...SCHOOL OF COMPUTING AND IT Diploma in Information Technology March 2014 Semester Assignment Introduction to Database (DIT2503) Assignment Topic Task 1: Knowledge Discovery – Individual (100 Marks) – SUBMISSION WEEK 8 Name: Kevin Yeap Kong Shien Nie Justin Ling Student ID: 0319297 0319226 0319826 No. Title Page 1 Cover Page 1 2 Table Content 2 3 Question 1 3-7 4 Question 2 8 5 Question 3 9 6 Question 4 10-11 7 References 12 Database Question 1: Data Model/Database Model Flat file Flat file data model is model where data was store as a plain text file in a single table. Each line of the table hold each record with field and it is separated by commas or tabs. It cannot contain multiple tables like relational database. All the data stored by flat file, a computer file system will be store in a single...
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...Cloud Computing Introduction Information technology has been infiltrated into our daily life due to the advent of technology. In business setting, the usage of information technology is omnipresent and information system is widely used among entities. For information system, cloud computing is one of the popular applications for businesses because it can reduce IT cost at the same time facilitating a company in various perspectives. In this essay, a fast-growing company called Airbnb, adopting concept of collaborative consumption, will be analyzed to demonstrate the use of cloud computing. Background Airbnb is an American company founded in 2008, an online platform for people to rent out, list, discover, and book lodging, including private rooms, entire apartments, castles, boats, private islands and other properties around the world. Through online or mobile phone, a transaction can be done conveniently (Airbnb, Inc., 2014). Airbnb has expanded to host more than 500,000 listings across 192 countries since launched in 2008 (King, 2013) and has now served 9 million guests in the fifth year (Lawler, 2013). However, one year after launched, It experienced service administration challenges because of its original cloud computing provider, therefore, Airbnb decided to migrate nearly all of its cloud computing functions to Amazon Web Services (AWS) (Amazon, 2014). Benefits for adopting cloud computing Definition Cloud computing is a type of computing...
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...Cloud Database Management System IS508E group NO.6 project Group NO.6 members: PENG Yu KALAI Kumaraguru KUTTIKKAT VENUGOPAL Sreehari Contents General business case ............................................................................................................... 1 Introduction and problems ....................................................................................................... 1 The existing technology ............................................................................................................ 2 Challenges of Implementation: ................................................................................................. 9 Reference: ............................................................................................................................... 10 General business case Thanks to the successful management, the business of the company expands very fast. However, the database management system cannot withstand the quickly and greatly increased work load, the break-down frequency increases, which make the decision-making efficiency and customer experience drop. The company tries to turn around this bad trend and poses two solutions: one is to update the present DBMS including hardware, software and human resource; the other one is to make use of SQL Azure from Microsoft to set up cloud environment and transfer the DBMS there. After cost analysis, we find that to reach the same efficiency standard, the cost of...
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...iTrust Database Software Security Assessment Security Champions Corporation (fictitious) Assessment for client Urgent Care Clinic (fictitious) Amy Wees, Brooks Rogalski, Kevin Zhang, Stephen Scaramuzzino and Timothy Root University of Maryland University College Author Note Amy Wees, Brooks Rogalski, Kevin Zhang, Stephen Scaramuzzino and Timothy Root, Department of Information and Technology Systems, University of Maryland University College. This research was not supported by any grants. Correspondence concerning this research paper should be sent to Amy Wees, Brooks Rogalski, Kevin Zhang, Stephen Scaramuzzino and Timothy Root, Department of Information and Technology Systems, University of Maryland University College, 3501 University Blvd. East, Adelphi, MD 20783. E-mail: acnwgirl@yahoo.com, rogalskibf@gmail.com, kzhang23@gmail.com, sscaramuzzino86@hotmail.com and Chad.Root@gmail.com Abstract The healthcare industry, taking in over $1.7 trillion dollars a year, has begun bringing itself into the technological era. Healthcare and the healthcare industry make up one of the most critical infrastructures in the world today and one of the most grandiose factors is the storage of information and data. Having to be the forerunner of technological advances, there are many changes taking place to streamline the copious amounts of information and data into something more manageable. One major change in the healthcare industry has been the implementation...
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...Cloud Computing: A Taxonomy of Platform and Infrastructure-level Offerings David Hilley College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology April 2009 Cloud Computing: A Taxonomy of Platform and Infrastructure-level Offerings David Hilley 1 Introduction Cloud computing is a buzzword and umbrella term applied to several nascent trends in the turbulent landscape of information technology. Computing in the “cloud” alludes to ubiquitous and inexhaustible on-demand IT resources accessible through the Internet. Practically every new Internet-based service from Gmail [1] to Amazon Web Services [2] to Microsoft Online Services [3] to even Facebook [4] have been labeled “cloud” offerings, either officially or externally. Although cloud computing has garnered significant interest, factors such as unclear terminology, non-existent product “paper launches”, and opportunistic marketing have led to a significant lack of clarity surrounding discussions of cloud computing technology and products. The need for clarity is well-recognized within the industry [5] and by industry observers [6]. Perhaps more importantly, due to the relative infancy of the industry, currently-available product offerings are not standardized. Neither providers nor potential consumers really know what a “good” cloud computing product offering should look like and what classes of products are appropriate. Consequently, products are not easily comparable. The scope of various product offerings differ and overlap...
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...Big Data [Name of Writer] [Name of Institution] Introduction The term Big Data is gaining more followers and popularity. However, despite this trend, not all organizations are clear about how to face the challenge to store, organize, display and analyze large volumes of data. The term Big Data is gaining more followers and popularity. However, despite this trend so evident, not all organizations are clear about how to face the challenge to store, organize, display and analyze large volumes of data. There are multiple techniques in terms of huge database storing approaches that can store petabytes, exabytes and may be zetabytes data. These options are Cassendara, Mongodb and HBase. We will discuss about them one by one and in a proper research method and will compare them in order to contrast their difference and efficiency. Research Background One problem in understanding the phenomenon is that the size of these data sets the volume greatly exceeds the Data warehouse. A plane collects 10 terabytes of information from sensors every 30 minutes flight, while the Stock Exchange of New York collects structured information 1 TB per day. In the context of Big Data, volumes are reaching peta bytes, exa bytes and then soon to zeta bytes. For instance, Apple has just announced that 7 trillion send daily notifications to iOS devices. The explosion of information in social networks, blogs, and emails is characterized the presence of data key...
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...: Abstract NoSQL databases offer a noteworthy change to how venture applications are manufactured, testing to two-decade authority of social databases. The inquiry individuals face is whether NoSQL databases are a fitting decision, either for new extends or to acquaint with existing undertakings. Where they originated from, the nature of the information models they utilize, and the diverse way you need ought to consider utilizing them, why they won't make social databases old, and the essential outcome of bilingual ingenuity. Versatile Search consolidates the force of Apache Lucene (NoSQL since 2001) and the simple to utilize composition free web index that can serve full-content hunt appeal, key-esteem lookups, pattern free investigation demands. The key highlights of Elastic Search with live cases. The discussion won't be a thorough highlight presentation yet rather a review of what and how Elastic Search can accomplish for you. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. What is Nosql Database Systems? 3. Relational Database Systems 4. Comparison 5. Conclusions 6. REFERENCES 1. Introduction NoSQL stays for Not Only SQL in like manner declared as noseequel. NoSQL is used for securing epic measure of data made by various source, for instance, facebook(audio, highlight and consistently posts). NoSQL is a non-social database organization structure and speedy information recuperation database. NoSQL databases are passed on and adaptable...
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...BIT 200 FINAL STUDY GUIDE • What is the difference between data and information: o Data is a set of discrete, objective facts about events. In an organizational context, data is most usefully described as structured records of transactions. o Information is a message to change the way the receiver perceives something to have an impact on his or her judgment or behavior. • Ex. Your doctor tells you are on the verge of being obese. If you do not want to increase your risk of heart disease or diabetes, then you need to change your eating habits. • What are the reference disciplines in information systems: o Computer Science- Computer Science is the discipline that seeks to build a scientific foundation for topics like computer design, computer programming, information processing, algorithmic solutions or problems, and the algorithmic process itself. o Management Science-The discipline using math and other analyzed methods to help make better decisions in business. Field includes- decision analysis, probability, and math modeling. • Management Science body of knowledge – uses quantitative approaches to decision making and is referred to as management science, operations research, and decisions science. • What do processors do: o A processor interprets computer program instructions and processes data. • Moore’s Law- Moore’s Law state that processor speeds will double every 18 months • The different kinds of storage memory are: kilobyte, megabyte, gugabyte, terabyte...
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...Chapter One: Information Systems in Global Business Today -Information system: A set of interrelated components that collect, retrieve, process, store, and distribute info to support decision making and control in an organization –Six building blocks of computers: input, output, memory, arithmetic/logic unit, control unit and files. Control unit and arithmetic/logical unit together known as CPU (central processing unit). –Arithmetic/Logic Unit: carries out mathematical operations and logical comparisons, consist of very large scale integrated circuits, can perform billion operations per second, numbers taking from memories as input and results stored in memory as output. -Control Unit: controls the other five compo of the comp system, enables the comp to take advantage of speed and capacity of its other compo, list of operations called a program, these operations read from memory, interpreted and carried out one at a time (stored program concept). –Cache memory: high speed, high cost storage, used as intermediary between control unit and main memory, compensates for speed mismatches built into the comp system. –Multiple processor configurations: a comp system usually contains more than one processor, dual processor contain two physical separate processors as two separate chips, dual core contain two complete processors manufactured as a single chip, dual processor are better and faster. –Input: devices allow users to enter data into the comp for processing, common devices: keyboard...
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...INSY 5337 Data Warehousing – Term Paper NoSQL Databases: An Introduction and Comparison between Dynamo, MongoDB and Cassandra Authored ByNitin Shewale Aditya Kashyap Akshay Vadnere Vivek Adithya Aditya Trilok Abstract Data volumes have been growing exponentially in recent years, this increase in data across all the business domains have played a significant part in the analysis and structuring of data. NoSQL databases are becoming popular as more organizations consider it as a feasible option because of its schema-less structure along with its capability of handling BIG Data. In this paper, we talk about various types of NoSQL databases based on implementation perspective like key store, columnar and document oriented. This research paper covers the consolidated applied interpretation of NoSQL system, depending on the various database features like security, concurrency control, partitioning, replication, Read/Write implementation. We also would draw out comparisons among the popular products and recommend a particular NoSQL solution on the above mentioned factors. 1. Introduction Until recently, Relational database systems have been on the forefront of data storage and management operations. The advent of mobile applications that requires real time analysis like GPS based services, banking and social media has led to huge unstructured data being produced every second. Traditional RDBMS systems have found it difficult to cater to these huge chunks of unstructured...
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...in large relational databases” (N.D.). Oracle helps refine this definition, as this method “provides a way to get at the information buried in the data” (Oracle, N.D.). Oracle goes on to state how data mining helps find “patterns that sometimes elude traditional statistical approaches to analysis because of the large number of attributes, the complexity of patterns, or the difficulty in performing the analysis” (N.D.). There is petabytes of data for many companies and agencies to sort though. Many turn to cloud systems, or run programs that extract the data for them from their sources. UCLA goes on to define data as including operational data, nonoperational data, and Meta data. They use this information to help find associations, relationships, and/or patterns with in the data. They use this to develop knowledge about historical data. Companies like Volvo started to leverage cloud computing. They felt that each car could provide information that improved each car as it was built and driven. They also felt that the information provided by each car could improve the consumer experience while driving one of their cars. To support this, Volvo developed a sensor suite that contained hundreds of sensors and CPU’s within the car itself. This allowed Volvo to use 1.7 terabytes of data and use the information to ensure that their cars evolved. Even the police force uses data mining to assist in solving crimes or preventing crimes. They use Computer Comparison Statistics...
Words: 1503 - Pages: 7
...please read and sign this Final Exam Certificate of Originality before starting. FINAL EXAM CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I certify that the attached final exam is my original work. I am familiar with, and acknowledge my responsibilities, which are part of, the University of Phoenix Student Code of Academic Integrity. * I will complete the final exam with my own work and only my own work. * I will not submit the work of any other person. * I will not collaborate with any other person. * I will not engage in any activity that would dishonestly improve my results, or improve or hurt the results of others. This includes searching the Internet for exam answers. * I will not post answers to problems that are being used to assess student performance. * You may use materials available in UOPX eCampus classroom, course notes, and the textbook(s) for the final exam. All answers are in the textbook. * You may use any calculator that you are comfortable with using. I further agree that my name typed on the line below is intended to have, and shall have, the same validity as my handwritten signature. Student's signature (name typed here is equivalent to a signature): Name: | | INSTRUCTIONS Allow yourself plenty of time. Best results have come from students who worked on this a little each day. Students have indicated that it took much longer than two hours. Read each question carefully. Primarily use the textbook and course materials to help...
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...International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014 ISSN 2250-3153 1 A Review Paper on Big Data and Hadoop Harshawardhan S. Bhosale1, Prof. Devendra P. Gadekar2 1 Department of Computer Engineering, JSPM’s Imperial College of Engineering & Research, Wagholi, Pune Bhosale.harshawardhan186@gmail.com 2 Department of Computer Engineering, JSPM’s Imperial College of Engineering & Research, Wagholi, Pune devendraagadekar84@gmail.com Abstract: The term ‘Big Data’ describes innovative techniques and technologies to capture, store, distribute, manage and analyze petabyte- or larger-sized datasets with high-velocity and different structures. Big data can be structured, unstructured or semi-structured, resulting in incapability of conventional data management methods. Data is generated from various different sources and can arrive in the system at various rates. In order to process these large amounts of data in an inexpensive and efficient way, parallelism is used. Big Data is a data whose scale, diversity, and complexity require new architecture, techniques, algorithms, and analytics to manage it and extract value and hidden knowledge from it. Hadoop is the core platform for structuring Big Data, and solves the problem of making it useful for analytics purposes. Hadoop is an open source software project that enables the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of commodity servers. It is designed to...
Words: 5034 - Pages: 21
...SCHEME OF EXAMINATION FOR MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (MCA) (SIX-SEMESTER Programme) |Semester – I | |Paper |Title of the Paper |Duration |Maximum Marks |Total | |No. | |Of Exam | | | | | | |Theory |Sessional* | | |MCA-101 |Computer Fundamentals and Problem Solving Using C |3 Hours |80 |20 |100 | |MCA-102 |Computer Organisation |3 Hours |80 |20 |100 | |MCA-103 |Discrete Mathematical Structures |3 Hours |80 |20 |100 | |MCA-104 |Software Engineering |3 Hours |80 |20 |100 | |MCA-105 |Computer Oriented Numerical and Statistical Methods |3 Hours |80 |20 |100 | |MCA-106 |Software Laboratory - I |3 Hours | | |100 | | |C (Based on MCA-101) |...
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...It has made its name in the software industry as the pioneer of relational database software, which lets businesses store and manage large amounts of data. Oracle began making software to organize data in the 1970s with their focus on relational database software. This software is used for storing data and relating different pieces to one another. The company's operations are separated into three divisions: software, hardware and services. Oracle's software licenses and software support have consistently brought in around 80% of their total revenue. The key segments Oracle operates in are as follows: ORACLE REVENUE-37BILLION$ SOFTWARE 77% OF TOTAL REVENUES NEW SOFTWARE LICENSES 37% OF TOTAL REVENUES SOFTWARE LICENSE UPDATES 40% OF TOTAL REVENUES HARDWARE 13% OF TOTAL REVENUES HARDWARE SYSTEMS PRODUCTS 8% OF TOTAL REVENUES HARDWARE SYSTEMS SUPPORT 5% OF TOTAL REVENUES SERVICES 10% OF TOTAL REVENUES CONSULTING SERVICES MANAGED CLOUD SERVICES EDUCATION SERVICES ORACLE REVENUE-37BILLION$ SOFTWARE 77% OF TOTAL REVENUES NEW SOFTWARE LICENSES 37% OF TOTAL REVENUES SOFTWARE LICENSE UPDATES 40% OF TOTAL REVENUES HARDWARE 13% OF TOTAL REVENUES HARDWARE SYSTEMS PRODUCTS 8% OF TOTAL REVENUES HARDWARE SYSTEMS SUPPORT 5% OF TOTAL REVENUES SERVICES 10% OF TOTAL REVENUES CONSULTING SERVICES MANAGED CLOUD SERVICES EDUCATION SERVICES Oracle develops and sells database and middleware as well as business application software and offers...
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