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Corporate Strategy Analysis and Discussion


Submitted By trevon07
Words 1082
Pages 5
Outline I. Introduction II. Corporate Strategies a. Coca-Cola b. Southwest Airlines c. VF Corporation d. Xerox III. Discussion Summary IV. Conclusion

Corporate Strategy Analysis Discussion Summary

The complete single solution to absolute success in businesses remains unknown in this new day of age, even with the high-speed movement of the present world. Obviously, there are particular obstacles that corporations need to undertake in order to achieve success, while, in unison, there is no simple solution that leads to success either. Therefore, each corporation primarily needs to take a particular action that benefits the outcome of their company in order for it thrive. This step is a measure for attaining pinnacles that are universal with all corporations; it is to have a strategy. Coca-Cola, Southwest Airlines, VF Corporation, and Xerox are four companies that applied corporate strategies to their business and with success, turned their business around for the better.

Corporate Strategies

Neville Isdell was asked to come back from retirement to Coca-Cola in June of 2004 as CEO. Isdell was tasked to assist Coca-Cola with diversification so that they could remain competitive with Pepsi. The company purchased Glaceau, maker of Vitaminwater and added new non-carbonated drinks such as Envigo and Blak to their product line up.
Coca-Cola is one of the most organized companies when it comes to vertical integration. Six years ago Coca-Cola created a supply chain operation which helped them leverage best practices they had acquired over the years which helped them to refine processes and achieve operational excellence. Their global distribution network allows them to launch new soft drinks worldwide in an expeditious fashion giving them an advantage over the competition. “It’s all about being local, being

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