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Company Law Case


Submitted By Graceg3
Words 2900
Pages 12
Question 1

The main parties involved in this issue are Wong Siu Long (“SL”) and Wong Siu Foong (“SF”), who are siblings. Both of them are involved in the running of their family business, Weng Fatt Jewellers Pte Ltd (“WFJ”), which manufactures and sells contemporary fine jewellery. In WFJ, SL handled the core business while SF was in charge of designing and ensuring the quality of the jewellery. In 2000, SF effectively retired from the business, but SF still had a significant influence on the company. Furthermore, SF held 25% of share capital when WFJ was duly incorporated. Later, SF was appointed as a director of the company. Subsequently, SL insisted that the following provision be included in the articles of association of WFJ, despite SF stating that she has no ambition to take any significant role in the company: “Wong Siu Foong shall be appointed to the Board of Directors for as long she holds shares in the Company, and shall not be removed without the approval of Wong Siu Long. As director, Wong Siu Foong shall be entitled to an annual remuneration amounting to $60,000 or 1% of the Company’s after-tax profits, whichever is the higher.” The issue presented in this question is whether SF can enforce the above provision against WFJ. Based on the facts, the general law can be applied to determine the effectiveness of the provision. S39(1) of the Companies Act (“CA”) states that the memorandum and articles shall bind the company and the members as if the respective parties had signed and sealed in a contract to observe all the provisions of the memorandum and the articles. Hence, the provision in the article is said to be effective. However, there are alternative arguments to this case. The Singapore court not only takes the Singapore CA into consideration during a ruling, but also relevant previous law cases. For this issue, the Hickman v Kent or Romney Marsh

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