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Coretta Scott King's Fight Against Discrimination

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The two protest took different approaches, yet reached the same resolutions. Both authors made it very clear that confronting racism doesn’t always have to be violent, it can be a peaceful act and have better outcomes. It has been shown to be more effective and a better way to cope with discrimination. The two situations helped inspire many others in a fight against oppression. Rebelling against a set of rules can be excused if one is being oppressed.
A positive change happened with two peaceful protests which refined history. “That speech my husband set the keynote and the tempo of the Movement he was to lead, from Montgomery onward” (Page 132). The author’s description of the Montgomery boycott gave partial credit to, two individuals and …show more content…
“He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it” (Montgomery Boycott page 129). For the longest time, they didn’t do anything about being expected to give up their seats, left behind after paying bus fees, and forced to stand if there were no more seats. They were not okay with it they took a stand for what they believed was wrong. Mr. Nixon said, “we have taken this type of thing too long.” (Montgomery Boycott page 126-127). After Rosa Parks was arrested Martin Luther lead them in boycotting, not one single black person would ride a bus that day. Somehow they were successful in spreading the message to only take taxi’s that day to let them know they had enough. Everyone believed the whole situation was an outrage because they had no say and were expected to sit back, but they proved all those people …show more content…
“You were our first brave ones to defy their dissonance of hate” (Lines 1-2). They were the first courageous ones to take a calm protest even though they were confronting the hatred everyone had towards them. The way she speaks about them it's as if the whites expected them to come about it differently, but they took it in a different direction.“The first to blaze a flaming path for justice and awaken consciences” (Lines 8-9). Set off a path refers to the protest because they were suffering from society's injustice and didn’t let it go by. They opened many people's eyes by letting them know there are other ways to handle similar situations without anyone getting hurt along the way. Were segregated for a long period of time, but interfered with the rules by making a change in

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