...Business Entities, Laws and Regulation Paper Earnestine Pearson BUS/415 April 23, 2012 Tony Cardillo A entrepreneur according to Cheeseman, 2010, “is a person who forms and operates a business” (p. 250). In opening and starting a business, an individual will have to decide what type of business to form, and if he, she, or they is qualified to do. Individuals must also be able to determine the different forms of business organizations. These forms include: sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, and corporation. According to Cheeseman, 2010, “the selection of business forms has many factors to depend on. Factors including the ease of cost of formation, the capital requirements of the business, the flexibility of management decisions, government restrictions, personal liability, tax consideration, and the like” (p,250). In this paper, I will also discuss three scenarios: Business Professional Practices, the Extermination Business, and the Construction scenario. I will discuss the business entity of each scenario, the taxation of each scenario, taking charge, liability issues that each business must consider, identify the laws and regulations, and risk associated with each scenario. Professional Practice This scenario is about two friends Akiva and Tara who wants to open a birth clinic together. They have both completed all of their educational and experimental requirements of becoming obstetricians. Before they...
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...Business, Entitles, Laws, and Regulations Paper{ The start of this essay is to discuss the best business entry for each of the chosen scenario we choose for this assignment. We must identify laws, risks, and regulations of both scenarios we choose from. We are to discuss the elements and discuss the employment laws in which the business must comply in making a decision. In this Business Law paper, I will discuss two business scenarios’ business entity represents the best choice, while taking control, taxation, and liability issues into consideration. As well as, laws and regulations each business must consider in starting the business and any risks each business must consider to protect itself. Additionally, I will discuss a Construction scenario and a situation requiring a Hiring Manager to choose the best applicant while considering the above elements and employment laws and regulations which the business must consider when making a decision. In the construction scenario, Mel-lin is the hiring manager and needs to hire someone with a high school diploma is the only description for the job. Four peoples applied for the position at the Surebuild, Inc. ( Construction Company); Michelle has experience, high school diploma, was formerly employed as a jackhammer operator and is pregnant, Eric has no experience and no high school diploma; Felipe speak no English, no high school diploma, but is experienced in jackhammer; Nick has epileptic, has a college degree...
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...Business Entities Paper Arbra Jones Business Law BUS/415 Professor Dina C. Gledhill February 20, 2012 Business Entities This paper will evaluate three scenarios, restaurant and bar with wealthy third party investor, an extermination company with a wealthy owner and investor, and a construction company which is hiring for particular position. The business entity that represents the best choice for each business will be identified as well as the laws, regulations, taxation, and control each business must consider. The liability issues each business must protected from will also be discussed. The evaluation of the construction company will identify and discuss employment laws and regulations the company must abide by. Restaurant and Bar Scenario Based on information provided in the scenario, Lou and Jose want to open a sports bar and restaurant. Miriam, a wealthy investor, has agreed to invest in the venture because Lou and Jose do not have enough startup capital. In return for her investment Miriam will receive a percentage of the company’s profit as an owner. Business Entity, Control, Taxation, and Liability A partnership would be the best business entity for the sports bar because there are three owners that will participate in the business and receive a percentage of the business profits. Miriam will provide the investment capital and Lou and Jose will run the day-to-day operations. A partnership allows all parties to have control of the business and decisions...
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...Course Syllabus Course Name: Business Law Course Number: BUS/415 Group Number: SWFOUN86 Course Start Date: 5/14/2012 Course End Date: 6/18/2012 Day & Time: Monday, 6:00pm PST Course Schedule________________________________________________________ Workshop 1 – May 14, 2012 Workshop 2 – May 21, 2012 Workshop 3 – June 4, 2012 Workshop 4 – June 11, 2012 Workshop 5 – June 18, 2012 Course Description This course examines, analyzes, and applies to the morn business environment the nature, formation and system of law in the United States. Course Topics & Objectives 1. Legal Environment Explain the relationship between business and the legal environment. Evaluate the social responsibility of business practices. Describe the stages of a civil case. 2. Torts Assess business situations for tort liability and defenses. 3. Contracts and Commerce Describe the elements of a valid contract. Explain the application of the Uniform Commercial Code to commercial transactions. Differentiate between types of interests in property. 4. Business Organizations Differentiate business entities by their advantages and disadvantages. Explain the actions which may result in the piercing of the corporate veil. Describe the formation and dissolution of a corporation. 5. Employment Law Government Regulation Describe the evolution of employment law. Explain government regulation of employer-employee relationships...
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...Business Entities, Laws, and Regulations Paper Name BUS/415 Instructor Name July 5, 2010 Business Entities, Laws, and Regulations Paper There are two hypothetical businesses or scenarios which are selected for the following paper. This paper will comprise of contemplations regarding various issues which these businesses will have to face. These may include issues related to legal, liability, control, taxation, and risk and regulatory. Furthermore a hypothetical manager scenario will be there according to which a manager will hire from amongst several candidates with different qualifications and experiences. An advertisement for a jackhammer operator will be placed in accordance to which the applicant will be selected from numerous applicants and also the regulatory and legal issues will be considered while doing this selection. Professional Practice Scenario As per this scenario, a big loan or credit is required by Akiva and Tara who are interested in opening a birthing clinic. For this purpose they need large financing which is possible through the loan. A limited partnership will be created when two medical professionals Akiva and Tara will enter a partnership. This will be an LLP or Limited Liability Partnership. According to Cheeseman (2010, p.274) there is advantage for the partners to enter an LLP as the liability on each partner is up to the capital contribution or investments in the partnership. When articles of partnership is filed with the secretary of...
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...One of America’s largest forest products/paper firms with sales of $6.5Billion in 1983 and a net income of $105 million. The case study revolves around Atlantic Corporation’s intention to add linerboard capacity. In order to achieve this goal, they started looking at viable solutions, including purchasing and acquiring mill and box plants instead of through construction and fabrication of new plants and equipment. This included the possible acquisition of Royal Paper’s “crown jewels”, that is, the Monticello mill and the corrugated box plants. Is the acquisition of Royal’s linerboard mill and box plants a sound strategic move? One of the solutions was to offer a purchase of Royal Paper’s company assets, including a linerboard mill and box plant. This is a sound strategic move as Atlantic Corporation purchases 150,000 tons of linerboard from its competitors each year which could lead to problems such as lack of supply and increased cost prices. Construction of a new linerboard mill would be time consuming and the opportunity cost of lost revenue from this may exceed the benefits when the mill becomes operational. For Atlantic Corporation, it may face two scenarios: linerboard becoming unavailable or linerboard prices increase. Both these two scenarios will be detrimental to the company’s performance and should be avoided. As linerboard’s industry sales is less responsive to market movements, signifying that it is less risky, the acquisition of Royal Paper’s mill and box plants...
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...The start of this essay is to discuss the best business entry for each of the chosen scenario we choose for this assignment. We must identify laws, risks, and regulations of both scenarios we choose from. We are to discuss the elements and discuss the employment laws in which the business must comply in making a decision. In this Business Law paper, I will discuss two business scenarios’ business entity represents the best choice, while taking control, taxation, and liability issues into consideration. As well as, laws and regulations each business must consider in starting the business and any risks each business must consider to protect itself. Additionally, I will discuss a Construction scenario and a situation requiring a Hiring Manager to choose the best applicant while considering the above elements and employment laws and regulations which the business must consider when making a decision. In the construction scenario, Mel-lin is the hiring manager and needs to hire someone with a high school diploma is the only description for the job. Four peoples applied for the position at the Surebuild, Inc. ( Construction Company); Michelle has experience, high school diploma, was formerly employed as a jackhammer operator and is pregnant, Eric has no experience and no high school diploma; Felipe speak no English, no high school diploma, but is experienced in jackhammer; Nick has epileptic, has a college degree, and no experience with a jackhammer. All four...
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...Foodmart, Inc. is a retail grocery store chain based in Any State, USA. Foodmart contracted with Masterpiece Construction and few of its employees involved in different contracts. Contract is an agreement between two or more entities to do or not to do something with consideration for which the law provides a remedy. Contract is mainly use to enforce an agreement. A contract exist when there is an offer, an acceptance with is a meeting of the mind with the manifestation of the intent to agree, a consideration, a recognition to accept an offer and be able to consider an offer by law, and a subject matter. A contract can be void under certain circumstances, especially a contract conduct with a minor. The contract scenarios to discuss in this paper contain various aspects: processes involving a construction contract, a contract with a minor, contract with a minor, and issues in a contract. Scenario 1: Foodmart, Inc. is a retail grocery store currently undergoing renovation, which has required them to contract with Masterpiece, a construction company, to assist in making this vision possible. The contract specifically outlined a time frame for the work to be done within a six month period. In today’s business world contracts are written to define relations and transactions among entities. “In the eye of the law, a contract arises when there is an offer, acceptance of that offer, and sufficient consideration to make that contract valid” (FindLaw, 2011, p.84). According...
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...Scenario 1 While looking at the Risk Corporation’s case and who is potentially liable we found some issues that may have contributed to damages done to the stockholders. Issues included: Breaking Wisconsin Disclosure Law, Shareholders filed a Derivative Action, and because of certain actions Risk Corp. lost money due to the data breach. There are several relevant laws & principles that pertain to Risk Corporation. The Business Judgement Rule could be used as a defense for Tom Lawless in response to the derivative action. The business judgement rule states that directors and officers are immune from personal liability if their actions are reasonable when made but prove to be detrimental to the corporation. Next, the Duty of Loyalty may have been broken when Lawless didn’t put the corporation's interest ahead of personal interests. This happened when the Risk Corp. didn’t disclose the potential conflict of interests regarding cyber break-ins. The Duty of Care is relevant because the directors and officers have a duty to exercise reasonable care in conducting corporate affairs. And lastly Shareholder litigation is seen here when the shareholders filed a derivative action after the discovery of the data breach and the decline of stock prices of the Risk Corporation. Scenario 2 A shareholder is part owner of a corporation based on the percentage of the corporation's stock the shareholder owns. Shareholders have the right to vote to approve any fundamental corporate changes...
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...UCD CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC RESEARCH WORKING PAPER SERIES 2011 Ireland’s Sovereign Debt Crisis Karl Whelan, University College Dublin WP11/09 May 2011 UCD SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN BELFIELD DUBLIN 4 Ireland’s Sovereign Debt Crisis Karl Whelan University College Dublin 1 May 2011 1 This paper was presented at a workshop on "Life in the Eurozone With or Without Sovereign Default?" that took place at the European University Institute in Florence on April 14, 2011. 1 1. Introduction Among the countries currently experiencing sovereign debt crises, Ireland’s case is perhaps the most dramatic. As recently as 2007, Ireland was seen by many as top of the European class in its economic achievements. Ireland had combined a long period of high economic growth and low unemployment with budget surpluses. The country appeared to be well placed to cope with any economic slowdown as it had a gross debtGDP ratio in 2007 of 25% and a sovereign wealth fund worth about €5000 a head. Fast forward four years and Ireland is shut out of sovereign debt markets and in an EUIMF adjustment programme. Its debt-GDP ratio has soared over 100% and the sovereign wealth fund is effectively gone. In this short paper, I provide a brief review of how this rapid change came about and discuss potential future developments in relation to Ireland’s sovereign debt situation. 2. The Rise and Fall of the Celtic Tiger It is now well known that Ireland’s famed “Celtic Tiger” ended...
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...have fallen in Europe and Eastern European markets have opened up, its Europeans business has expanded, as has new competition, and its customers have become more demanding and quality conscious. As a result, AIAI has initiated the process to select a site for a new European warehouse/distribution center. Although it provides parts to a number of smaller truck and auto maintenance and service centers in Europe, it has seven major customers—auto and truck manufacturers—in Vienna, Leipzig, Budapest, Prague, Krakow, Munich, and Frankfurt. Its customers in Vienna and Budapest have adopted manufacturing processes requiring continuous replenishment of parts and materials. AIAI's European headquarters is in Hamburg. The vice-president for construction and development in Dayton, Ohio, has asked the...
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...International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2014 1 ISSN 2250-3153 www.ijsrp.org Construction of Positivity in Indian Scenario Construction of Positivity in Indian Scenario Construction of Positivity in Indian Scenario Construction of Positivity in Indian Scenario Construction of Positivity in Indian Scenario Construction of Positivity in Indian Scenario Construction of Positivity in Indian Scenario Construction of Positivity in Indian Scenario Construction of Positivity in Indian Scenario Construction of Positivity in Indian Scenario Construction of Positivity in Indian Scenario Construction of Positivity in Indian Scenario Dr. Jamal Akhtar*, Sarah Kazmi Rizvi** *Professor, Department Of Psychology, Govt. MLB Girls PG College (Autonomous), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India ; email: jamal.akhtar28@gmail.com ** M.B.A., Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, Delhi, India ; email: sarahkazmi90@gmail.com Abstract- Positivity refers to the degree to which something is positive or the quality or state of being positive. Positivity is that which accepts the world as it is, takes inspiration from it and sees the brighter side of it. Positive Psychology, a newly developed branch of Psychology, is an evolving branch of psychology developed by Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszenmihalyi in 1998. It was developed in order to get an insight and understanding in to various dimensions of the concept of positivity. The aim of this branch of...
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...Business Entities, Laws, and Regulations Paper When an individual or group of individuals decided to open a business there are many choices that will need to be made about what type of business they will want to work toward. First an entity for the company will need to be chosen. This entity will help decide how each individual will be held responsible for the business as well as liability issues and taxation procedures. Control of the business will also be a factor when choosing a particular entity. We will be focusing on two different scenarios and need to decide what type of entity the company needs to choose. Liability as well as rules and regulations will need to be taken into account so that the business will not only profit but will be safe from many risks that can occur when operating a business. The last scenario will discuss what rules and laws a company must abide by when hiring individuals. We will take in to account that this is a new construction company that will be looking for a certain individual to hire for the new position. Restaurant/Bar Scenario In this scenario we have two individuals, Lou and Jose that want to open a sports bar complete with large TV’s to entice customers to come in a watch many sporting events. The bar would serve alcohol and would offer food to their customers. They however do not have much money so another individual Miriam has agreed to invest money into the company for a part of the ownership, but does not want to have...
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...com Jyri Salomaa Nokia Research Center, Beijing Jyri.p.salomaa@nokia.com Ronghuai Huang Beijing Normal University huangrh@bnu.edu.cn Ding Ma Beijing Normal University mading70@126.com Abstract This paper proposes a conceptual design framework for mobile learning (mLearning) mainly based on the reflection and action research results of Nokia Mobiledu project, which was recently launched in China and is targeted especially for learning English. The framework involves five stages: mLearning activity design, requirement and constraint analysis, mLearning scenario design, mLearning technology environment design and mobile learner support services design, in which mLearning activity design plays a key role in a systematic design procedure for mLearning experience. 1. Background In China, there are more than 600 million mobile phone users and people are spending more time on the road or commuting. There is a big growth potential for mobile learning in China. Nokia recently set up China’s first interactive mobile learning service Mobiledu (www.mobiledu.cn), with the aim to enrich people’s learning experiences anytime anywhere in a most convenient way with their mobile phones. Reflecting on the design and development process of Mobiledu and other mobile learning projects, this paper describes an activity-oriented design framework for mobile learning experience, which focuses on strategies and practices to design the mobile learning experience in a systematic way instead of just dividing...
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...New York State Common Core Mathematics Curriculum GEOMETRY • MODULE 1 Table of Contents1 Congruence, Proof, and Constructions Module Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Topic A: Basic Constructions (G-CO.1, G-CO.12, G-CO.13).................................................................................... 7 Lesson 1: Construct an Equilateral Triangle ............................................................................................. 8 Lesson 2: Construct an Equilateral Triangle II ........................................................................................ 16 Lesson 3: Copy and Bisect an Angle........................................................................................................ 21 Lesson 4: Construct a Perpendicular Bisector ........................................................................................ 30 Lesson 5: Points of Concurrencies .......................................................................................................... 37 Topic B: Unknown Angles (G-CO.9) ..................................................................................................................... 43 Lesson 6: Solve for Unknown Angles—Angles and Lines at a Point ....................................................... 44 Lesson 7: Solve for Unknown Angles—Transversals .................................
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