...Saimaa University of Applied Sciences Business Administration Lappeenranta Corporate and Financial Law Riina Liutu SUBWAY MARKET RESEARCH Bachelor‟s Thesis 2010 ABSTRACT Riina Liutu Subway Market Research, 114 pages, 7 appendices Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Lappeenranta Degree Programme in Business Administration Corporate and Financial Law Bachelor‟s Thesis 2010 Instructor: Sari Jokimies Manager of Degree Program The main goal of this thesis is to find out whether Danish entrepreneurs can become successful in the Danish market as Subway franchisees. Three specific cities, namely Århus, Horsens and Vejle, are looked at in depth. In the thesis, these three cities will represent the Danish market. An evaluation of the most suitable location for a Subway restaurant is made. To reach the above objective, the Subway franchising concept, the market situation, the customers and the competitive situation will be analyzed and evaluated. In order to understand the market in which the franchisee would operate, the size of the market, historic growth, potential growth, trends and macro environmental factors will be analyzed. The analyses will show that the fast food market is mature, and that it still holds some growth potential. To find out who the potential customers of the Subway franchisee might be, a survey was made. A questionnaire was used as a main tool to analyze customer preferences and the prospects of opening a Subway restaurant...
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...Impact of Culture on Consumer Behavior in Luxury Consumption South Korea vs Netherlands By: Cindy Yoel Tanesia, Joline Boersma I. South Korea South Korea is a country located in the southern part of Korean peninsula. The population is 48,955,203 people (July 2013 est.) which make South Korea to be the 25th largest country in terms of population despite the relatively small area of the land. This paper will compare two cities in South Korea, Seoul and Busan, in terms of different in culture and how it affects the consumer behavior of the people living in the related cities. But, first of all, let’s see the general culture of people in South Korea: 1. Homogeneous There is a term of ‘hanminjok’ (한민족) in South Korea which literally means South Korean race. This term is used to describe that South Korean actually prefer to not mix their race with other races through international marriage because they afraid that they eventually will not have the pure Korean race anymore. However, the diplomatic relationship between USA and South Korea where USA helps South Korea for the military made USA military base established in some parts of South Korea actually opened the opportunity for more people from USA to come and stay in South Korea and eventually have their own family in South Korea which contributes to the increase in the international marriage in South Korea, especially in Seoul. 2. Importance of education Education plays important part for South Korean in almost every...
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...Fashion Management The Swedish School of Textiles 2012-06-01 Report no: 2012. 13. 21 Luxury Consumer behaviour Suvi Lukkarinen & Xing Wei - A Comparative Case Study of Emerging Luxury Markets in China and Finland Visiting adress: Bryggaregatan 17 Postal adress: 501 90 Borås Website: www.textilhogskolan.se Title: Luxury Consumer Behaviour -A Comparative Case Study of Emerging Luxury Markets in China and Finland. Publication year: 2012 Authors: Lukkarinen, Suvi and Wei, Xing Supervisor: Anita Radon Abstract The study on luxury consumers is always connected to their drives behind consumption. Why people buy luxury products is an interesting question. This thesis investigates influencing forces behind luxury consumer behavior, in a comparative case study on Chinese and Finnish consumers. Luxury consumption is not a new phenomenon, but in some countries, like China and Finland, the luxury market is still growing since many brands are newly entering these markets. At the same time, new generations have become luxury consumers so these markets are quickly changing. Researches have been made on luxury consumer behaviour in China and Finland. However, there is a lack of updated information available about this subject, especially about Finnish luxury consumers. Furthermore, the driving forces behind the luxury consumption are not the same in different countries. In a competitive industry like luxury fashion, the marketing tactics have to be adapted to specific market conditions in...
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...China's consumption-driven development model basically established http://news.hexun.com/2015-04-17/175037256.html The 2015-04-17 00:17:46 source: China business times author: ren-ping li "Consumption rate exceeded 50% for the first time in the past decade, ranking first in the Troika." The 2015 Consumption Market Development Report which is issued by Ministry of Commerce pointed out that the consumption-driven development model will be basically established this year, and the growth rate, structure, hotspots, drive of consumption will change accordingly. Unlike the spokesman of Statistics Bureau Sheng Yun’ opinion that the contribution of consumption to GDP ratio in the first quarter may reach 60%, according to Zhao Ping’s interpretation, who is deputy director of Consumption Economic Research Department of Ministry of Commerce, the full-year contribution ratio of consumption was always used to clarify the status of consumption, which in fact only reflected the proportion of consumption in economic growth, while consumption proportion in the stocking economy has always been low and hovering around 40% for a long time. However, consumption rate, which means the consumption share of GDP, is a more comprehensive measure of the proportion of consumption. Therefore, “consumption rate exceeded 50% for the first time in the past decade with the specific measurement data of 50.5 percent, which means the consumption-driven development model is basically established...
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...The Overconsumption of Luxury Items in China Introduction Chinese luxury goods market has grown dramatically over the past decades. According to a report released by Bain & Company (2012), currently, Chinese consumers occupy about 50% of the luxury purchases in Asia, and nearly 33% of those in Europe. Globally, one in four purchases of individual luxury goods comes from Chinese customers. Therefore, overconsumption of luxury items in China is a problem which should be given attention to. This problem will lead to a series of negative impacts on economy, society and environment, such as bustling counterfeit markets, distorted values, and damaged environment which could present significant challenges for China even all over the world. The purchase of luxury goods by Chinese consumers may be motivated by different factors from the aspects of economy, society and culture. This report will identify the impacts, analyze the causes, and consider possible solutions of this problem. Impacts Three aspects could be affected by the overconsumption of luxury items in China: economy, society and environment. To begin with, the overconsumption of luxury items would result in thriving counterfeit markets and threatened domestic businesses. Due to the demand for luxury goods, a bustling counterfeit market has been established, with counterfeiters offering replicas of luxuries at much cheaper prices than the authentic counterparts. For a country as a whole, this counterfeit market...
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...of economic policy of the states, revision of economic agreements, forms and methods of state regulation of economy. War has transformed the social relations, positions, personal aspirations. Among various problems of social and economic character which have arisen due to the military events, Russia has faced the situation when society was fighting against luxury. This subject infringed on the state interests in the economic sphere, has been closely connected with a problem of definition of priorities and conditions of foreign trade, and also with the principles of the taxation. A component of social and economic policy of the state were questions of the ban of import of luxury goods to Russia and about their taxation in the territory of the country....
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...“Conspicuous Consumption” basically means the purchase of various goods and services with the specific purpose of displaying one’s wealth and success. This is a means used to show ones social status in a group of people of same class where majority of this spending is on goods / services that are not necessary or at least not considered to be necessary. According to this theory, conspicuous consumption does create invidious or so called discriminatory consumption, but the factors leading to this could be the feeling to show self-worth, an anger towards the society shown as aggressive pomposity, status directed consumption, brand selection, brand purchase, etc. However there is lack of flamboyance in some luxury products which still serve the same purpose under this category. The reasons why some of the luxury products are maintained like this are as given below: • There are people, companies and products who do not share the same ideologies as mentioned above related to the conspicuous consumption. Though they produce, sell and buy luxury products, their belief is to promote luxury and increased consumption as a means to promote the social good in the society. They do result in economic benefits such as employment increase, diffusion of wealth between people and classes of people and unintended social benefits. The increasing demand for luxuries in the society meant increased civility or sensibility in the society and hence flamboyance was not needed for this category. • There...
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...7763/IPEDR. 2012. V46. 10 A Study on Why Luxury Goods Sell and their Effects on the Economy Seung Yoon Rhee+ Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies, 449-854 Gyeonggi-do Yongin-si Mohyun-myun Wangsan-ri Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies, South Korea Abstract. Despite recent global economic downturns starting from 2008, luxury goods have maintained their popularity as some of the most popular products in the world, while the sales of other goods have fallen significantly. In fact, the sales of luxury goods have increased in many cases. The aim of this paper is to identify the causes to this phenomenon, and go more in-depth into the consumer psychology of buying luxury goods. Recent statistics concerning the modern economy were examined, particularly the sales of luxury goods and their consistency in sales. After, the sales of luxury goods were studied from the perspective of consumer psychology. Luxury goods are not bought for the same reasons that normal or inferior goods are, as they do not adhere to the conventional wisdom of economical decision making. Instead, consumer decision making plays a huge role in the sales of luxury goods, particularly status consumption, and the motivations for status consumption were identified according to different types of motivations. By analyzing this data, the economic effects of luxury goods were identified. Because their primary consumer base is not affected severely by economic hardships, the sales of luxury goods are able to maintain a consistency...
Words: 3051 - Pages: 13
...study examines why the luxury online shopping industry has not been more successful in today’s highly digital age. A literature review as well as, a self-conducted study will be used to address this question. First, literature is presented on what luxury goods are and what factors motivate people to consume luxury brands. Next, research is used to describe the consumers of luxury shopping online. Following this, the literature review covers three dilemmas when using the Internet to sell luxury brands. The first describes whether or not brand integrity is diluted on the Internet because of the ability for everyone to have access to these luxury products. The second dilemma concerns whether or not the sensory nature of the luxury shopping experience can be translated onto the Internet. And the third deals with the Internet’s inherent ubiquity and whether that compromises the exclusivity of what luxury brands stand for. Finally, existing literature is used to demonstrate how to measure service quality on the Internet as well as propose web site design issues faced by online retailers. The following section, Section V, describes the research method used in this study to explore how well the design of luxury e-stores meets customer expectations, while conveying the luxury consumption factors without the sensory aspects of a traditional store. The results of this study show that luxury e-stores have a long way to go in terms of replicating the sensory luxury shopping experience onto...
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...INTRODUCTION Control strategies, prevention and reduction of counterfeiting, as applied today in different countries, pose, in the particular case of China, a real problem at two levels. On the one hand, knowledge of the motivations and logics that lead to the consumption and purchase of counterfeit products remain inadequate, given the different needs of consumers, on the other hand, they pose a problem coping methods counterfeiting reduction, to the extent effective strategies were designed for a transnational action against the proliferation of counterfeiting. In this paper we analyze, using the individual interviews method, firstly, the logical and motivational factors that lead to the consumption of counterfeit luxury goods,...
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...What Does The Victorian Tea Set Tell Us About Consumption In 19th Century Britain? A) Conspicuous Consumption and Social Emulation Consumption began to increase greatly as the industrial revolution kicked in, meaning that demand rose substantially for many goods not readily available to the masses beforehand, for example, tea. The Victorian tea set can tell us a great deal about consumption and conspicuous consumption in 19th century Britain. For instance, that appearance and the expensive belongings people had were important to one’s image and social stature, therefore, for families that were able to afford such things such as an expensive Wedgwood tea set were seen as important and wealthy people. The Victorian tea set also became a fashion accessory. Furthermore, luxury and consumption also began to grow more hand in hand. However, conspicuous consumption and social emulation affected the working classes greatly which will also be explored. Wedgwood, being a producer of high quality tea sets in the 19th century, began to aim its products at a much wider market by the 1840s by producing mid – range tea sets so that more British households could afford such luxuries.[1] This shows that demand and conspicuous consumption was on the rise as many more people began the need for this new fashion accessory, hence Wedgwood expanding into this mid – range market. The rise in demand of tea sets ultimately evolved from the fast growing popularity of tea, as it became a respectable...
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...see lot of population migrating, trying out new jobs,progressive independent women questioning the social norm of male superiority. This is seen particularly in the emerging economies who are the game-changers this century. Joint efforts of all countries towards strengthening the global economy,as well as increasing efforts in business oriented policies and eradication of trade barriers has resulted in the urbanisation of these markets. Another important aspect being the economic hit taken by the developed countries which has made brands shift their focus on the emerging countries market. (BBC News,2013) It is one of the most significant trends seen on the global level. The annual consumption of emerging markets by 2025 will reach $30 trillion and account for nearly 50% of the world’s total consumption. (McKinsey) It clearly indicates the supremacy of emerging economies vis a vis the developed economies. Moreover the average age of the population in emerging economies is young and is expected to be even younger meaning the majority of population will be in the age bracket of 15-65 which is considered as the working age population. This indicates growth prospects in terms of more employment and therefore more disposable income in the hands of these consumers. If we consider the four BRIC countries plus the tier 2 emerging markets, together they account for 3,4 billion people,more than half of the current world population of which the top 20% already have similar purchasing power...
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... Introduction The luxury goods may be are fatal temptation for each girl. In economics, luxury goods are good for which demand increases more than proportionally as income rises. It present a striking contrast to "necessity goods". As the demand of "necessity goods" are not related to income increasing or decreasing. On the other hand, Begin with 2007, global economy has been stumbling under recession. As known to all, financial crisis brought to United States economy slowing down and it has spread globally effecting all countries. Economic recession directly influenced on income level and employment. In addition, consumption levels have fall off drastically. Such two characteristic factors make me interested in the relationship between luxury brand and Economic recession. So I researched the ideas and found a few books which talked about the luxury brands in Asia under economic recession. The literature review will pay attention to a book on the cult of Luxury Brand, Impact of Personal Orientation on Luxury Brand Purchase Value, Shopper Behaviour in Recession and impulsive buying behaviour in recession. Radha Chadha is one of the most famous expert in marketing and consumer research in Asia. In the book of the cult of the Luxury Brand which presented the "lux- plosion" or the explosion of luxury brands in Asia. This book shows up the paradox of the luxury brands management in Asia market and tries to redefine the new age luxury brand...
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...emeraldinsight.com/1361-2026.htm JFMM 12,1 Attitudes toward domestic and foreign luxury brand apparel A comparison between status and non status seeking teenagers Ian Phau and Yip Siew Leng The School of Marketing, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia Abstract Purpose – The purpose of the current research is to determine if status and non-status seeking Australian teenagers differ in their attitudes toward buying domestic and foreign (i.e. Italy, Japan, China) luxury brand apparel. Design/methodology/approach – A total of 365 teenagers participated in this study through a self-completed questionnaire. Fishbein’s Multi-Attribute Attitude Model was used to measure and compare attitudes toward buying domestic and foreign made apparel. Repeated measure ANOVA and t-tests were utilized to examine whether the groups differed with regards to their attitudes toward buying luxury brand apparel, using a comparison of apparels “Made in Australia” with those “Made in Italy”, “Made in Japan” and “Made in China”. Findings – The research findings indicate that status-seeking teenagers have overall, a more positive attitude toward foreign luxury brand apparel as compared to Australian luxury brands, with the exception of Chinese brands. On the other hand, non-status seeking teenagers reported that they have more positive attitude towards Australian brands than foreign brands, and consider Australian luxury brands superior to all three foreign brands with regards to ease of care and...
Words: 10487 - Pages: 42
... No. 1; 2012 Luxury Brand Exclusivity Strategies – An Illustration of a Cultural Collaboration Anita Radón, PhD Post Doc. Researcher The Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås SE-501 90 Borås, Sweden Tel: 46-705-918-306 Received: May 30, 2012 doi:10.5430/jbar.v1n1p106 E-mail: anita.radon@hb.se Online Published: July 16, 2012 Accepted: July 14, 2012 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5430/jbar.v1n1p106 This research is supported by Handelns Utvecklingsråd. Abstract This paper examines how luxury fashion brands renew themselves in order to balance the exclusivity that is associated with luxury goods and with profit maximization. Using consumers’ demand theory it is shown how luxury fashion brands go through different phases to renew the perception of exclusivity. A proposed model for the stages a luxury brand goes through to keep up the perception of exclusivity is provided. The focus is on identifying how luxury fashion brands renew themselves in order to create a perception of exclusivity and scarcity. The limitations of the study is that research has yet to be done on how consumers of luxury fashion goods perceive these efforts put forward by luxury fashion brands. Problems associated with luxury fashion brands, theoretically as well as on a practical level, and the crucial need for a perception of exclusivity and how this perception can be maintained are addressed. This paper contributes to the specific, and still limited knowledge on how luxury brands are dynamic...
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