...Gun Control On January 1989,a mass shooting occurred in Stockton,California,were 34 students and one teacher were killed.Two months after the shooting occurred,President George H W Bush issued a ban on importing all semi-automatic weapons into the US, but the United States Congress felt that the current ban was not strong enough.For that reason,in November 1993, Congress proposed an assault weapons ban that would ban assault weapons in the U.S. for ten years.The ban would include the production and possession of semiautomatic weapon. The assault weapons ban was passed by congress and signed into law by President Clinton and was in effect for ten years.On September 13,2004 ,the current assault weapons ban was about to expire,but congress house...
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...Debate: http://www.debate.org/opinions/should-guns-be-banned-in-america Pro: Why Guns Should Be Banned in the U.S. Kevin Ngo Opinion Editor February 20, 2013 Filed under Opinion If guns make us safer, America should be the safest place on earth. We have more guns per capita than any other place in the world, but we are clearly not the safest country on earth. Guns have brought nothing to Americans except harm and heartbreak. It is unfortunate that a tragedy, such as the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, has to occur in order for anything to be done to place a ban on guns. President Obama has proposed a plan to have thorough background checks on those who purchase guns, and prohibit the purchase of armor piercing bullets, along with magazines with a capacity larger than ten bullets. The National Rifle Association believes that their rights are being taken away completely, but this isn’t true. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” A more modern interpretation is required. That, like the First Amendment, the freedom of speech and press, is not an absolute right. There is also a key portion of the amendment that states, “In well regulated militia.” Any assualt-type weapon, regardless of whether it’s for hunting or not, needs to be banned, along with large capacity magazines. An assault-type weapon...
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...The term gun control refers to any action taken by the federal government or by state or local governments to regulate, through legislation, the sale, purchase, safety, and use of handguns and other types of firearms by individual citizens. Gun Control is one of the most serious issue that America is facing today. It is very controversial and “polarizing issue”(Barrett, 2), which means it tends to divide people. There is very Mixed feeling about gun control. The question of whether gun control policies increase, decrease or have no effect on rates of gun violence turns out to be a difficult question. Gun Control is very complicated issue, it become more complicated as people try to discuss it. Some people have very strong opinions against guns,...
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...Gun control has been a hotly debated issue for decades in America. There are the people who think that guns should be more restricted or just completely outlawed and there are the people who believe that our access to weapons should remain the way it has been ever since the constitution was written. The second amendment in the Bill of Rights is our “right to bear arms” amendment, if there were more restrictions on guns then that would violate one of our rights. In a way gun control makes sense. To someone who doesn’t think about the matter clearly it would look like the perfect solution to crime. This, however, would not be the case at all. Take Canada for example, they have fairly high restrictions on guns. As a result crime has not decreased at all. In fact, crime has skyrocketed. You might be asking yourself why this is. Well, it makes perfect sense; the people who obey the law are going to give up their guns while the people who don’t care a bit about the law are going to be the only ones who have guns. They can easily break into a house and steal anything they want because they know that the law-abiding people who live inside that house aren’t going to be able to defend themselves. In America however if someone breaks into a house there is always that possibility that they could wind up getting shot. A majority people think the best solution is to “just take away their guns.” However, this has been proven not to work. England banned all guns in 1997 and as a result...
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...What is gun control? Why do many people have a problem with it these days? When people have had guns for hundreds of years. Guns weren’t a problem then, then why are gun a problem now? Gun control has to deal with the sale and making of guns. Many different places has different laws for dealing with gun control. Many people think that without gun control many gun related crimes would be on the rise. With people having guns for hundreds of years, why is it just now a problem? Gun control has been is the news a good amount this past year. Most states allow people to buy to guns for their own needs with light restrictions. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 16 Dec. 2015. In my opinion, I think everybody should have a gun. It could be for many different reasons from hunting or home protection. Even if you don’t have the need for gun you never know when one could come in handy. Everybody needs to go out a shoot a gun. There is tons of gun shops and ranges that would be more than willing to help people shoot and learn about guns. People need to learn gun safety. As of right now I own four guns. I know to load and shoot all of...
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...Yet there was another gun killing in the United States. There has been a lot of shootings this year and yet some people are saying that the people that are on the terrorist watch list should be able to but guns. To me that is just asking for shooting like the one that happened in San Bernardino. The shooters killed twenty and injured fourteen. Most the people that they killed were mentally handicapped. I don’t see why anybody would want to hurt someone that is mentally handicapped cause they have no way of fighting back. This is why we need to keep an eye on social media cause the two that were in the San Bernardino were saying stuff to the leader of ISIS. This is why we need to stop letting people buy guns that are on the terrorist watch list...
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...insight from each step in the process. By looking at the problem from multiple perspectives each person gets the chance to enhance their cognitive complexity (Alder & Proctor, p. 104). In this paper I will apply the pillow method to a disagreement a coworker and I had over the new gun control laws that are being proposed by our government. While my co-worker believes that the government is trying to take away our rights by proposing new gun laws, I however believe that there should be changes made to the current laws put in place. I believe applying the pillow method to any argument will result in either a resolution or a better understanding between the two parties involved. “I’m right you’re wrong”: This step involves me stating the reasons why I believe that I am right and explaining my point of view on the subject (Alder & Proctor, p. 104). There are several reasons that I believe that there should be new gun laws put in place. One of the main reasons I feel so strongly about this issue is because the U.S. has the highest rate of gun related deaths than any developed country. From 2006 to 2010 there were 47,856 gun-related murders in the U.S. (http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/10shrtbl08.xls). Since the year 2000 there have been 3,186...
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...Gun Control in the U.S. It is not difficult to find news concerning gun incidents, where many innocent people are killed or injured by firearms in the U.S. Some people think that the solution to the gun problem, during which many innocent people are killed or hurt, is simply making laws concerning gun control. However, they would never think that gun control is a simple problem to solve, if they knew about this issue concerning the basic right to protect oneself according to the Second Amendment in the U.S. There are always fierce debates about gun control between supporters and opponents of regulation of firearms. As a result, the key of debates can be summarized into two subjects; ‘personal right to have guns for protecting oneself’, and ‘government’s right to control gun possession for protecting our society from violent crimes’. Supporters of gun control argue that there have been many crimes and murders by firearms and if we make a strong gun control law, the crime rate will be lowered and we can save many innocent lives including young students. On the other hand, opponents argue that they need to carry firearms because gun possession is the basic right to protect themselves from violent crimes according to the Second Amendment. They claim that if there are strong gun control laws, many innocent people will suffer from brutal crimes because they can’t possess firearms. Although some people believe that being able to carry a gun is one of the basic rights according...
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...Should Assault Rifles be Banned in America? Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, 17 dead. Route 91 Harvest Music Festival, Las Vegas 58 dead. Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Florida, 49 dead. Sandy Hook Elementary School, Connecticut, 26 dead. All these mass shootings have one thing in common, the perpetrator used an assault rifle. An assault rifle is a rapid-fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for infantry use, most commonly used in the military. If you have been on Instagram or looked at the news lately, you would see that in America, the call for banning assault rifles has been more popular than ever. With events like March For Our Lives that have sparked this debate, started by teenagers just like us, I decided to choose my topic on why assault rifles should or shouldn’t be banned in America. Because we are talking guns, I should make sure everyone understands...
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...Cheyenne Frazier 10/15/15 Anti-Gun Control 867 words Why Gun Control is a Bad Idea The world is full of many dangers and here we will address one of them. Imagine if you were stuck in a heist, where criminals have the guns pointed at your head. In one quick motion, with a finger pressed into the trigger, you could lose your life. However, what if you reimagine the situation with a few citizens who are armed? Whether they are conceal-carriers, or have it open-carry, they could defend themselves and the others against the criminals. This is what many do not consider. Although guns are misused and are used against another human being, without guns we are only victimized in many different ways. We have no way to defend ourselves as quickly as we could with our own source of guns. Guns are tools, just like cars and hammers and axes and so forth. Some argue that guns have no use other than to cause harm and destruction. Although that is true, as we use them for sport in hunting and to cause harm but in a protective way, guns were never intended to murder others seemingly for the sport of it. Guns are made by the militia and the people for defensive purposes. However, some get their minds wrapped around it the wrong way, and they turn to darkness and abuse the ability of guns for wicked reasons. If the government were to ban the usage of guns, surely this evil usage of guns will not stop; instead, it will invite homicide, the deaths of...
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...I am here to talk about our Second Amendment right which allowed us to carry and bear arms in the United States. Gun control has been a big topic in the united states for years now. Taking away any right to bear arms is a huge breach in our second amendment constitution rights. If these constitutional rights keep being challenge, this country will no longer be the land of the free. These rights are ours as Americans. It is our decision of whether we support them or not. That decision cannot and should not be made for us. I am for carrying and gun ownership. The first gun law to be passed in the US was in Georgia in 1837 which banned handguns in that state, later ruled unconstitutional and thrown out. Then in 1927 the Mailing of Firearms Act banned the shipping of concealable weapons. Throughout the years the gun laws have been altered in many ways in an effort to keep citizens safer. So should U.S. Citizens have the right to carry arms? What affect have the current/past gun control laws had? Is the government focusing on the wrong means for a solution? Is it possible that people just need to be better educated with firearms and firearm safety? These are some of the questions that I will answer in this speech. Should United States citizens have the right to carry arms? The answer is clearly “YES” This is our second amendment “the right of the people to keep and to bear arm” as stated in the United States constitution. It is our right and privilege to carry...
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...Halusek Persuasive Research Paper In America, guns have been a part of the country’s society since its birth. Throughout history, citizens of the US have used firearms to protect the nation, protect their families, and to hunt for food. In the United States, gun control is an issue that has both sides firmly imbedded in their beliefs. The parties in favor of gun ownership and the right to keep and bear arms rely on the fact that provisions for such rights are protected by the Constitution. No legitimate study in the US has ever shown that gun control has any positive impact on crime. Society benefits from firearms in the hands of responsible citizens. In this time of turmoil and growing violence, gun advocates feel more than ever that their position is justified. The issue of gun control continues to remain a controversy. A large number of citizens believe that if gun acts are strictly enforced, that violence and the threat of crime will reduce everywhere. On the other hand, a large amount of society feels that they deserve the right to bear arms and will stop at nothing to protect their second amendment. The challenging issue of gun control takes a harmonizing act of extreme measures. Weighing the rights and liberties for each individual against the welfare and safety of the public is a risky balancing act. Attempts to keep firearms away from these citizens do more harm than good. People believe that the banning of guns is the way to save lives, this statement is incorrect...
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...Second Amendment was first ratified on December 15, 1791. Because of the Second Amendment, the use of guns is a lot more dangerous for us in society today. The number of suicides and homicides are increasing every year and the United States has a higher amount of firearm related murders than other countries. Even though American gains a lot of rights and benefits due to the Second Amendment, the negative effects are increasing every year. By improving the Second Amendment, and putting more restrictions on gun regulations, there would be a safer society for the people. Our world has evolved – the Second Amendment should evolve as well. The right to keep and bear arms makes people feel a lot safer because they have some source of protection. It is impossible for the government to protect every American citizen, so the people should have...
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...Columbine High School. Since 1996 there has not been another mass shooting in the UK, but there have been over 160 since 1999, according to USA Today. Some people think the U.S. should adopt the UK’s gun laws to decrease the amount of mass shootings, while others think revising the laws will not change anything. The U.S needs to adopt gun laws similar to the UK in order to stop mass shootings from happening. According to Business Insider, every state in the US is not the same when it comes to guns. Some states like Rhode Island and California have waiting periods to purchase guns. Some states like Nevada and Virginia have less regulation and purchasing a gun is a very speedy process. In most states in the US two background checks are conducted, state and federal. Since, Los Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock did not have a criminal record he was able to pass every background check, which allowed him to purchase 33 firearms, 13 of which were semi-automatic, and carry out the deadliest mass shooting in USA history. According to CBS News the minimum age you must be to purchase a semi-automatic...
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...a classroom. With naïve faces and solemn eyes, they look back at the audience. Both children are the same age, yet one of them holds something that is banned in the United States, while the other holds an object that is perfectly legal. A Kinder egg rests in the hands of one child, while the other child cradles an assault rifle in her arms in the first add; and in the second one, a young girl holds Little Red Riding Hood while the other one carries the same assault rifle. The advertisement asks the reader “which object is prohibited”, but it beckons the audience to consider the question “which object should be prohibited?” Gun control has become a hot topic here in America. People are questioning what is...
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