...stage of the application, it is vital that candidates can demonstrate the core competencies needed to be effective in the role to which you are applying to. You need to be able to demonstrate that you have the competencies in order for your application to be proceeded to the next stage. Please answer truthfully, as you may be asked to expand on these examples at assessment. Please pay attention to your spelling, punctuation and grammar, as these will be assessed. 1. British Transport Police Officers often have to work in partnership with other organisations to combat crime on the rail network. Who do you see as the key BTP partners in achieving this and why are they our key partners? (100 words max) 2. Are there any other organisations or people you think BTP do or should work with to combat crime? (50 words max) Please provide an example of an occasion when you have had to really understand what others have wanted, for you to help them solve a problem? 3. Tell us briefly what the problem was and how you became involved? (50 max words) 4. How did you know what was needed? (50 words max) 5. What exactly did you do and say? (200 max words) 6. What was the outcome? (50 max words) 7. What do you think the real cause of the problem was? (50 words max) Competencies - Part 2 At this stage of the application, it is vital that candidates can demonstrate the core competencies needed to be effective in the role to which you are applying...
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...Prospect’s vision statement : ‘A telecommunication specialist contractors as our core business, always developing business as civilian contractors and suppliers, sharing sustenance and expertise with staff and community, produce and create a knowledgeable staff and self-reliance. Component | Empire Prospect | 1. The company wants to become what in the future? | Empire Prospect stated that they want to be a telecommunication specialist contractors as their core business. | 2. Did the company involve all the elements and the members? | The phase “ sharing sustenance and expertise with staff and community” refers to the involvement of the elements and members of the company. | 3. Is the company showing the image and capability as shown in the vision? | The phase “always developing business as civilian contractors and suppliers” imply that the capabilities of the company to achieve. | 4. The company guide, shape, gives direction and purpose and can serve as powerful motivator or not? | Emipre Prospect showed that they can serves as the direction and purpose of the company is by “sharing sustenance and expertise with staff and community, produce and create a knowledgeable staff and self-reliance”. | 5. Did the vision aligned with the core values of the firm? | The word “produce and create a knowledgeable staff and self-reliance” in the vision statement indicates the core values of the company. | 6. The vision statement has to be specific and clear...
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...A successful IT system is something that is composed of several different functional components to make it a whole. It takes each component to efficiently work so that the entire system runs smoothly. When one or more parts of the system are not properly working it can affect the entire IT system as a whole and render it completely vulnerable to people with malicious intentions. In this paper I will discuss the role of each component in it and shed some light as to why each is needed. First let us take a look at computer programming. This element takes on different program designs created by engineers and uses one of several different programming languages to write executable code that computers can read. Programming is the source for the foundation and continuing function of the systems that countless people depend upon for all kinds of information exchange in both commerce and leisure. For example all of the software that I used to write this paper a programmer had to create some code to tell the computer how to read in my key strokes, how to display them on the screen, and how to compute the binary code for each letter. The beauty of programming is that you do not always have to invent the wheel. You can utilize code that is already in use and modify it to work the way a company will need it to. The programmer will also maintain the program during its use by the company. This is why you need a computer programmer ensuring that you have a smooth running IT system. ...
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...Mixed humidity and convection cooking 48 °C - 260 °C, with STEAM.Maxi™ 10% to 20% Steaming 48 °C - 130°C with STEAM.Maxi™ technology Dry air cooking 30°C - 260 °C with DRY.Maxi™ technology settable 10% to 100% Maximum pre -heating temperature 300 °C Core probe Delta T cooking with core probe MULTI.Point core probe SOUS-VIDE core probe MULTI.Time: technology to manage up to 9 timers to bake at the same time different products AIR DISTRIBUTION IN THE COOKING CHAMBER AIR.Maxi™ technology: multiple fans with reversing gear AIR.Maxi™ technology: 3 air speeds, programmable AIR.Maxi™ technology: 3 semi static cooking modes, programmable AIR.Maxi™ technology: puase function CLIMA MANAGEMENT IN THE COOKING CHAMBER DRY.Maxi™ technology: high performance moist and humidity extraction, programmable by the user DRY.Maxi™ technology: cooking with humidity extraction 30 - 260 °C STEAM.Maxi™ technology: steaming 48 °C - 130 °C STEAM.Maxi™ technology: combination of moist air and dry air 48 °C - 260 °C ADAPTIVE.Clima technology: cavity humidity measurement and regulation ADAPTIVE.Clima technology: repeatability of the cooking process through the momorization of the real cooking process ADAPTIVE.Clima technology: 20 ADAPTIVE.Clima process memory COOKING COLUMNS WITH MAXI.Link TECHNOLGY MAXI.Link technology: creating multiple ovens and accessories columns controlled by a single ChefTouch control panel MAXI.Link technology with EFFICIENT.Power: power requirement reduced on MAXI.Link columns THERMAL INSULATION...
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...good or even bad company to a great company. I would like to share some feelings about this book with you in the following paragraphs. To start with, when talking about becoming great, there are seven pivotal steps that we must do. Firstly, we need to find the 5 level leadership. Secondly, finding the proper staff is more important than doing the proper things. Thirdly, confronting the brutal reality is also a necessity for being great. Fourthly, we should insisting on hedgehog concept throughout the process. Fifthly, we need to share a culture of discipline in the whole company. Sixthly, using technology as an accelerator when necessary. Seventhly, putting all these disciplines into practical management cyclically then we will make a difference and become great. As to the first step, finding the 5 level leadership, I think this is the key to the whole process. The core of 5 level leadership is to lead the company to gain sustaining development. A 5 level leadership can gain brilliant achievements in his or her duration and also can help construct a system to gain consisting achievements after his or her duration, this is the difference between a 4 level leadership and a 5 level leadership. Therefore, I think putting this discipline to priority is quite reasonable, since the company can do nothing without the prospective leadership. But how can the company find the 5 level leadership. Just as the writer said, the 5 level leadership is a mixture of humble and ambitious...
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...gruffness. Lafley was more soothing and built his personality around persuading others to buy into his image. He didn’t try to force himself onto the employees, but reassured them that they still had values. Lafley knew that he had to put himself onto the ground level and get people to agree with him on the images that the company needed. He ingeniously did this by sending out memos stressing the core values of P&G and what it stood for. He stressed that the emphasis of P&G was still “ to improve the everyday lives of people around the world with P&G brands and products that deliver better performance, quality, and value. The value system-integrity, trust, ownership, leadership, and a passion for winning: not going to change. The six guiding principles, respect for the individual, all not going to change.” Once he had the people around him accepting him, he began to incorporate his vision. He made it known that his view of “any business doesn’t have a strategy is going to develop one: any business that has a strategy is either going to change it, or improve its execution” was going to be the core foundation of his vision. Lafley understood that the only way for P&G to rebuild itself and keep competitive in the 21st century was to be new and innovative. They had to constantly be striving for the future and not be glued down to the past. He made it known that his view of “any business doesn’t have a strategy is going to develop one: any business that has a...
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...The Core Reviewed by: Scott Chitwood Rating: 7 out of 10 <="" span=""> Movie Details: View here Cast: Aaron Eckhart as Dr. Josh Keyes Hilary Swank as Maj. Rebecca 'Beck' Childs Delroy Lindo as Dr. Edward Brazleton Stanley Tucci as Dr. Conrad Zimsky Tchéky Karyo as Sergei Leveque Bruce Greenwood as Col. Robert Iverson Alfre Woodard as Stick DJ Qualls as Rat Richard Jenkins Summary: "The Core" is a fun popcorn flick with a strong cast, bad Hollywood science, and cool special effects. Story: A series of strange occurrences start taking place on Earth. A group of people with pacemakers falls down dead for no apparent reason in Boston. A flock of pigeons fly out of control and terrorize people in London. The space shuttle Endeavour loses its navigational guidance during re-entry and crash lands. Dr. Josh Keyes puts the puzzle pieces together and realizes that they all involve the Earth's electromagnetic field. He further realizes the cause of it - the Earth's core has stopped spinning. What this means is that the sun's radiation could cook the Earth's surface in less than a year. The American government secretly plans to solve the problem by re-starting the Earth's core rotating using strategically place nuclear bombs under the surface. A top-secret team is put together to go on the mission. Dr. Edward Brazleton, a mad scientist, will develop a ship capable of reaching the core. The conniving Dr. Conrad Zimsky will provide scientific guidance...
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...An elevator pitch is a brief overview of an idea for a product, service, or project. The pitch is so called because it can be delivered in the time span of an elevator ride (say, thirty seconds). When I was first asked to write an elevator pitch, the first thing that came to my mind was, Why is an elevator pitch so important? I’m bootstrapping my business – I don’t need any funding so why should I even care about an elevator pitch? Well, I later came to find out that the process of formulating an elevator pitch brings to light many basic things that an entrepreneur must consider about their business. Even if you’re not looking for funding, an elevator pitch can help you figure out what’s at the core of your business. There are numerous ways to formulate an elevator pitch; one thorough and useful method is K. Stone’s How to Craft a Killer Elevator Pitch That Will Land You Big Business. Yet as I mentioned before, many methods exist so search for one that makes the most sense to you. I found the following tips to be useful when I wrote my 30 second elevator pitch: First, avoid the cookie cutter – “insert your name here” templates that you’ll find littered all over the net. You want your pitch to stand out and be unique, so give it life and personality by allowing your pitch to paint a picture or tell a story. If possible, use a tag line yet avoid sounding cheesy – your elevator pitch isn’t a sales pitch. Stick to hard facts and numbers! Avoid assumption or BS’ing; you’ve got...
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...Staffing Strategies for Tanglewood Staffing Quantity and Staffing Quality Yu Gao Yuting Dai Xiaoman Hu Yuzhu Guo Jan, 15, 2013 Yu Gao Yuting Dai Xiaoman Hu Yuzhu Guo Jan, 15, 2013 Memo To: Daryl Perrone, Staffing Services Director Marilyn Gonzalez, Vice President of Human Resource Department From: Yu Gao, Staffing Services Consultant Xiaoman Hu, Staffing Services Consultant Yuting Dai, Staffing Services Consultant Yuzhu Guo, Staffing Services Consultant Date: January 15, 2013 Subject: Staffing Strategies for Tanglewood Tanglewood is facing a big change in staffing strategy, considering the company’s plans for expansion. In this report, we analyze the company’s situation, concentrate on staffing quantity and staffing quality strategies and give a general recommendation on a series of strategic staffing decisions. Staffing Quantity Acquire or Develop Talent Acquire refers to acquire new employees who can “hit the ground running” and be at peak performance the moment they arrive. These employees would bring their talents with them to the job, with little or no need for training or development. A pure development strategy would lead to acquisition of just about anyone who is willing and able to learn the KSAOs (KSAOs is used to describe person’s qualifications that needed to perform the job. It refers to Knowledge, Skill, Ability...
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...Their customers include healthcare industry companies, power energy companies, aviation companies, IT and construction companies, including clients like Duke Energy, American Airlines and the U.S. Navy (“Burns & McDonnell,” 2015). Burns & McDonnell is part of several governing security regulatory boards. The company's regulatory environment includes Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards, Emissions Security, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (“Regulatory Compliance,” 2015). Burns & McDonnell set a sales record in 2013 with $2.3 billion in total sales for all business units, which was 15 percent increase over 2012 sales of $2.0 billion (“Burns & McDonnell Annual Record Sales,” 2014). Cisco Systems is an Information Technology company that employs more than 70,000 employees...
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...What are the core competencies and end products of IKEA? How are they linked with each other? IKEA is capable to design its products in-house; therefore they can reduce their costs because outsourcing their product designing is much cheaper. Despite that they’re designing its product itself, people find it still attractive enough to buy IKEA’s products. Also their furniture and packaging is designed in such a way that it’s easily transportable (‘flat packaging’1) for both customer and IKEA. The assemble-it-yourself furniture, together with the flat packages, reduced space requirements in logistic operations, which lowered the costs either.2 To maintain their low-cost strategy they have to manage an international low-cost supplier network. By 2004, IKEA’s network of international low-cost suppliers had grown to the point where it had 43 trading service offices in 33 countries.3 By well thought allocation of their warehouses and stores they managed to reduce costs even further. So we can conclude IKEA is capable of sustaining its low costs, by managing, establish and designing its supplier network in such a way that IKEA achieves lowest costs in logistics. Even though they’re capable to establish a low-cost supplier network, IKEA is also capable of designing its furniture in such a way that it “fits the IKEA concept of form, function and price”4, “for example the OGLA chair which initially was made of wood but eventually is made out of hollow...
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...Charles & Keith's greatest asset are its people. With this belief, the company requires a passionate team with the following values to govern the company: Unity Integrity, Respect and Openness Passion for Perfection Customer Focus Inspire & Empower People Core values form the foundation of the corporation’s management structure, while aspiring qualities which include an enterprising and a fighting spirit are needed to create a formidable formulae. What is more, we are characterised by our dedication and commitment to our work. Hierarchical barriers are kept to a minimum within the company structure, promoting, among other things, a more direct and respectful interaction between all collaborators. At Charles & Keith, we promote continuous sharing, exchanging and contributing of ideas. This basis forms the daily dosage of management, coupled with leading by example, and creating a unique and harmonious working relationship through a cohesive and family oriented environment. Besides the core values, Charles & Keith team is comprised of a group of specialists who constantly strive to improve in their respective professional fields. At Charles & Keith we want our professional staff to develop within the company and to gain more responsibilities over time. For these reasons, training is available for every position to endorse professionals in all fields within Charles & Keith. In this way, greater personal and professional satisfaction is achievable, added to the increasing...
Words: 269 - Pages: 2
...Growth strategies By the end of 2013, Lululemon owned 171 stores in the United States and 54 stores in Canada, which means the North America market was reaching maturity (Natalie, O.R. 2014); but this company has its own strategies to expand their home market of North America. Generally, market penetration strategy involves in additionally advertisements, sales and promotions.(Grewal et al., 2012) However, Lululemon takes organic growth strategy, which is being a part of community, and grow organically. For example, when Lululemon choose a local community as their target market, they will open a showroom to attract customers and stimulate customer’s ideas to open a new store in their local community. If Lululemon ensure the local community is profitable, then they will operate a new store. The process of opening a store seems slow, but the store will bring great benefits and strong customer loyalty(Natalie, O.R. 2014). Market development When the North America market reaching maturity, Lululemon started to seek opportunities to expand market internationally. Lululemon planned its expansion into England. Since London has 8.3 million of yoga enthusiasts, Lululemon has a great opportunity to expand into London(Natalie, O.R. 2014). Lululemon first opened one full-sized store in London, and this store brought huge benefits. In the future, Lululemon plans to open four new stores in London. Additionally, Lululemon already owned 29 full-sized stores in Australia and New Zealand...
Words: 374 - Pages: 2
...Rubrics for Movie Reflection: Stated Objective of Performance Unacceptable Acceptable Target Summary of Film Provided minimal or inaccurate summary of events that occurred during the film. Provided summary of events that occurred during the film. Provided detailed description of events that occurred in during the film. Reflection Did not include a reflection or provided insufficient reflection of the film. Provided a thorough reflection of events that occurred during the film. Provided extensive reflection about events that occurred during film. Description of how movie will affect future career. Did not include an explanation or provided insufficient explanation of how the information gained from this activity will help you as a future educator. Provided a thorough explanation of how the information gained from this activity will help you as a future educator. Provided an extensive explanation of how the information gained from this activity will help you as a future educator. Quality of writing Unclear, unorganized, with writing errors. Does not exhibit APA format: 12 point font, double-spaced, or fewer than 3 pages in length. Clear, organized, with no writing errors. Exhibits APA format: 12 point font, double-spaced, 3 pages in length. Clear, organized language, with no writing errors. Exhibits APA format: 12 point font, double-spaced, 3 pages in length. Exemplary expression Overall Movie Review Assignment Sheet: Analysis Grading Sheet Introduction: 5 –...
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...via Supermarkets. While they maintain the largest market share, the market (all customers) is becoming more diverse and restrictive. The Market Analysis report put forth by Brannigan’s Analyst in 2012 highlights the United States trends in soup consumption and sales. The analysis provides no real customer feedback however, it does report extensive sales data for Brannigan as well as the industry. Brannigan has core customers and core products (Ready to Eat (RTE) soups both wet and dry) that have supported their research, development and new growth opportunities for many years. These core products are reported to contribute 86% of the current profits to the division. Brannigan reports declines in sales of 1-2% per year. Despite the decrease in the sales of their core products Brannigan was able to maintain the profitability by increasing the cost to the customer. They are now at the point that competitors private label growth is surpassing their sales for the “same” products. Their core business is at risk. Bert Clark, over the years had built a Core Leadership Team of highly competent operators, leaders and lane owners. In an effort to solve the division’s problems he posed questions to his team alongside the data analysis as a means to provoke thought, solicit ideas and solutions. All four of his leaders proposed very thoughtful solutions with specific suggestions that considered their scope of influence. The best solution...
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