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Company Report


Submitted By shivaramk2
Words 1130
Pages 5















Alcan Inc. Is a world-class leader providing innovative aluminium and packaging solutions. Alcan was founded in 1902.

|In 1902, the Canadian subsidiary of Pittsburgh Reduction Company (later Alcoa) was first chartered as Northern Aluminium Company, |
|Limited. |
|In 1925, the company was renamed Aluminium Company of Canada, Limited (ACOC). |
|In 1928, ACOC became a subsidiary of ALUMINIUM LIMITED. |
|In 1945, ACOC registered the trade name ALCAN. |

• Between 1960 and 1980 Alcan expanded its business and started operations in many countries. • In 1982, the company acquired British Aluminium Company. • In 1987, ACOC changed its name to Alcan Aluminium Limited and became the publicly owned parent company of the Alcan Group. • In 2001, the company was renamed Alcan Inc. to reflect the company's increasingly diversified product mix and global character. • Today Alcan is a multinational company and a global leader in Aluminium and specialty packaging.
Alcan maintains a corporate head office in Montreal, Canada, which focuses:

• Corporate strategy and growth initiatives • Human resources and strategic capital allocation • Corporate Governance and compliance functions.
Alcan also has its global business group headquarters in Montreal and Paris.
International Ranking: • Alcan ranks 313 in Fortune Global 500 rankings. • Alcan ranks 640 in the world according to the Forbes Magazine.

Alcan has many subsidiary units under its business groups which are concerned with separate business functions. Alusuisse became a subsidiary of Alcan in 2000. The Alcan Integrated Management System (AIMS) rolled out in 2004 enables the company to share best practices and tools for improvement.

1. ALCAN AND THEIR POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT: ➢ Rio Tinto does not, directly or indirectly, participates in party politics nor makes payments to political parties or individual politicians. ➢ Rio Tinto communicates views to governments and others on matters affecting its business interests and those of shareholders, employees and others involved in our our products and developing appropriate health and environmental data to allow for their safe use in the workplace and by consumers.


The Alcan Company’s reputation for acting responsibly plays a critical role in their success as a business and their ability to generate shareholder value. Their global code of business conduct, supported by their global policies, standards and guidance notes, in conjunction with the requirements of local law and their voluntary commitments, forms the basis of their governance systems. Internal controls The way they work outlines the group’s core values: Accountability Respect Teamwork Integrity The directors are responsible for the Group's system of internal controls and for reviewing its effectiveness. A robust system of internal controls allows them to meet the increasing number of challenges posed by the external environment in which they operate.


Alcan’s climate change strategy

Alcan’s multi-pronged climate change strategy is based on identifying and addressing risks and capturing opportunities. It focuses on:

• Improving energy efficiency • Reducing emissions from their operations • Helping develop sound and effective public policies • Investing in zero and low emission technology research, development and deployment. 4. STRATEGY AND PERFORMANCE:

Strategy: Rio Tinto Alcan will continue to deliver on its baseline commitments, including customer service, sustainable development and ensuring employee safety. The group will also remain focused on delivering value through large scale, long term cost competitive assets. Strategically protecting and enhancing their superior growth options has meant slowing growth oriented capital expenditures. Value improvement projects at selected sites are targeting 20-30 per cent reductions in capital costs for major projects. Their business strategy also includes being long in bauxite and alumina. This supports our growth and ensures that the group is not exposed to the asymmetric alumina pricing risk when the global alumina market falls into deficit. Performance:

The group had a leading position in alumina refining and full ownership or participation in 21 aluminium smelters with a total annual capacity of nearly 4.0 million tonnes (Rio Tinto’s share), the vast majority of which are located in OECD countries. Second half EBITDA improved by over US$1 billion compared to the first half as transformational initiatives enabled Rio Tinto Alcan to be well positioned for the aluminium price recovery. The average aluminium market price in 2009 was US$1,701 per tonne compared with US$2,620 per tonne in 2008. The group’s average realised price for ingot products in 2009 was US$1,833 compared to US$2,753 in 2008.


Payments to suppliers are a major benefit to the economy, generating employment and creating wealth. In 2011, Alcan spent nearly US$28,444 million on goods and services with over 42,000 suppliers. Suppliers are chosen on the basis of: • Ability to meet stated needs and required standards • Health, safety and environmental considerations • Quality and service • Competitive pricing • Technical capabilities • Consistency with values. In 2011 Alcan reiterated their expectations of their suppliers and outlined the way Alcan want to work with them in their updated statement of business practice relating to procurement – Rio-Tinto procurement principles.
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Alcan’s focus on sustainable development – on economic prosperity, social wellbeing, environmental stewardship and strong governance systems – provides the framework in which their business operates. This allows them to maintain a highly regarded reputation that ensures ongoing access to people, capital and mineral resources.

They aim to build enduring relationships with stakeholders that are characterised by mutual respect, active partnership and long term commitment. The trust that is created by solidly based relationships reinforces Rio Tinto’s ability to gain preferential access to resources. For their people, Alcan create workplaces in which employees are aligned with values, strategy and direction; fully engaged in their roles and work; and able to give their best. They minimise environmental footprint, taking responsibility for eco efficiency, water management, protecting biodiversity and contributing to solutions to climate change.


• After completing the company report I feel more comfortable about this


• I also feel that I can stand in the position of the company s representative to business purposes.

• I now have the knowledge of all the aspects from all angles of the company.

• I finally thank my instructor for giving me this opportunity to know about a company.


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