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Conflict Action Plan

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Conflict Resolution
As per my position, firstly I will try to concentrate on the problem why it happened then after that I will fix a meeting with both employees at quiet place one by one. I will listen with carefully what the employee said and also listen to another employee as well as and I will also try to remove the entire barrier which are occurred in communication and so they can express their views as free to any hesitation. After discussion with both employees then I will organize another meeting with team managers to share my information which I received already from employees in meeting with them and so I will come up with suitable action plan for resolving conflict as soon as possible.
1. Desire and necessity for the conflict to …show more content…
It was decided that both employees need to have some form of training regarding their cultural gaps and the above issue where some of the problems that my organization where face with regarding the employees. It was also decided that we had some more experience members of staff who have huge knowledge of cultural diversity within our company that could buddy up with each employee to become a mentor and help if any conflict and disagreement occur whilst completing the daily work duties, and whilst having the discussion with other managers it came to our understanding that more training was need with each staff members in how task where been performed which was causing some of the conflict as it appeared that they have both shown a different way to complete task which was causing quite a bit of confusion as .there was a huge language obstacle and one of the employee had been making negative comments in relation to the culture and values of the other employee. To address the cultural diversity both employee needed to have cultural awareness training or …show more content…
Mediation with co-workers
When you have conflict with co-workers, we use the conflict resolution process or the grievance procedure.
Both of these processes would involve a mediator. The mediator could be:
When we face conflict between co-worker then we can use conflict resolution process or grievance procedure and these both process would involve mediator and mediator could be senior , team leader, supervisor or senior team member and may be from human resources management. Mediation person work as middle person between both party and also he is to provide equal opportunities to bring their thoughts, views and help to them analyzing problem and helping in solutions.
After discussion with team manager, team leader come to conclusion to organize meeting with two employees in presence of team manager and team leader self and also intimate both employees for venue, time and agenda of meeting so both employees come with information to contribute to meeting that was going to place.
After discussion in the meeting one of worker name is Peter( he expressed his view that he did not have any issue regarding cultural stereotyping toward the other worker whose name is Ashanka) but he think Ashanka was inflicting his cultural beliefs on

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