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Compare USDA Guaranteed Home Loans

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USDA Direct vs USDA Guaranteed Home Loans

It is a common for people to mistake the Rural Housing Direct Loan for Rural Housing Guaranteed Loan. While both mortgage loans might sound similar, they actually have different features. It is also worth noting that both home mortgage programs are designed to serve two different groups of people.

The 502 USDA Guaranteed Mortgage loans are designed for rural borrowers to get loans with easier and more convenient terms compared to conventional mortgage programs. The direct loan, on the other hand, is designed for persons with very low-income homes. Usually, these people find it difficult to obtain any kind of financing to get a suitable residence.

The USDA Direct Loan or USDA Guaranteed Loans have …show more content…
Income - For the Guaranteed Housing Loan, applicants are required to have an income of not less than 115% of the median income for their area. It can be consequently concluded that the loan is designed for average income borrowers.
On the other hand, the USDA Direct Loan is designed to cater to the very low to low-income families. Here, an income is considered to be very low if it is below 50 percent of the median income of the area. The low income, however, falls between 50 and 80 percent of the area median income.
2. Credit Requirements - To get the USDA Guaranteed loans, borrowers need to meet the credit and income requirements set by both the USDA and the lender. Most lenders require borrowers to have a minimum credit score of 620. This is in addition to having no bankruptcies, foreclosure or major delinquencies in recent years. Applicants are also required to demonstrate the ability to finance the mortgage, which includes presenting a good credit history.
For families that intend obtaining USDA Direct loans, it is required that they demonstrate the ability to pay the monthly mortgage payments. It is also required that they have a good credit history, while not being able to receive credit with a traditional mortgage. A USDA Direct loan comes with payment subsidy to ease repayment for …show more content…
Loan Terms - Guaranteed loans come with fixed interest rates and last for 30 years or 15 years. The interest rate is usually determined by the approved lender and not the USDA.
Direct Loans have repayment options of 33 and 38 years, with the 33 years option available for borrowers that have an income above 60 percent of AMI. Here, the government sets the interest rate and can be predetermined if the payment assistance subsidy is used.
Benefits of the Programs

Both loans come with their own specific benefits, and some have described them as two of the best mortgages in the US due to their features.

Benefits of Direct

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