Premium Essay

Comparing Adaptionism And Adaptationist Thinking

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Words 654
Pages 3
. Write out a full outline of the essay’s main points, skipping the introduction and conclusion.
• Evolution does not act on working for the perfect an organism but yet hard to resist due to selective pressures.
• No mechanism for determining selective pressures
• The authors stressed to summarize the methodology of adaptionist and adaptionist thinking.
• He agrees with the discounting of many justifying every trait of an organism as beneficial
• Although Darwin himself was an pluralist, his thinking was not always valid, according to the authors
• Weakness within the article

2. What do you see as the essay’s main topic or topics (What all the above paragraphs have in common, subject-wise)? I feel that this essay’s main topic is that this article provides great analogies for why you can’t simply put a purpose for each trait developed in nature. …show more content…
What do you see as the essay’s main thesis (how all the paragraphs compare, contrast and come together to form an argument)?
This paper is main thesis is that this article by Gould and Lewontin should be published for that it will revolutionize the scientific field while the article provides a sound argument for adaption not needing a purpose.
4. Does this agree with the author’s stated thesis? In what ways might the paper need to change so that its thesis and structure are accurate reflections of each other?
Yes, this essay does agree with the author’s stated thesis. I feel that the overall structure is perfect; however, there needs to be a connection for why it should be published with the key idealism within the paper. I believe this will improve the overall structure of the paper.
5. Where is more evidence needed? To me, I feel the last two paragraph before the conclusion are “choppy”. They do not fit the flow of the paper well. Therefore, I suggest adding some information to connect these themes to the rest of the

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