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Converting a Physical Data Model to a Logical Model


Submitted By omarshabbir47
Words 1187
Pages 5
Table of Contents Setting up the subject area (if required) 2 Bringing in the tables 4 Assigning appropriate Domains 5 The logical Model 6 Identifying a many to many relationship 7 Replacing a mapping table 7 Renaming Logical Model 15 Entity Names 15 Relationship Names 16 Attribute Names 16 Revisiting Physical Model 19 Relationship Naming 20 FINAL PRODUCT 21 Logical VS Physical 21

Setting up the subject area (if required) 1. Open the target and source Erwin models in the same instance of Erwin. 2. If required create a new subject area in the target model where the tables are going to be copied.

Figure 1 – Creating a new subject area

3. Change the default theme to ‘Classic Theme’ (right click on the diagram page and click properties ER Diagram Editor will open up. Change the Theme on the ‘General’ tab)

Figure 2 – Selecting a Theme
Bringing in the tables 1. Select the tables and relationships (if applicable) from the source model file and paste them in the target model while both models are in Physical mode.

Figure 3 – Importing/copying the tables 2. Verify that all the tables you need are copied in the Erwin target model. 3. You can close the source model at this stage (recommended)

Assigning appropriate Domains 1. Right click on the table and select ‘column properties’. 2. Assign the correct domain parent to all the columns.

Figure 4 Assigning Domains to the columns 3. Once you have assigned the correct domain parent to all the columns close the dialogue box. 4. Repeat the process for each table you have brought in to the target data model.

The logical Model 1. Switch to the ‘logical’ version of the subject area in the target model. 2. Right click on an entity that is NOT a ref table and select entity properties. 3. Go to the style tab and change the theme to an

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