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Comprehension - Teenage Paparazzo


Submitted By Adrylian
Words 426
Pages 2
Comprehension: 1. How do Adrian and Austin meet?
Adrian first met Austin at one of the movie conventions where Austin was taking a photo of him, and Adrian didn’t think that he was a paparazzo. 2. What do we learn about the life of each of them at the beginning of the film?
That Adrian is curious about the life of a paparazzo and Austin is doing it because of the adrenaline and the excitement of the paparazzo life. 3. What do the people interviewed say about the relationship between celebrities and the paparazzi/the media? How do they think it was changed?
Paris Hilton: thought that it’s a good thing about the paparazzi life but she also thinks that it’s getting too much but she’s only thinking about the publicity that she’s getting from the pictures and the magazines 4. How do the interviewees explain people’s attraction to celebrities?
In their opinion, how and why has this interest changed?
The youth has changed a lot in a way, it was a lot harder back in the day when you had to be in the newspapers and be in the television. Now the only thing you have to do is make a YouTube video or a Facebook blog, which is why many people do not go get a major degree in math or read politics. 5. Explain the origin and root meaning of the word “paparazzo”. How do “paparazzo”, “pararazzi” and “paparazza” differ in meaning/grammar?
Paparazzi - plural, paparazzo are nouns and paparazza is a female paparazzo. 6. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases and, if possible, the context in which they are used in the film:
* a fortuitous encounter = A random meeting.
* a stakeout = To monitor a person (overvåge).
* a tabloid (paper) = a newspaper having pages half the size of those of a standard newspaper, typically popular in style and dominated by headlines, photographs, and sensational stories.
* to hover over your child = Be overprotected
* double standards = A person makes a rule but don’t follow it self(dobbeltmoral).
* to antagonize = Push people away (Støde fra sig).
* to cross over the threshold = He crossed the line (Gå over stregen)
* a luminary = A leading figure, a person who enlightens or influences others or a famous person.
* a parasocial relationship = A fan knows a great deal about a famous person, but the other does not.
* precocious = A talent is early developed (tidligt udviklet).
* shallow = Someone who is superficial (overfladisk).
* exploitation = the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.

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