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Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Cam)


Submitted By wmoor028
Words 1102
Pages 5
What is CAM and how it may be applied
Alternative medicine is any practice that claims to heal, but does not fall into the area of conventional medicine. Normally this type of health care is based on historical or traditions, rather than some type of scientific evidence. An example of alternative medicine is treating cancer with a specific diet instead of undergoing a surgical procedure or a chemotherapy treatment. Complementary medicine is a diagnostic and therapeutic discipline and is normally used in conjunction with conventional medicine. An example of complementary medicine would be a patient using acupuncture after a surgical procedure to assist in lessoning the discomfort after surgery. Integrative medicine (IM) is a combination of mainstream medical therapies with non-conventional complementary therapies; however, IM does in fact use complementary therapies if there is high quality scientific evidence of the effectiveness. Conventional medicine is and will still be a major focus when it comes to health care, but it is evolving into a broader area of concern. Traditionally conventional medicines only concern was getting to the main issue and resolving it by only looking at the flesh and bones of an individual. Now with the influence of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) doctors are implementing a new focus that encompasses the entire body, including the mind, body, and spirit, therefore, broadening the possibilities of a treatment approach.
There are a total of five domains that are covered under CAM. The first domain is whole medical systems and it is a system that involves complete systems of theory and practice. Some of these systems may reflect cultural systems, like the traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda medicine. This is a belief that the body has the ability to heal itself by involving techniques that use the mind, body, and spirit.

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