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Constitutional Amendment Dbq

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As this was passed by the Federal Congress, Missouri became the 24th U.S. state of America (1821), and the Missouri settlement was the beginning of prolonged regional disputes, which led to the conflict between the U.S. and the American Civil War.

In 1817, Missouri made a federal request for the first time in 1817, and Congress considered enacting laws to establish a state constitution in the early days of 1819. However, as New York Congressman James Talmes tried to add a constitutional amendment to the law, a fierce and malevolent dispute ensued over the government's rights to restrict slavery and slavery to the law. The modified version of Telmaz contained the introduction of slaves in Missouri and the slaves in Missouri were liberated at the age of 25. The amendment was passed by …show more content…
When Congress opened again in December 1819, Maine asked for the main entrance. The Senate passed a bill that allowed Maine to allow Maine to enter the Union without restrictions, and Missouri to enter the state without restrictions on slavery. Senator J. B. Thomas, then the Illinois senator, accepted Missouri as a slave but added an amendment that banned slavery at the Louisiana Purchase site north of the 38th parallel. On March 3, 1820, the main opposition Democratic Party was overwhelmingly endorsed by the House of Representatives, with the freedom of Liberty, Missouri, and the abolition of slavery in all Western territories except Missouri. However, a new crisis occurred when the state of the Missouri Council created a state constitution that excludes free blacks and multiplexes. Many Northerners opposed these racist provisions, and Henry Clay was asked to complete the Second Missouri Agreement. On March 2, 1821, the Federal Congress published a condition that states that the exclusion clause is not

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