...GUJARAT NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY International Relations Water Conflicts in the Middle East Submitted to: Dr. Aruna Kumar Malik Faculty (International Relations) Submitted by: Himanshu Sharma 10A048 (Sem – V) 1|Page GUJARAT NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY Acknowledgement I express my gratitude and sincere thanks to Mr. Aruna Kumar Malik, for his support throughout the making of this project. He has provided valuable guidance as and when required without which this project would not have been in this shape. I would like to thank Gujarat National Law University for giving us this opportunity to work on this project, especially the staff at the library for providing excellent research facilities. Lastly, I thank my friends for their support, for their help in the research and for critically going through the project and correcting the mistakes. 2|Page GUJARAT NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction…….………………………………………………………..4 Chapter 2: Causes of water Conflicts…………..………………………………….5 Chapter 3: Some Major Conflicts in the Middle East……………………………..6 Chapter 4: Remedial Measures…………..……………………………………….11 Chapter 5: Conclusion………………………………………………………..….....13 References..……………………………………………………………14 3|Page GUJARAT NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY I. Introduction The Middle-east is a region encompassing Western Asia and all or parts of North Africa, depending on the context in which the term is used. The history of the Middle-east dates far back...
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...PROSPECTS OF TRADE UNDER SAFTA Muhammad Khalid Bashir, Khuda Bakhsh and Azid Imdad Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad ABSTRACT Under the WTO regime it was expected that both the developing and developed nations will benefit from the opening up of the markets in these countries. But uptil now the developing countries are at the suffering end. So theses were being encouraged to explore the regional markets and make some regional free trade areas. The countries of SAARC had decided to sign the SAFTA. Question arises that will it be a support to the economies of these countries? The general perception is that the countries with higher comparative advantage will out weigh rest of the countries. It is further being envisaged incase of SAFTA that there are three possible ways of the workability of it which are; pessimistic, optimistic and moderate. Different empirical evidences and theoretical perceptions are that the current political atmosphere in the region is supportive to the pessimistic outcome of SAFTA. INTRODUCTION The World Trade Organization (WTO) has been established with an aim to enhance international trade with the help of lower trade barriers and providing a forum to negotiate trade and business with agreed upon principles of the trading system. The WTO principles allow a free trading system with no discrimination against foreign products or services. The provision is also there that one country can not provide...
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...Conflicts in the Work Place Melody Johnson Strayer University Winter 12’ Professor Albert Yin In this paper I will discuss the affects of conflict, decision making and organizational design in the work place. When people work together, there will be tension and conflict between individuals and groups from time to time. Even in the best of work environments, organizational tension is inevitable. Conflict is the natural outcome of disagreement often resulting from individuals or groups with differing values, desired outcomes, or frame of reference. Such workplace tension produces a situation where executives can spend time up-front by finding resolution through negotiation or spend time on the backend trying to resolve a destructive battle. Left unmanaged, organizational tension and conflict will inflict unnecessary pain through internal struggles and in the worst scenarios cause long term strife to the organization or loss of talented employees. In my current position as a supervisor I am faced with conflict, decision making and organizational designs daily. I supervise a team of investigators and at times there are differences in the workplace amongst the team. As a supervisor it is my job to try to diffuse the situation to ensure that it doesn’t escalate. By diffusing, I would need to come up with a strategy that would benefit both parties. When I was researching Branson, for example Branson believed in hiring the best people to run businesses. People are important so...
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...Inside Southeast Asia Internal Political Challenges, Inter-State Conflicts and Regional Security Southeast Asia has been one of the most vibrant regions in recent years. This resilient and dynamic region is one of the major hubs at the heart of Asia and is likely to play a significant role in the rising Asia. It can help shape and evolve the larger regional architecture in the Asia-Pacific region. Inside Southeast Asia, the internal political and social systems and the interaction between the two have created an interesting mix of hope, challenges and threats at the national, bilateral and regional levels. Besides, with the ongoing economic integration and political and security cooperation with regional powers, the regional organization-ASEAN seeks to balance these relations with the proliferation of new powers. The Institute of Peace & Conflict Studies (IPCS), as an independent research institute and a leading think-tank, explores what is happening in Southeast Asia today. The Southeast Asia Research Programme (SEARP) at the Institute monitors these internal issues in the region on a regular basis and further intends to convert the process into a annual meet to understand the dynamics of the current issues, challenges and problems in Southeast Asia. Three themes have been identified in the region which need immediate attention– Internal political challenges, inter-state conflicts and ASEAN and regional security. Theme-I Internal Political Challenges The primary security...
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...Published on Explorable.com (https://explorable.com) Writing a Bibliography For any research paper, writing a bibliography is essential, to prevent any accusations of plagiarism [1], and to give fair credit to the work of previous authors in the field. Writing a reference-list also allow the reader, or the person marking the paper, to check the original sources if they require more detail. Your bibliography, often called a citation list, always comes at the end of the paper, and it must include all of the direct sources that you referred to in the body of the paper. For the vast majority of scientific papers, APA [2] or MLA [3] style references are used, alphabetically ordered by the surname of the author. For any sources with no author, use the name of the organization or website or, if there is no other choice, use the title of the work. As with in text citations [4], it is important to stick to one style and avoid confusing the reader. All entries in the bibliography should be in alphabetical order, and they should use a hanging indent. If you use more than one source from the same author, you should order them by date and then by the first letter of the title, if the year of publication is the same. Writing a Biography - Some Examples of APA and MLA Format It is impossible to list all of the permutations for the various types of sources used here. As for APA [5] and MLA [6] citations, here's how to write a bibliography: Book With One Author APA: ...
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...Collaboration between APNS, other Healthcare Professionals, and Agencies Student’s Name Institution Collaboration between APNS, other Healthcare Professionals, and Agencies Cooperation, mutual working relationship and understanding between APNs (advanced practice nurses) other healthcare professionals and agencies is critical for the improvement of health (Edwards, 2009). Such collaborative working relationship promotes research, enhances patient education, increases general public awareness and promotes correct diagnoses and treatment. In this paper. Therefore, my interest is in this collaboration (Fairman et. al, 2011). I seek to find out the ways advanced practice nurses and other groups can collaborate to improve health status and service delivery. Health agencies and organizations include researchers, medical unions, patient advocacy organizations and other associations within the health industry (Freshwater, 2002). APNs are health professionals who emphasize self-care and wellness, manage their workload, and provide diagnosis and treatment of health disorders (Johns, 2000). APNs always focus on the impact of diseases and medications on the patient and the society as a whole. APNs are registered nurses with advanced credentials; they are also certified by the relevant certification bodies (Hoyt, Proehl & Jean, 2012). The common places where APNs work include schools, clinics, health centers, physician offices, hospices, and nursing homes. APNs also...
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...Collaboration between APNS, other Healthcare Professionals, and Agencies Student’s Name Institution Collaboration between APNS, other Healthcare Professionals, and Agencies Cooperation, mutual working relationship and understanding between APNs (advanced practice nurses) other healthcare professionals and agencies is critical for the improvement of health (Edwards, 2009). Such collaborative working relationship promotes research, enhances patient education, increases general public awareness and promotes correct diagnoses and treatment. In this paper. Therefore, my interest is in this collaboration (Fairman et. al, 2011). I seek to find out the ways advanced practice nurses and other groups can collaborate to improve health status and service delivery. Health agencies and organizations include researchers, medical unions, patient advocacy organizations and other associations within the health industry (Freshwater, 2002). APNs are health professionals who emphasize self-care and wellness, manage their workload, and provide diagnosis and treatment of health disorders (Johns, 2000). APNs always focus on the impact of diseases and medications on the patient and the society as a whole. APNs are registered nurses with advanced credentials; they are also certified by the relevant certification bodies (Hoyt, Proehl & Jean, 2012). The common places where APNs work include schools, clinics, health centers, physician offices, hospices, and nursing homes. APNs also...
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...Bio 173 Fisheries Biology: Term Paper Date: September 3, 2013 File: d:\B173-2013\B173_term_paper.wpd Summary You are to write a scientific term paper about a topic related to fisheries biology. Goal Ron Coleman The goal is for you to produce a term paper that illustrates that you have researched and thought in depth about a topic in fisheries biology. The term paper will tell me that you understand the important issues in a particular field and have identified the current cutting edge in that research. This paper is NOT an essay. I do not want you to explain a topic to me. I want you to discuss current research on a topic. If you find yourself including extensive background material then you are not doing the paper correctly. The paper is about the current research, not just about the phenomenon. For each of your source papers, tell me what the authors were trying to investigate, how they did their investigation, what they found and what it means. It is possible that you have never done this kind of paper before. If you are unclear about what you are doing, ask me about it. If you think that this is just like writing a typical term paper on some topic, then you are dead wrong. Most importantly, think of this as an opportunity to show me what you can do, not as something that you have to do. I want you to discover something and to share that discovery with me. Potential Topics I suggest you look at the following journals for inspiration: Science, Nature, Journal of Fish Biology...
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... this paper will look at why unsanitary drinking water is a global problem, examining the problem through the lens of the conflict theory, and some possible solutions. Problems First, this paper will look at factors as to why unsanitary water is a global problem. According to the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, more than 780 million people still do not have access to safe drinking water in the world (Ramirez-Djumena, 2012, p. 33). While this number technically meets the United Nations Millennium Development Goal Target 7c to “reduce by half, between 1990 and 2015, ‘the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking-water and basic sanitation,’” there is still more than 40 percent of all inhabitants of sub-Saharan Africa who lack access to safe-drinking water and only 19 out of the 50 countries in that area are on track to meet Target 7c (Bain, 2012, p.228; Ramirez-Djumena, 2012, p.32). Without access to clean drinking water, the inhabitants in these areas are more susceptible to water-born diseases. The World Health Organization reported that due a lack of access to clean water, “1.6 million people die every year from diarrhoeal diseases … and 90% are children under 5, in developing countries” ("Health through safe drinking water and basic sanitation," n.d.). Not only is access to clean, safe water a matter of public health, but it is the cause of conflicts in some areas. The Nile River is the cause of conflict between...
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...Cooperation is important management skill in project teams’ Abstract: Cooperation is one of management skills, so this paper aims to introduce the papers in this special issue which highlight the importance of cooperation in project teams’. Conceptual approaches to cooperation in project teams’ are described and a brief outline is given to each paper in the special issue. This special issue brings together studies that enhance our theoretical of understanding of cooperation, addressing core issues related to the role of the project teams’, and improve the skill in project team. Factors that facilitate or hinder cooperation in project teams’ are highlighted, and suggestions on how to deal with those issues in practice are provided. The papers facilitate understanding of the role of the importance of cooperation, the advantages of cooperation and improve it. Key words: project teams’ improve importance Introduction The management skills are the qualities and experience a person possesses that allows them to provide good leadership and organization to group or company. These skills are not only vital to large corporations but also to project teams. And these skills include cooperation, learning and communication. However, the most important skill of these is cooperation. Cooperation is one of the most important themes for modern organizations. Cooperation as a synergistic force is a core organizational process driving organizational effectiveness (Schalk and Petru...
Words: 1919 - Pages: 8
...strategies and in particular to identify gaps in the efforts of the international community to support a lasting peace in the transition countries. The commission will not proceed with the peace itself, but will provide recommendations to the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). In addition to providing a new opportunity for better ways to consolidate the details of peace by the United Nations , in cooperation with national governments, international financial institutions (IMF and World Bank) , and major donors and contributors troops , the commission should help keep the attention of the international community as a country for a long period of time and more resources at times critical process of peace building, especially comprehensive planning post -conflict reconstruction . The commission has a major role to play to stop the conflict. Hand in hand with its partners, it can occur before the current conflict was initiated and developed into a thriving war, and develop best practices to make the transition from violent conflict to...
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...CONFLICT MANAGEMENT How do we manage conflict so the organization and personnel don’t suffer? Can we actually derive benefits from conflict? The purpose of this paper is to answer these questions and give you insight into the options available to managers for the successful management of conflict. Conflict is inevitable in every organization and often times necessary to ensure high performance. Ken Thomas defined conflict as the process that results when one person (or a group) perceives that another person or group is frustrating, or about to frustrate, an important concern. (Thomas: 891) Conflict involves incompatible differences between parties that result in interference or opposition. Such differences can serve as a motivator for positive change or cause decreases in productivity. Conflict, therefore, can be constrictive or destructive. Conflict is destructive when it produces barriers to cooperation, destroys morale and diverts energy from important tasks and issues. It is constructive when it leads to a solution of a problem or a higher level of understanding and communication between individuals or groups. So then we can say that conflict is both constructive and destructive it just depends on how you manage it. In the past, managers were trained to avoid conflict because of the negative repercussions that sometimes resulted. Today however, many management trainers are advocating that since there are some benefits derived from having conflict...
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...Individual Reflection Paper on Your 5020 Group Experience Introduction This reflection paper is a compilation of what Group or Team C, experience during the execution of the Group Project Paper on Goal Setting in Organizations within Burger King Corporation. The paper covers important topics such as how the group was formed, leadership, the evolution of the group/team over the term, group/team dynamics, group structure, team communication and Intergroup/intra-group conflict. This paper connects the individual experiences within group dynamics concepts presented in the course to illustrate their relevance, as well as some comparison and contrast of the team’s intra-group conflict experience with techniques presented throughout the course. The paper also, provides a vast content on theory for each of the covered topics, to enhance the subjects learned during the path of Organizational Management. As you read throughout the paper you will learn how Team C, successfully developed greater knowledge of relevant material and develop the necessary group skills, while always bringing into consideration solutions to get the job done the right way and on time. Leadership The reliable source of leadership theory and research, the Stogdill’s Handbook of Leadership, describes leadership as “an interaction between members of a group. Leaders are agents of change; persons whose acts affect other people more than other people’s acts affect them. Leadership occurs when one...
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...SAARC Ministerial Declaration on Cooperation in Combating Terrorism ***** We, the Foreign Ministers of Member States of SAARC, are deeply concerned about the continuing scourge of terrorism afflicting the region which has caused extensive social disharmony, loss of human life, destruction and damage to property. Terrorism poses a serious threat to peace and cooperation, and friendly and good neighbourly relations. It jeopardises the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of States, while constituting a serious violation of fundamental human rights. We renew our commitment to strengthening comprehensive region-wide cooperation among SAARC Member States to combat and eliminate all forms and manifestations of terrorism and in this context affirm the need to reinforce further the regional legal regime and instituting pragmatic cooperation to address this issue effectively. We also recognise that our cooperation shall proceed on the basis of sovereign equality, mutual respect and the principles of non-intervention and non-interference in the internal affairs of Member States consistent with the SAARC Charter. As we meet in Colombo, at the Thirty-first Session of the Council of Ministers, we solemnly declare and agree to undertake the following measures of cooperation: 1. We reiterate our commitment to implement measures against organising, instigating, facilitating, financing, fund raising, encouraging, tolerating and providing training for or otherwise...
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...activity that will be used by the researcher’s organization and also might be of help to other organizations in maintaining funds for the operations of the organization. The researchers would also like to study this topic to identify sound strategies that would be useful in order to finance future projects. Furthermore, the researchers would like to emphasize through this research paper the importance of the manpower or the human resources in having effective fund raising activities. It is observed in most of organizations that people who occupy the top position are almost the same people who are working to make the organization productive which is wrong. All of the members and officials of an organization are all responsible in the day-to-day activities. This research paper will identify who among the members of the organization should be responsible in handling the fund raising activities. This research paper will also tackle the possible conflicts of responsibilities among the members during the fund raising activities. The researchers would like to enumerate some strategies to minimize the possible conflicts that may arise during...
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