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Compare And Contrast Hobbes And Locke

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Unequivocally, Locke felt that it was important to inaugurate a borderline by which the ruler, or government, no longer commanded an individual’s beliefs, or lack thereof, in true religion. Furthermore, he vehemently denied that churches should have any dictated powers over their memberships, which vividly deviated from Hobbes initial philosophical ideology. Hobbes originally introduced his theory, that the only true form of government was absolute monarchy and while this contrasts complexly with Locke’s philosophy, both have their pluses and minuses.
Resulting, Man created a government based on Hobbes theory that man needed order to prevent crime and maintain order, which is accurately successful to a point. Clearly, man needed government …show more content…
This thought process is successful in theory under both philosophers as they each bring something of value to the table. Firmly, Hobbes provided protection and order in his theory and Locke enhanced that theory by allowing additional liberties, rights and freedoms. Out of necessity, Locke created governments to protect our liberties and to protect our natural rights, in contrast, according to Hobbes, humans have this right to life and that is why people created government was to protect human’s right to …show more content…
Rather, his thoughts lead way towards a sophisticated philosophy that business is a critical part as a part of a virtuous life. Basically, according to Solomon, the character traits that would help lead an individual to success within all facets of their life, but especially in business, are one in the same. Convincingly he touched on two key points, “honest advertising” and “truth in lending”, illuminating them as preconditions of a business and further suggesting that they should integrate as essential virtues in any professional

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