...Computer Information Paper Accuracy of data input is important. What method of data input would be best for each of the following situations and explain why: •Printed Questionnaires – The mode of data input will be decided on the basis of model of printed questionnaire. If the questionnaire consists of multiple choices, optical scanner is the best choice. The keyboard typing or uploading the scanned version of written paper is suitable for theoretical a paper which requires description about the topic. •Telephone survey – Automated computer system to capture the details of survey is best option as it reduces the margin of human error related to typo, grammatical mistake etc. if the instructions are clearly explained to participants. Otherwise, if it is abstruse paper which needs the presence of subject matter expert, human interaction is essential where responses can be recorded into the system. •Bank checks – Automated scanners of bank checks provide the optimal choice of getting the information in efficient manner to reduce the human errors. Still manual check is required to verify the correctness of details whether system has uploaded the exact description mentioned in checks without losing some details due to customer’s error or misinformation. •Retail tags – RFID for International bar code is best method of input in the case of identifying the information embedded in retail tags. It can be problematic in the case when wrong bar code is attached to the item. But it can...
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...System Evaluation Paper Professor Mathew Mower CIS/319 - COMPUTERS AND INFORMATION PROCESSING January 21, 2013 Introduction I have been extended the reward of being employed for Yellow Freight Company (YRC), for over 17 years. YRC Freight is a subsidiary of YRC Worldwide Inc., a Fortune 500 company and one of the internationally. With headquarters in Overland Park, Kan., YRC Worldwide employs 55,000 people. I have witnessed many company changes. Yellow Freight was established in 1924. One of the most remarkable displays of our company is our 18 wheelers that are painted in a bright orange color. In the beginning CEO Harrell hired a chemist to find out what was the safest color on the highways of America. The results of the research led to swamp holly orange; was not only the safest, but the most visible from the greatest distance. On Feb. 1, 2012 YRC took another significant successful step, becoming one of the largest operating freight companies. Much more than a new name and logo, this rebranding signals our intent to focus on our core business, helping less-than-truckload shippers throughout North America increase the dependability and reliability of their supply chains. Today, we remain true to our founders' early dedication to safety and service. Their hard work and determination was the foundation for our success and has contributed to the success of thousands of customers. YRC has continue to prosper from the start. There is no surprise, given the founders'...
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...are, and the reasons why the acts were created. Discuss the differences between the Article 2 of the UCC and the UCITA. Determine the distinction between selling a product and licensing that product legally. Discuss the reasoning for drafters to propose a separate and distinct uniform act. UCC and UCITA Act UCC stands for Uniform Commercial Code, and that is a code that addresses the majority of aspects of commercial law. (No Author, 2011) UCITA stands for Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act, and that code is to regulate transactions in computer information products. But before the UCC and the UCITA act there was the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887. The act was put in place to normalize railroads that saturated the states boundaries. (U.S. News, 2012) Even though each one of the acts are different and provide different provisions, they all have something in common, they all create a better way to provide uniformity in commercial law between states. The Uniform Computer Information Transaction (UCITA) act started out as an amendment to article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), but there were so many disagreements with the amendment, that it was decided to rename it the UCITA and to keep it moving as a separate act, and it was approved in February 2000. (Andersen, Raymakers, & Reichenthal, 2001) The difference between selling a product and licensing a product is when you are selling a product it is a product that has gone through licensing and...
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...U.S. government in regulating commerce. It supplies Congress with the sanction to regulate not only business, but any interaction conducted between organizations situated in different States (Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)). This authority encompasses all areas of interstate commerce (radio, telephone, waterways, highways). This also incorporates intrastate handling that has a collective and significant influence on interstate trade (employment, agricultural, and housing prejudice). * Based on the information presented above, what do you see as the major differences between Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code and UCITA? Article 2 of the UCC is designed to expedite the sale, consignment and distribution of tangible products. A tangible product is one in which you can touch or feel (Robyn Spelts. June 24, 2011). The purpose of Article 2 is to bring sales law closer to the needs and practices of businessmen. The UCITA is anticipated to simplify the authorizing of intangible computer-related property, with a prominence on allowing proprietors of software the capability to preserve domination over their possessions eternally. An intangible product (that still also counts as a product in the business marketing mix) is one that cannot be touched. Examples of this are commercials, repair work, and tax preparation. Other examples of products are places and ideas (Robyn Spelts. June 24, 2011). The concern comes from the overwhelming power of the software designer and the lack of...
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...Data Storage and Architecture Kaplan University Introduction Commerce is the conducting of business; it could be buying, selling, marketing, or providing services. The newer forms of commerce are electronic commerce (e-commerce) and mobile commerce (m-commerce). The types of e-commerce are business-to-business, business-to-consumer, and consumer-to-consumer. The traditional commerce practice required consumers to buy at a retail location, order from catalogs over the phone, or fill out order forms to mail in. These processes where lengthy and inconvenient to consumers needing products fast or even business needing a rush order could still take weeks. E-commerce emerged eliminating the long processes of ordering and waiting on receipt of order, then processing; to just clicking buttons and shipment within hours or days. E-commerce and M-commerce have many benefits to businesses and consumers but as with any great thing there are challenges. In attempting to implement a multi-stage model for e-commerce with global systems, the key challenges are; cultural, language, time and distance, infrastructure, currency, and state, regional, and national laws. Cultural challenges Culture includes difference in morals and beliefs, language, currency, laws and the way individuals as well as businesses function. Cultural challenges occur when the major understandings and assumptions of the business leaders is different from the consumer or other business, in which business is to be conducted...
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...and practical commerce and be technologically neutral. Can you create a new computer chip design it , bubble wrap it and ship it for sale and still have ownership of that computer chip? With the Uniform Commercial Code and Uniform computer Information Transaction Act they will shed light of how you are protected by the government. Not just consumers but business are govern a like . . Before the UCC and the UCITA, the first U.S attempt to promote uniformity in commercial laws from state to state is the commerce clause. The commerce clause of the constitution, provides congress with authority to regulate business in different states. The commerce clause extends to all instrumentalities of interstate commerce as well as to intrastate conduct that has substantial effect on interstate commerce. The UCITA is intended to facilitate the licensing of computer related intellectual property, with an emphasis on permitting owners of software the ability to maintain control over their intellectual property forever. The UCC is designed to facilitate the sale, shipment and delivery of tangible goods identified in a contract. The biggest difference I see between UCITA and UCC is UCITA gives the software designer control of their property even after sale of their property, where as the UCC is only concern with getting the product to the consumer. After I the consumer buy a computer I wouldn’t want Sony to come to my home and tell me they have to take their...
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...Augmented Reality: Linking real and virtual worlds A new paradigm for interacting with computers Wendy E. Mackay Department of Computer Science Université de Paris-Sud ORSAY-CEDEX, FRANCE E-mail: mackay@lri.fr ABSTRACT A revolution in computer interface design is changing the way we think about computers. Rather than typing on a keyboard and watching a television monitor, Augmented Reality lets people use familiar, everyday objects in ordinary ways. The difference is that these objects also provide a link into a computer network. Doctors can examine patients while viewing superimposed medical images; children can program their own LEGO constructions; construction engineers can use ordinary paper engineering drawings to communicate with distant colleagues. Rather than immersing people in an artificiallycreated virtual world, the goal is to augment objects in the physical world by enhancing them with a wealth of digital information and communication capabilities. KEYWORDS: Augmented Reality, Interactive Paper, Design Space Exploration, Participatory Design INTRODUCTION Computers are everywhere: in the past several decades they have transformed our work and our lives. But the conversion from traditional work with physical objects to the use of computers has not been easy. Software designers may omit small, but essential, details from the original system that result in catastrophic failures. Even the act of typing is not benign: repetitive strain...
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...Two ways that the laboratory information is stored is manual and computer based. Manual type of information is when it is written by the person who is writing about laboratory based information. Manual information is stored on paper and so it can be put in archive where it can then be accessed by laboratory worker who needs specific information about laboratory whether it is for report records or scientific data. On the other hand computer based information is when it is typed up on the computer and stored on hard drive of the computer. It can be accessed by finding the wanted file on the hard drive and use the information for laboratory purposes. Advantages of manual storage is that it is a physical copy therefore it is better than computer based copy as it is more reliable. Secondly, manual data cannot get corrupted which means that the information is less likely to get damaged. Also it is less likely for the data to get lost as it will be put in archive and stored then when the file is needed laboratory worker can access it by going into the room where data is stored and then use the file for the purpose needed. Disadvantages of manual storage is that not everyone can understand the writing of the person that wrote about the laboratory information. Secondly, even though it is stored in the archive it can still get lost as it is wrote on paper and paper can get easily lost and damaged if not stored at the right place. To add on it can get damaged such as get ripped and therefore...
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...ASSIGNMENT and ESSAY. ... others)Information Technology (Programming/ Languages (Java, C++, VB, .NET, & etc)/Database Design/ Computer Networking/ System Analysis/ Project Management/Project Development/ IT & Society/ and. - NET programmers continue to struggle with the complexities of a hybrid managed/unmanaged environment. ..... Sorry, I had to laugh at that paper! ... Java on the other hand is cross-platform, and also traditionally runs as an ... - NET programmers continue to struggle with the complexities of a hybrid managed/unmanaged environment. ..... Sorry, I had to laugh at that paper! ... Java on the other hand is cross-platform, and also traditionally runsASSIGNMENT and ESSAY. ... others)Information Technology (Programming/ Languages (Java, C++, VB, .NET, & etc)/Database Design/ Computer Networking/ System Analysis/ Project Management/Project Development/ IT & Society/ and. - NET programmers continue to struggle with the complexiASSIGNMENT and ESSAY. ... others)Information Technology (Programming/ Languages (Java, C++, VB, .NET, & etc)/Database Design/ Computer Networking/ System Analysis/ Project Management/Project Development/ IT & Society/ and. - NET programmers continue to struggle with the complexities of a hybrid managed/unmanaged environment. ..... Sorry, I had to laugh at that paper! ... Java on the other hand is cross-platform, and also traditionally runs as an ... - NET programmers continue to struggle with the complexities of a hybrid managed/unmanaged environment...
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...Information Systems and Software Applications 1 Software Application and Information System Marguerite Moore Business Information Systems/BIS2 February 21, 2011 Chiedo Ugorji InformationSystems and Software Applications 2 - Please remove. Management Information Services A management department uses a computer based system that provides managers with the tools needed to organize, evaluating, and they run their departments more efficiently. They use software that can look at the past, present, andthefuture information. This is calledthe Management Information Service that includes the software to run the databases, the decision support system, and they also have applications that can run the department of the business more efficiently. These systems (management information systems) provide the department employee with the information to run his operations. It also supports the planning, effective resource...
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...set of people "executing their procedures" ("carrying out tasks"), communicating with and referencing a supporting file system. e A set of communication media with thei:- corresponding communications, such as a filled-in fonn, a phone call, a copy of an order, or a file system query for organizing and processing information. e A gigantic database with users accessing and manipulating data. An automated office information system (0 IS) attempts to perform the functions of the ordinary office by means of a computer system. Automation in the office particl~larly aids the office worker in document preparation, information management and decision making. Such systems may be as modest as a group of independent word processors, or as complex as a distributed set of large, communicating computers. Within in this spectrum is a central computer with several interactive terminals, or a set of small interconnected computers. In either system the office worker would use a work station to perform his work, and that work station would be capable of electronically communicating with other work stations. In this paper we distinguish office information systems from data processing systems both by the autonomy of the system's parts, and by function. A data processing system is used to im A set of activities resulting from requests for service, each with a specific precedence. Each activity requires a supporting file system. e/\ set of people "executing their procedures"...
Words: 1924 - Pages: 8
...[pic] University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS) A Term Paper On How to build a computer Submitted By: Submitted To: Instructor Name : Md.Arif Rana Sr. Lecturer, School of Business, UITS. Submission Date: 13th December 2010 Letter of Transmittal 06 April, 2010 Md.Arif Rana Sr. Lecturer, School of Business. UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCES Subject: Application for accepting term paper on How to build a computer. Dear Sir, We have the pleasure to submit here with the term paper titled “How to build a computer” as a requirement for our Fundamental of computer(CSE101). Based on discussion and survey, we have incorporated the necessary materials to finalize that term paper. We are particularly grateful to Md.Arif Rana (Sr. lecturer, School of Business) for his co-operation in helping us to achieve our purpose. We also acknowledge our gratitude to those persons who have helped us and passed their valuable comments on the draft term paper. If you need assistance in interpreting this term paper please contact us at any time. Sincerely yours...
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...LIST FOR THE CERTIFIED INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGISTS (CICT) EXAMINATION CICT PART I |SECTION 1 | |PAPER NO. 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING | | |TITLE |AUTHOR(S) |PUBLISHER |EDITION | |1. |Fundamentals of Computers |V. .Rogerman |PHI Publishers |Latest edition | | | | | | | |2. |Principles of Computer Science |Carol Reymolds | |Latest edition | | | |Paul Tyman | | | |3. |Computer Fundamentals |Pradeep Sinha | |Fourth edition | |4. |Essential Computer Mathematics |Seymour Lipschutz |McGraw Hill |Latest edition | |PAPER NO. 2 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (THEORY...
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...TERM PAPER To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/cis-417-week-10-term-paper/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 417 WEEK 10 TERM PAPER – INVESTIGATING DATA THEFT Suppose a large aerospace engineering firm has immediately hired you as a consultant to investigate a potential violation of corporate policy and data theft. You have been informed that an employee may have been using corporate email to send confidential corporate information to one or more personal email accounts, which may or may not belong to him. You have been told that this action has been happening each business day for the last 13 days and the employee is unaware of any suspicion. Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you: 1. Explain, in detail, the initial actions you would take based on the provided information including formal plans to preserve the crime scene(s) and eventual transportation of evidence to a lab. 2. Analyze the physical and logical places where you would look for potential evidence on the suspect’s computer(s) and / or network servers. 3. Describe, in detail, how you proceed with the email investigation, including the review of email headers and tracing. 4. Describe the processes that would be utilized in order to recover data that may have been deleted from the suspect’s computer(s). More Details hidden… Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of CIS 417 Week 10 Term Paper – Investigating...
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...technology has become so integrated into our everyday lives that it is almost an impossible to imagine a world without computers. We have computers in our offices, our homes, our cars, our phones and laptops that we can carry from place to place. Without this technology, I wouldn’t be able to attend college courses online and therefore wouldn’t be able to one day earn a degree. However, one of the major issues that we face when doing all these things online is not being able to fully protect our information and our privacy. Computers around the world are connected via the internet and while this connection allows for easy access to information and communication, it also opens the user up to a new form of crime, social engineering. In my ????? class, Professor ???? talked about one particular example of social engineering dating back to ancient times, the Trojan Horse. It is considered one the most well-known examples of social engineering in history; a hollow statue built by the Greeks to allow them access to the city of Troy. This seemingly harmless wood statue was not apparent to be a threat by the Trojans and unfortunately resulted in the fall of the city of Troy to the Greeks. Social engineering works in somewhat the same way. In modern times it is a way for criminals to access your computer, office or confidential information for illegal purposes. In this paper, I will discuss 3 of the most common types of social engineering attacks; phishing, snooping and dumpster diving. ...
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