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Concept of Consumer Loyalty


Submitted By milic20
Words 587
Pages 3
The concept of consumer loyalty has been researched for over 90 years and has evolved from part of a business model into the driving force behind marketing and advertising. As the literature in the article suggests loyalty involves purchasing over time and is a function of psychological process (Siemieniako, Rundle-Thiele & Urban, 2010). It’s clear loyalty is a feeling and obviously part of a psychological process however, the suggestion that loyalty involves purchasing overtime is easily disputable. In his research, James U. McNeal find that, “the consumer embryo begins to develop during the first year of existence, at first slowly, then very rapidly until it becomes a bona fide functioning consumer at around 8 or 9 years of age. At about this point, children begin to absorb an enormous amount of additional consumer competencies as their reasoning powers develop at a higher plane. These consumer cadets, no doubt, learn more than half of their consumer attitudes and skills by the average age of 10.” In addition there has been a tremendous increase in disposable income that teenagers and young adults have acquired with strong evidence suggesting they have already established certain brand loyalties. Brands can deceive children by manipulating them instead of communicating to them. This is where the Canadian Association of Broadcasters, and national regulatory groups in other counties, develops a code of advertising to children. Increasingly adult companies have found ways to create a relationship with children. At IKEA, kid are able to play in a ball room and granted they have a positive experience their feeling of loyalty to IKEA may increase without never having made a purchase or spending anytime inside the actual store however, IKEA recognizes these children as potential customers, when a positive childhood memory could manifest as a loyal consumer,

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