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Convergent Thinking: Replacing Youth Homelessness In South Bronx, NYC

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Words 632
Pages 3
In our everyday lives and society, we are constantly faced with problems and situations that require creative ideas such as that of convergent thinking. Imagine for a minute, if there was a situation in which one had to come up with as many solutions as possible to address that particular situation. For example, if I was asked how can I help alleviate youth homelessness in the South Bronx, NYC (My community)? In such kind of scenario, I would use the convergent thinking mode to solve this issue of youth homelessness. According to Bernstein (2012), convergent thinking is “the ability to narrow the number of possible solutions to a problem by applying logic and knowledge” (p. 404). One can argue that convergent thinking is oriented towards finding the best solution to a clearly defined question (how can I help alleviate youth homelessness in the South Bronx, NYC? In Convergent thinking, there is usually a single best solution (Bernstein, 2012). With that said, convergent thinking is used in finding clarity, and the best possible ideas to a determining the bottom line of a problem. …show more content…
This is puzzling to me. Where are the parents or guardians of these young children? Where are the extended families of these youths? Where are the social safety nets? These thoughts have run through my mind when I have seen a young child on the subway or the streets of the South Bronx begging for money. Seeing and interacting with these young people led me to question why these young children are homeless and how charitable organizations can seek to reduce homelessness among

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