Premium Essay

Compering Co-Workers Against Each Other. Does This Motivate Employees


Submitted By syahida93
Words 264
Pages 2
2. How would equity theory explain some employees’ negative reactions to forced rankings? Explain.

The equity theory explains some employees’ negative reactions from forced rankings by changing an employees’ inputs, how much effort to invest into their current job. The attitudes or mindsets of employees’ may change, that job security is more important than a raise. Or, the employee may just decide to resign from their current job position due to annoyance or perceived inequalities. The equity theory centers on overall pay as the outcome.

How would equity theory explain some employees negative reactions to forced ranking? Explain The equity theory focuses on employees being treated fairly in a work environment. This theory shows how employees react to the forced ranking method. People fill that the ranking method violates employees' rights. Causing some lawsuits and accusing the employer of discrimination. The equity theory really shows how losing a promotion and/or raise really affects the employee motivation and commitment to the corporation. Employees want to be treated equally and when they're not...

3 . Based on Chapter 5, if you decided not to use forced rankings at your company, how would you motivate employees?

I would use the goal setting theory, where a specific target is implemented for the employee. It is a conscious goal that influences motivation to be geared towards a desired outcome. By being specific with the goal and having a plan of action of how to attain that goal, employees and managers can gauge and monitor progress towards that goal. When an employee is able to attain these targeted goals,

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