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Comparing Odysseus And Journey In Homer's Odyssey

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Have you ever been on an adventure? Read as Odysseus and Mary travel, and what they learn. In the poem The Journey the author Mary Oliver ventures away from society. She was influenced by everyone around her to be someone else, but finally found her own voice. This is similar to the book The Odyssey where Odysseus courageously leads his men into the battle of Troy. After they leave Troy to return home there journey is only beginning. The authors use personifications and diction to further express substantial feelings. People take journeys to get to destinations, In doing so they find who they truly are. The authors use personifications to further express substantial feelings. Odysseus and Mary both find themselves in trouble, but battle to overcome it. On Odysseus’s journey home he lead his crew adrift for nine days before …show more content…
They took shelter in a cave where the brute Cyclopes discovered them and “dismembered” two men to make “his meal”. Odysseus knew what future held so he resorted to his quick thinking. Him and his men got the Cyclopes drunk, and drove a large “spike” through his eye. As the Cyclopes wept Odysseus thought how he would escape the cave as “death sat there so huge”. Odysseus describes “death” as “sitting” and “huge” because it represents the Cyclopes. The personification of “death” makes the reader feel empowered and afraid because it allows them imagine the tall savage monster. This lets them understand the books tension and puts them in the perspective of Odysseus. His quick thinking led to the ingenious plan to tie him and his men to the underside of sheep. The sheep were the only things that entered and exited the cave, so when the Cyclops ordered the sheep to leave the men were free as well. On this journey Odysseus found that he was very cunning and intelligent in stressful situations. He was able to outsmart the monster and free his men which also shows his leadership

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