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Concealed Carry Research Paper

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Concealed Carry: Is it necessary to bring a gun to campus?
While walking to class or when sitting in a lecture hall do you ever worry about the person sitting next to you? Are they carrying a concealed weapon? In 2012, our campus the University of Colorado Boulder had to allow concealed carry after a Supreme Court ruling. Multiple other states are facing the same issue of the federal law stating what takes place on campus across the United States.
According to Armed Campuses 8 states allow guns on campuses by law. These 8 states are Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and our state Colorado. The newest state to allow concealed carry is Texas. Four other states: Oregon, Mississippi, Ohio and Wisconsin allow concealed guns …show more content…
Students should focus on academic success; they should not have to think about if the peer next to them is carrying a concealed weapon. Protection should be left to the individuals that take the time to train like the police. The police and security on campus already have firearms there is no need to add more weapons to the mix. Adding more weapons can result in more accidents or in some cases intentional events.
If an individual has a gun there is a chance it can unintentional discharge. Unintentional discharge although does not occur often there is still the possibility, which can cause unnecessary damage and or injury to another individual. For instance two were injured when a CU staffer with a concealed carry permit had an unintentional discharge in 2012. However Students for Concealed Carry stated that there are four basic rules of firearm safety.
The rules are as follows: 1.) Treat every gun as if it is loaded 2.) Never point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy 3.) Keep your finger off the trigger unless and until the gun is pointed at something you want to destroy. 4.) Be certain of the object your gun is pointed at, and be aware of anything that might be behind the object your gun is pointed at and anything that might come between your gun and the object it is pointed

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