negative, will thrive in group projects. Effective communication is essential in collaboration; ineffective communication can ruin a group project. Different learning and intelligence style could have varying effects on collaboration. Some could be good, others could be bad. For instance, people with different styles could be use for completing different/different styles of tasks. However, it could also negatively impact the collaboration if people with the same styles, but different ideas butt heads over how certain things should be done. I think that the...
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...Communication and Collaboration Javier Cantu Foundations for General and Professional Success/ GEN 200 October 11, 2010 Nicole Lockart Our team today has learned to operate virtually. We can use collaboration technology. We can find on our Team B that techniques can leverage the individual’s diversity. Even not having physical limitations of distance or time. This is what we can find on today’s teams in an online course of GEN 200 foundations for general education and professional success. The learning style and personality styles of your team develop a strategy for communication and collaboration. Anticipating these strategies, each team has its own unique concerns, interests and characteristics. For this each presents it own opportunities and challenges. Looking at our team that consists of the following personality types; thinker, organizer and giver in this online environment course. Having no idea what to expect on this online class I found it helpful to use the email threads for communication. The organizer and the thinker, contribute a well structure email thread. For what is being discussed it reflects the email thread and allows the reader to be well organized. As for the giver who likes to offer assistance to others and can be a person that really enjoys studying. Having said this it can be found in the email thread as well. These learning styles are what I use to pinpoint my goals and discover my strengths and weakness. The team will enable us to...
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...Communication and Collaboration Paper Kimberly Johnson Gen.200/BSB918 09/12/2011 Thomas Volmar Communication and Collaboration Communication and Collaboration among individuals of different learning styles and personalities is important not only in a professional environment but also in society. Learning styles differ from person to person. Different learning styles are often the result among individuals with different types of each. Different personality styles thrown together can either clash or compliment. Personality is the first thing one person notices about another when communicating with them and learning the different strengths about each personality type can help to improve communication and collaboration. There are three different learning and personality styles that I will talk about. Verbal/Linguistic “Verbal Linguistic is the ability to communicate through language, listening, reading, writing, and speaking” (Keys to College Studying Chapt. 2). In order to communicate and collaborate effectively each team member must use their strengths to make up for another’s weakness. Those with Verbal Linguistic strengths can effectively communicate in writing and can also use persuasion. Teachers can also help their students by having them keep journals, play word games, and use discussion in the class room. Interpersonal “Interpersonal is the ability to relate to others, noticing their moods, motivations, feelings, social activity...
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...Communication and Collaboration Strategy Jawad Samo GEN200/Foundation for General Education and Professional Success December 20th, 2010 Greg Williams Communication and Collaboration Strategy Communication and collaboration is the key to success for students taking online classes. For this purpose it is important to know the different personality and learning styles of each person within a team. To create strategies to improve communication and collaboration, we will focus on three main learning styles and three main personality types. Learning Styles Intrapersonal The intrapersonal learning style learners have high levels of self-awareness. They need to have time to think before they can participate in a discussion about the issue at hand. Intrapersonal learners like working by themselves or having a major role within a team. They are not the type to interject their ideas or thoughts unless asked to do so. When called upon, they love sharing their thoughts and feel appreciated. Due to being perfectionist’s, intrapersonal learners may not do as well on tests, they tend to contemplate answers and what is the ideal answer often leaving them unsure of their choice. A better approach is to have an intrapersonal learner conduct a self-assessment. By critiquing their own work and summarizing their findings, they will feel more confident discussing their results. Musical Musical learning style people like to express their ideas through music...
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...GEN 200 Communication & Collaboration University of Phoenix Wonder Gee 08/21/2011 Communication and Collaboration Strategy In today’s ever changing world it is imperative that we focus on how we communicate amongst others and how we collaborate to achieve a common goal or a multitude of goals. For some it is known from the moment they speak their first words how well they will be as communicators and for others it takes practice and effort to become skilled communicators and collaborators. It has been found that your learning style identifies your mind’s particular way of taking in and processing information while your personality type indicates how you react to people and situations. (Gardner, 1991) When you are trying to develop a strategy for team communication, you must first account for the learning and personality styles of each of your team. Each member has his or her own distinct quality and brings new challenges and opportunities to the table. For example, when you put a Thinker, Organizer, and Giver together, they will work great together in an online environment. The use of e-mail for them allows organization and structure. The thinker will analyze the situation, while the organizer will establish a timeframe for completion, and the giver will offer assistance to the others. The organizer communicates best by making notes of information to be shared and summarizing ideas once they have been shared. The information along with deadlines...
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...Visual-Spatial. Organizer. The best way to communicate with an organizer is by making notes of information to be shared. By summarizing ideas once they have been communicated. Information must be displayed in a visual format in an orderly fashion. Deadlines need to be given in advance. So the organizer has time to organize and plan their responses. The organizer has to have an agenda and requires minutes to capture information that is discussed. Using visual/spatial techniques of highlighting or color coding notes with related topics in the same color. The meeting should close with next steps and an action plan. Organizers are responsible, prompt, and want to see results. They are detail oriented and do not like to leave tasks unfinished. They are committed and accountable. Verbal Linguistic. Visual. Giver. Givers like to explain concepts and new material. Very persuasive with ability to tie different variables or concepts together. Givers are open and often talk out loud to think aloud. They must have specific goals and objectives defined in order to contribute effectively. It is best for givers to be facilitators of the meeting. They enjoy a teaching or leadership role where others can benefit from their participation. They are best able to retain information that is shared, taught, given to others. In order to learn they retain more in a group setting. The giver should be the facilitator of the meeting. Verbal learners are often visual as well, as facilitator possibly using...
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...Communication and Collaboration Strategy GEN 200 – Foundations for General Education and Professional Success Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper Communication is a skill. Whether verbal or nonverbal, people use it in their everyday life. In this course, I will focus on effective communication and collaborate with my team members with different learning styles and personality types. After completing the Multiple Pathways to Learning and the Personality Spectrum Assessments, I learned about my own learning styles and personality types. My learning styles are Visual-Spatial, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal; and my personality types are Organizer, Adventurer, and Thinker. A Visual-Spatial learner finds it easier to communicate face to face. I learn faster through looking at objects, photos, images, graphs, instructor’s facial expressions and body language. My skills and knowledge of computer software and applications are my tools in creating PowerPoint presentations, slides, charts, and research work for group projects. An Intrapersonal learner can adapt to different learning styles, thinks and reasons on higher levels, understanding self in relation to others, being aware of , and expressing feelings. As an Intrapersonal, I am always interested in self-improvement. Seeking feedback from my team members is important to achieve successful results in achieving team’s goals. An Interpersonal learner is good at understanding people, enjoy helping...
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...Communication is an important part of one’s social development. Each person’s thought process is different. Some factors that contribute to how one thinks are culture, ethnicity, and gender. In addition, these factors can provide varying viewpoints. This paper identifies strategies for communicating and collaborating effectively in a group of individuals with different learning styles and personality types. The three types of learning styles I chose are Verbal – Linguistic, Interpersonal, and Logical – Mathematical. Verbal – Linguistic entails the ability to communicate through language that includes listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Interpersonal refers to possessing empathy for others, building rapport, and being social. Logical – Mathematical is having strong logical reasoning and problem solving skills (Carter, Bishop, & Kravits, 2007). The most effective method for communicating and collaborating within the category Verbal – Linguistic is to present information verbally or written. Other effective methods include analyzing information by being direct, asking open – ended questions, and seeking clarification (if necessary). The most effective method for communicating and collaborating within the category Logical – Mathematical is to present strictly organized information via maps, diagrams, pictures, or charts. Other methods include asking one challenging questions and providing “brain teasers” or puzzles. The most effective method for communicating and collaborating...
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...Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper In order for a team to communicate and collaborate effectively it is important to know the learning styles and personality spectrum of the individuals. Howard Gardner, a Harvard University professor, came up with his theory of Multiple Intelligences. Gardner believes that everyone possesses at least eight intelligences they are the Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Visual-Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Musical and Naturalistic (Carter, Bishop & Kravits, 2007). Along with the eight intelligences there are also four personality types; Thinker, Organizer, Giver and Adventurer these help identify the interactions that are most and least comfortable for individuals (Carter, Bishop & Kravits, 2007). Interpersonal intelligences use feelings and sensitivity in their communication with others. The ability to relate to others and work within a team is a strength possessed by this learner. Talking to others to work out solutions and remaining open minded allows for the Interpersonal to be an effective leader in a group. Intrapersonal Intelligences have self-awareness and independence along with the ability to understand their own behavior and feelings (Carter, Bishop & Kravits, 2007). Because of their independence the Intrapersonal would be an effective researcher and journal keeper for the group. Electronic communication would be effective with the Intrapersonal. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligences are...
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...Communication and Collaboration Nicole Martin Gen/200 Instructor: Ms. Z. Dabney University of Phoenix – Online Campus Introduction In this paper I will indentify various learning types and personality types. I will also develop strategies for communicating and collaborating effectively within group of people with different learning team learning styles and personality types. There are three basic learning styles. The most common are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. To learn, we depend on our senses to process the information around us. Most people tend to use of their senses more than the others. There are four different personality types are the organizer, adventure, giver, and thinker. Types of Learning Skills Visual Learning Visual learners take numerous detailed notes. Visual learners also tend to sit in the front of the class. Visual learners are normal neat and clean. These types of learners often close their eyes to visualize or remember something. These types of learners tend to find something to watch if they are bored. They benefit from illustrations and presentations the use color. Auditory Learning Auditory learners usually sit where they can hear but they need not too pay attention to what is happening in front of them. These types of learners my not coordinate colors or clothes, but can explain what they are wearing and why they are wearing it. These types of learners hum or talk to themselves or other people around them when they get bored. Auditory...
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...Keane Bragado Gen 200 Week 2 The form of communication now has gone too far due to technology that previous generations did not get a chance to have and learn. Because of this, communication issues have arisen between current and old generations. As Dr. Howard Gardner, a professor from Harvard University said, “There are at least eight learning intelligences that a person has. Some developed and some in a work in progress.” Therefore, on my paper today, I chose to discuss Visual-Spatial, Interpersonal, and Verbal-Linguistic. A Visual-Spatial person likes to use images such as pictures or maybe drawings and they make anything out of them to make a point. They like to present accurate graphics. A Verbal Linguistic person likes to recite notes and terms and uses that as their way of speech. This person analyzes a lot to remember their terms much easier. An Interpersonal person likes to socialize and create bonds with people. With that, there is a sudden connection because through their ways of communication, there is an understanding with the other person’s perspective. Since technology is so advanced, the older generations have a hard time coping with the younger generation’s form of communication. I find the younger generation more on Visual-Spatial and Interpersonal Learning. Visual-Spatial allows the younger generation to communicate through computer images such as Power Point presentations, graphic designs, and other visual aids. They are also Interpersonal...
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...Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper Vicky Davis GEN/200 Aug 23, 2010 Axia College of University of Phoenix Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper Communication and collaboration is a major key to any learning assessments. Every person has different styles of learning three of the learning styles are visual-spatial, body-kinesthetic and verbal linguistic. Each person has a different type of personality to help develop communication and collaboration effectively. Three types of personality types are thinker, organizer, and giver. Developing strategy and combining learning style and personality style will ensure that the communication and collaboration of each learning assessment is effective. A person with a visual/spatial learning style and an organizer for personality style would work well together. An organizer communicates by making notes, scheduling dates, and formatting in an orderly fashion. Information that has been communicated can be summarized, and displayed in a visual format, this way the organizer with have time to plan and organize his or her response. An organizer must have an agenda and be able to schedule time accordingly to discuss the information captured. By using visual/spatial techniques such as highlighting or color coding each note for related topics, the next step would be easy to make and action can be made. An organizer like to be responsible, prompt and want to see results, they are very detail oriented, committed, accountable...
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...Communication and Collaboration Strategies Homework Assignment Week 2 GEN/200 Foundations for General Education and Professional Success Prof. Giselle Bayard May 29, 2011 Communication and Collaboration Strategies When it comes to learning, there is no set or standard way for everyone to learn. In fact, every person has their own way of learning and interpreting what they learn as they perceive it. Upon completing the assessments, which emphasize on learning and personality, several learning styles and personality types have been identified. These learning styles and personality types will help develop an effective strategy for communicating and collaborating with others in a group setting. Learning Styles Three main learning styles identified upon the completion of the assessment were; interpersonal, visual spatial, and musical styles. The assessment results identify interpersonal learning as the primary learning style. Interpersonal learning, according to Carter, et al. (2007), is described as the ability to relate to others, noticing their moods, motivations and feelings through teamwork and cooperative learning activities. Interpersonal learning allows for an exchange of ideas between team members as well as personal opinions. An efficient strategy for effective communication and collaboration among others through interpersonal learning is sharing knowledge through exchange of ideas and taking all ideas into consideration brought forth by everyone. Following...
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