...In America one of the most popular sports is the game of football. Programs in high school have been around since early in the 20th century. It is a very widespread sport, especially at the high school level. Football is a very violent, active sport and can cause many injuries such as leg, shoulder, arm, head and neck being the most severe. This fun and entertaining sport is very popular but it is getting progressively more dangerous as time goes on. Severe brain and neck injuries occur in the sport with more and more happening each year. The National Federation of State High School Association needs to take charge to protect its athletes and stop this rising problem by making specific rules against head to head contact. Head to head contact can be extremely dangerous and causes very serious problems. This somewhat new problem that has been recognized by scientists and doctors are very scary for someone who plays football like myself. Head to head contact is the main reason players get concussions while playing football. Leading with the head while tackling increases your chance immensely in getting concussed. Concussions are extremely hazardous and they are far too common among athletes. A bad concussion or too many can lead to permanent brain damage. It is bothersome to think that playing a sport can lead to brain damage but this is the new reality. Not only does a dangerous tackle cause head injuries, it can cause neck trauma. This is scary because neck injuries can...
Words: 356 - Pages: 2
...On Concussions and High-School Football With risk comes reward. Concussions are a growing issue in sports, but especially football. Members on a school board in Las Vegas have proposed banning high-school football because of this increasing issue, and this is being considered in other places. Davis County is debating whether or not to ban high-school football, in my opinion there is more good that comes from football than bad. Football is a collision sport in which players tackle each other, which can lead to injuries and concussions. A concussion is the force from an impact that causes the brain to strike the inner surface of the skull. This can result in long-term brain damage, and can be fatal in some cases. While concussions are bad, there are good things that come from playing football. Ed Riley from the Portland Tribune said "My son and his teammates have learned more about hard work, sportsmanship and resilience on the football field than anywhere else". Some parents believe that the risks of injury outweigh the benefits of playing, but by playing sports in high-school, students can learn skills they’ll use throughout their lives. Another reason football is a good sport for students is that it’s a equal-opportunity sport. Any kind of athlete can join a football team, and the skill needed to play don’t require...
Words: 608 - Pages: 3
...participants. Sports or games that have the possibility of leading to concussions should be banned. Just because the individual...
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...Football is one of the most popular sports in the United states. However it is also one of the most dangerous sports out there personally I believe it is too dangerous to play in high school. Football players sustain more than half a million injuries nationally. Injuries such as concussions, fractures and worse of all chronic traumatic encephalopathy or more commonly know as CTE. CTE was first discovered by Dr. Bennet Omalu a forensic pathologist and neuropathologist Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The NFL and NCAA are implementing and regulating rules to make the game safer for players. Football is the leading sport in sport related injuries. In a research conducted by the Center for Injury and Research and Policy at Columbus Children's Hospital...
Words: 737 - Pages: 3
...According to Houser (2015, p.29), "Research is about the search for truth. There are, however, multiple approaches to determining and describing truth. Critical to a successful research process is understanding which approach is effective for the particular problem to be solved." The search for truth for me is going to be about concussions. Concussions has been a major topic working in Neurosciences. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2016), 30 % of all traumatic brain injury results in death. More than half of concussions can be attributed to football (Cournoyer & Tripp, 2014). Many high school athletes do not recognize the signs and symptoms of concussion and fail to report symptoms to a coach because...
Words: 440 - Pages: 2
...Head Injuries in the Game of Football Head Injuries in the Game of Football 250,000 people age 19 and younger were treated in emergency rooms for concussions and other sports- or recreation-related brain injuries in the country in 2009. That was an increase from 150,000 in 2001 (Cleared to Play). Did you know that high school athletes sustain an estimated 136,000 to 300,000 concussions per year (Moms Team)? How about that 24.7 percent, out of all the patients who were admitted into an emergency department with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), obtained their head injury while playing football (Swarm Interactive)? That is higher than any other sport or activity associated with TBIs. Brain injuries contribute one third of all injury-related deaths in the United States and 75 percent of those injuries are concussions (CDC). It is easy to conclude that head injuries are extremely dangerous and can be easily obtained. For these reasons, people should be informed of how football can be immensely risky to play and how the sport is associated with brain injuries. Numerous retired professional football players now suffer from a degenerative disease called Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). This disease is caused by countless hits to the head or body, causing small concussions (ESPN). CTE is a build up of a protein that garrotes brain cells that control one’s emotions, memory, perceptions, and more. As far as we have seen, the disease also causes serious depression, dementia, and...
Words: 1659 - Pages: 7
...he suffered a concussion.” “ Not another one!” In this society, it is a norm to suffer a concussion while playing sports. But the question is…. Is it safe and should it be allowed in schools? This question is a heavily discussed question as there are many views. This topic is also discussed in the sources, “ Hard Knocks” By Gabriel Charles Tyler, “ Concussion Hazards in Youth Football ” By CNN, and the “ How many G’s ” infographic by The University of Michigan School of Kinesiology.(all sources are non- fiction) “ Hard...
Words: 798 - Pages: 4
...Football is the epitome of strategic warfare, encapsulating violence, might, strength and valor into a colossally barbaric sporting event. Hall of Fame legend, and former wide-receiver of the New York Giants, Frank Gifford once said, “Football is like nuclear warfare. There are no winners, only survivors." Over the last fifty years, football has grown to become America’s most popular game, however, this fame and glory is accompanied by an alarming rise in tragic accidents on the field of competition. Even with rules and regulations meant for the protection of both the players and the integrity of game, traumatic injuries are escalating at an alarming rate. In all leagues ranging from pee-wee to the National Football League (NFL), the athleticism and size of the players are at an all-time high and continues to increase each season. However, such increases in athleticism have highlighted the greatest flaw in modern football: the iconic football helmet has become the single most destructive weapon in sports. Helmets have become the heads of missiles that launch through the air and crush into opponents’ skulls, leaving players with closed head injuries as a result of multiple concussions. The football helmet found its roots with the leatherheads; however the false sense of security and protection the helmet provides has led to the worst injuries the sports industry has ever seen. The multiple hits to the head can and will eventually lead a player to the emergency room with a concussion...
Words: 1724 - Pages: 7
...This essay will argue that sports teams from high school to the NFL need to focus more on the dangers of concussion sin football. In sports everyone who commits to playing for an organized team knows that there is a large risk involved by the time you are stepping onto the field, Court or Ice Rink. One of the most common sports that athletes are being injured in is the sport of football. Every one knows the dangers of the the full contact sport because it is so widely commercialized in for all ages. From High School all the way to the NFL football is a big deal but what about the injury's that come along with playing this violent game. Concussions are one of the most common injures that occur out of the football field and it has...
Words: 2094 - Pages: 9
...looks around and everything turns blurry and he is disoriented, but the athlete decides to play on anyways. Football’s popularity as a sport in high school brings communities together in support for the team they love. The game has always been a very physical game with large injury risk, but as the years go on the game continues to become more and more dangerous. Even with the helps of pads and the newest, safest helmets players still have an extremely high probability of sustaining a minor or serious injury. Some of these injuries can create long lasting health problems that can affect an athlete throughout the rest of their lives. Football is to dangerous of a sport for high school students, because it can cause serious injuries like concussions and also leaves many players with multiple long term health issues. Concussions are a very serious injury that many students experience while playing football. The total number of concussions throughout a season maintains a rapid increase, as it develops into a more frequent and dangerous injury. Over 9500 concussions occurred throughout the 2014 high school football season, and...
Words: 752 - Pages: 4
...Sport Concussions and Head Injuries Concussions are a problem in sports and can affect people’s lives forever. There is an estimated 300,000 high school concussions per year (Parachute- Preventing Injuries. Saving Lives). Half of trauma deaths are due to head injuries (“ Journal of Trauma Management and Outcomes”, BioMed Central). The leading cause of concussions are sports, falls, motor vehicle related, and assaults. Football is the most common sport with concussion risk at 75% chance for a concussion. This is why I think sports should make football, hockey, and other sports that have a high concussion rate, safer to play. Some people don't like to play a physical game, but people like me would rather play a rough game. The more physical it is can make it a lot more fun to play and watch, but sometimes they get too rough and people can get hurt. It can be very bad if you get a concussion at any time in your life because it affects your brain. Your brain controls your nervous system, your planning, and thinking. Your nervous system...
Words: 819 - Pages: 4
...the NFL today than what was happening in the past. Sure past players got hurt, but players now hit ten times harder, play ten times tougher, it’s obvious they are due for a serious injury, it’s just a matter of time and when, surely they make millions each year, but is all that money worth the risk of losing your life or possibly harming it? Imagine this, you’re at your sons final football game as he’s a senior about to graduate, he’s got the crowd rooting for him, he’s the one who snaps the ball, yes the quarterback of the team. The defense is running full force, showing blitz when suddenly “ WHAM!” he takes a huge hit from a defensive player and stays laid out on the floor , suddenly coaches and staff from the team rush to the field while he remains still, the crowd silent , awaiting the outcome . Slowly he gets up with the help of the staff and coaches, he’s then carted to the locker room by team staff where they tell the parents that they are checking him for a concussion because it’s UIL protocol when it comes to hard extensive hits taken by a defenseless player. Not one person who loves football can deny that the big hits and huge plays are the main reason we watch the game, but has anyone ever stopped for a second to observe how dangerous the hits can actually be and how they can affect a player and their families long term? We often hear about how NFL players current and from the past are being accused or charged with domestic violence, assaults, murder, and other heinous...
Words: 3799 - Pages: 16
...year, tens of thousands of concussions happen due to high school sports. 2.5 million students play sports and could get hurt. Isaiah, a 13 year old boy, had a dream to play football in high school. At football camp, a year before his dream was going to come true, he was running with a ball and was tackled. He smacked his head hard on the turf. He was rushed to the hospital where he was told he had a concussion. Isaiah had to sit in a dark room for two weeks so his brain could heal. After he healed, Isaiah decided to quit football. Injuries in sports are causing players to give up on their dreams (Belson). Unsurprisingly, football is the number one injury causing sport in high school. Two dozen high school football players died in recent...
Words: 487 - Pages: 2
...hey, id High School Football Head Injuries In America, one of the most popular sports is the game of football. Programs in high school have been around since early in the 20th century. It is a very widespread sport, especially at the high school level. Football is a very violent, active sport and can cause many injuries such as leg, shoulder, arm, head and neck being the most severe. This fun and entertaining sport is very popular but it is getting progressively more dangerous as time goes on. Severe brain and neck injuries occur in the sport with more and more happening each year. The National Federation of State High School Association needs to take charge to protect its athletes and stop this rising problem by making specific rules against head to head contact. Head to head contact can be extremely dangerous and cause very serious problems for all high school football players. In 2009, 250,000 people age nineteen and younger were treated in emergency rooms for concussions and other sports related brain injuries in the country. That was an increase from 150,000 in 2001. Did you know that high school athletes sustain an estimated 136,000 to 300,000 concussions per year (Moms Team)? Out of all the patients who were admitted into an emergency department with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), 24.7 percent obtained their head injury while playing football (Swarm Interactive). That is higher than any other sport or activity associated with TBIs. Brain injuries contribute...
Words: 656 - Pages: 3
...The Super Bowl is our country's national celebration of football, a game Dr. Bennet Omalu, the doctor who discovered chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), calls our "collective societal intoxication and addiction." From an entertainment perspective, football is more popular than ever. Attendance figures, television ratings and the growth of fantasy football tell us that. However, while the game's popularity might be on the upswing, so is the scientific evidence that football is hazardous to the human brain. And it's not just concussions. "In terms of the truth, it is not about concussions," said Omalu in a recent interview with sport and culture writer Patrick Hruby. "It is about blows to the head." Long term, repetitive sub-concussive...
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