...a) If 10 subscribers are chosen at random, probability that 4 or more plan to make real estate purchases in the next two years is 71.56% P(x>=4)? Excel functions: =1-BINOMDIST(3,10,0.4415,1) b) There are 6 subscribers whose household income would be considered an outlier (with the z-score more than 3 or less than -3). They are: Income Z-score 179700 | | | 3.02257 | 200500 | | | 3.619959 | 201700 | | | 3.654424 | 202400 | | | 3.674528 | 205900 | | | 3.77505 | 322500 | | | 7.123872 | Excel functions: Income Mean: =AVERAGE(Data!G2:G411) Standard Deviation: =STDEV(Data!G2:G411) z-score calculation: =(G2-Sheet2!$B$1)/Sheet2!$B$2 or =(G2-74459.51)/34818.21 c) Age of subscribers approximates normal distribution, and according to empirical rule, 68% of subscribers can be expected to be between ages 26 and 34, 95% of subscribers between ages 22 and 38, and 99% of subscribers between ages 18 and 42. Even though ages of subscribers range from 19 to 42, potential advertisers should be aware that data has the expected value 30.11, mode of 32, and the bulk of the subscribers will be between ages of 26 and 34, which determines the potential target market. Excel Functions: Variance=(x-m)^2 * f(x) Standard Deviation=M5^0.5 Expected Value = Weighted Average= age*f(x), where f(x) is % frequency 68.3% subscribers will be within 1 STD of the mean (30 + / -4) | ...
Words: 922 - Pages: 4
...What is the purpose of using correlation analysis? How might correlation analysis be used in business decisions or in strategy formulation and implementation? Provide an example Correlation is a synonym that describes how someone or something is similar. It can also be used to illustrate instances of similarity among situations, people, or things that are otherwise different in nature to the other situations, people, or things. Businesses can effectively use correlation analysis to determine what common factors impact undesirable outcomes so that the managers are able to make changes, and the process also helps in determining the factors that impact desirable outcomes so that managers can take note of what to continue doing. Correlation analysis basically allows those evaluating various aspects of the business to make connections by analyzing cause and effect of various outcomes. It can be used in business decisions or in strategy formulation and implementation if a business were to use it effectively.Take an example of a small business. that determined that, over the course of the last six years, the business' revenue shot up over 40% each year when the business invested in professional, targeted marketing services versus the other three years in which the business lost money or broke even when the business owner whose skill set is in construction took on the task of building the company's marketing campaign by experimenting and using new marketing software and reading...
Words: 271 - Pages: 2
...Using Correlation Analysis What is the purpose of using correlation analysis? How might correlation analysis be used in business decisions or in strategy formulation and implementation? Provide an example Correlation is a synonym that describes how someone or something is similar. It can also be used to illustrate instances of similarity among situations, people, or things that are otherwise different in nature to the other situations, people, or things. Businesses can effectively use correlation analysis to determine what common factors impact undesirable outcomes so that the managers are able to make changes, and the process also helps in determining the factors that impact desirable outcomes so that managers can take note of what to continue doing. Correlation analysis basically allows those evaluating various aspects of the business to make connections by analyzing cause and effect of various outcomes. It can be used in business decisions or in strategy formulation and implementation if a business were to use it effectively.Take an example of a small business. that determined that, over the course of the last six years, the business' revenue shot up over 40% each year when the business invested in professional, targeted marketing services versus the other three years in which the business lost money or broke even when the business owner whose skill set is in construction took on the task of building the company's marketing campaign by experimenting and using new...
Words: 274 - Pages: 2
...competence. Since , Nursing students have a low passing rate result in board exams, while radiology technology students have a high passing rate result in their board exams. Time restraint is one factor why students failed in their academic performances Hypotheses The hypotheses for this study were as follows: H 1: There is a correlation between scores of associate degree nursing students on a general test of critical thinking skills, the CCTST, and a discipline specific critical thinking test, the Arnett CTOE tool, in the following ways: a. There is a positive correlation between the total scores of associate degree nursing students on the CCTST and the total scores of the Arnett CTOE tool. b. There is a positive correlation between the analysis subscale scores of associate degree nursing students on the CCTST and the combined analysis and interpretation subscale scores of the Arnett CTOE tool.5 c. There is a positive correlation between the evaluation subscale scores of associate degree nursing students on the CCTST and the combined evaluation and explanation subscale scores on the Arnett CTOE tool. d. There is a positive correlation between scores of associate degree nursing students on the inference subscale scores on the CCTST and the inference subscale scores on the Arnett CTOE tool. H 2: Intervening variables are associated with critical thinking in associate degree nursing students in the following...
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...|-σ | |0.5 |0.5 | |+σ |-σ | Two projects Model: |0.25 |0.25 | |+σ ; +σ |-σ ; +σ | |+σ ; -σ |-σ ; -σ | They found that under intermediate level of profitability and slack potential, the aggregation contract is preferred and the advantage is maximized. They also found that it is better to bundle projects with negatively correlated profitability when principal choose the aggregation evaluation. If the projects are positively correlated, aggregation evaluation could still be beneficial as long as the correlation is small enough. What does it mean? One of the aggregation advantages is to reduce the managerial costs of the principal. As now you treated multiple projects as one, related costs and time will relatively less for a combined project compared to the sum of the individual cost. When the principal faces the greatest conflict between reducing organizational slack and maintaining profitable production, it is...
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...International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 33 (2006) 1088 – 1095 www.elsevier.com/locate/ichmt Measurement of mixing of two miscible liquids in a stirred vessel with electrical resistance tomography ☆ Sin Kim a,⁎, Andre Ngansib Nkaya b , Tomasz Dyakowski b b a Department of Nuclear and Energy Engineering, Cheju National University, Cheju 690 756, Korea School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, University of Manchester, Manchester M60 1QD, United Kingdom Available online 12 July 2006 Abstract An electrical resistance tomography (ERT) system is used to measure the mixing of two miscible liquids. A data analysis method to monitor and measure the mixing process is proposed. On the basis of the reconstructed pixel conductivity data obtained from multi-plane ERT sensors, the mixing time can be measured and the best-correlated pairs of pixels are identified to determine the dispersion velocity of the secondary liquid in the primary liquid as well. Experimental results for the mixing of liquids in a stirred tank are presented. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Mixing; Miscible liquids; Electrical resistance tomography; Process tomography 1. Introduction Mixing is a common process in many industrial applications, but due to its complexity theoretical approaches are very limited. Monitoring or measuring the mixing properly is of great importance from the practical point of view and for the validation of theoretical models as well...
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...------------------------------------------------- Impact of Training and Development on Employees Performance and Productivity Problem statement: The human resource department is the only one department wherein a good decision is being carried out from the start of hiring process up to the point of the promotion and retention. One purpose of HR is to produce a talent that would be fit in the needs of the organization and be suitable the human knowledge in their position. The idea of having a right people in the right position is not impossible through the integration of the training and development. But on How will the training can affect the productivity of the employees in service sector? Objectives of research: The main objective is to increase the understanding regarding employee’s training and development in relation to firm's performance. * Identify the major purposes of training and development, as well as the key internal and external influences on training. * Ascertain the training and development policy in operation at selected organizations (Bank of Punjab, National Bank of Pakistan, PTCL, and Ufone). * To explore the employee training contributes to their performance. To explore why Training is important for employees and firm performance. * To find out whether training and development programmers have positive effect on the performance of workers and productivity. * Outline and explain the training and development practices and...
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...EDU 695 Week 2 DQ 1 Common Core State Standards NEW To Buy This material Click below link http://www.uoptutors.com/edu-695-ash/edu-695-week-2-dq-1-common-core-state-standards-new Common Core State Standards Common Core State Standards (CCSS) establish clear expectations for student learning and are the standards for a set of learning for all students in the United States regardless of geographic location. This discussion is focused on CCSS and the role these standards take in the school setting. There are two parts to this discussion as explained below. • Part One: First, in one paragraph, summarize your understanding of the foundation of the CCSS for Math and English Arts. Next, adopting the perspective of a teacher leader, in at least two paragraphs, evaluate how CCSS (Math and English Language Arts) can be used to influence the use of technology-enhanced differentiated instructional strategies to support the needs of all learners. Finally, in one paragraph, justify why it is important to have purposeful planning of differentiated instructional strategies to promote student learning and provide at least one specific example to support your justification. • Part Two: Include a link to your ePortfolio (Pathbrite) in your initial post along with a one-paragraph reflection about your experience with the redesign for the Week One Assignment in terms of challenges you encountered and how you overcame those challenges. Be sure to include any difficulties you experienced...
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...Achievement Summary | |Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business | | | |Qualification | |Assessor name |Gopinath Vedula | | |Unit 6: Business Decision Making | | | |Unit Number and title | |Student name |VeselinaLicheva | | | |Criteria Reference |To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: |Achieved? | | | |(tick) | |LO 1 | | | |1.1 |create a plan for the collection of primary and secondary data for a given business problem |X ...
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...USING EXCEL TO FIND MEASURES OF ASSOCIATION by Edward F. Stafford, Jr., PhD Professor of Management Science, UAH Purpose of Handout The purpose of this handout is to describe how to obtain measures of association between two variables using the Microsoft Excel software. These measures include covariance and correlation. For the most part, each measure may be obtained in two ways: (1) “by hand”; and (2) by Excel’s fX function operator. “By hand” does not mean to actually do the computations by hand; rather, it means to use Excel for statistical computations as though the fX function operator did not exist. Example Problem An example problem is used to demonstrate all of the features described in this handout. The problem is extracted from Case Problem 2, “National Health Care Association,” Chapter 3 of the Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams textbook assigned for this course. In particular, the “University Hospitals” data is used in this handout. The data are scales indicating respondent’s “degree of satisfaction” in their work, their pay, and their opportunities for promotion. Scale values range from 0 to 100. The actual data values used are shown in Figure 1. The user may acquire these data, user-ready, in an Excel file by going to Dr. Stafford’s home page on the web {http://cas.uah.edu/stafford/}, then clicking on the following, in order: (1) MSC 287; (2) scroll down then Special Handouts; (3) Excel Materials including Instructions for Statistical Calculations {click on...
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...Strengths and Limitations of Correlational Design Walden University FPSY 6115-3 Understanding Forensic Psychology Research Strengths and Limitations of Correlational Design Correlational research designs are used to determine if a relationship exists between two or more variables and also describes the relationship amongst them (Stangor, 2011). The data can be results from observational research, questionnaires, or experiments and a scatterplot is often used to yield a visual of the collected data and the patterns of relationships can be described as positive linear, negative linear, nonlinear (independent), or curvilinear (Stangor, 2011). Correlational research identifies relationships between variables but does not explain a cause and effect and therefore within the design there are strengths and weaknesses. One strength of correlational research is it provides a visual image between variables in graphical form which displays the strength of the relationship. The research can be quick and easy and the predictor variables cannot be manipulated and while this design can predict a strong or not strong association between variables a main weakness is it does not imply causation which can lead to inaccurate conclusions (Stangor, 2011). Two research articles were reviewed and will be discussed to obtain a better understanding of correlational research. The first article Family and Social Factors as Predictors of Drug Misuse and Delinquent Behavior in Juveniles (Sharma, Sharma...
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...A PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF E-COMMERCE TECHNOLOGIES IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT This empirical study assesses the organizational impact of using eCommerce technologies in supply chain management utilizing the following constructs: system quality, information quality, system usage, and user satisfaction. A sample data set was collected from maquiladoras in Juárez, Mexico to investigate relationships among these constructs. A SEM analysis was undertaken, using AMOS, on the dataset. The analysis provided statistically significant relationships among some constructs. Keywords: Supply Chain Management, eCommerce Technologies, e-Enabled Supply Chain Management INTRODUCTION The use of eCommerce technologies (the Internet/World Wide Web, intranets, and extranets) in supply chain management (SCM) is a relatively recent phenomenon. Accordingly, very few studies have been conducted to date on the extent to which eCommerce technologies have been utilized in SCM, and, more importantly, on whether or not e-enabled supply chain management (eSCM), with the use of such technologies, has brought about improvements in managing supply chains. DeLone and McLean [1] proposed interrelationships among six IS dimensions in what is referred to as the ‘DeLone and McLean (D&M) IS Success Model’. The six dimensions in the D&M model are (1) system quality, (2) information quality, (3) system usage, (4) user satisfaction, (5) individual impact, and (6) organizational impact. While DeLone and...
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...Further research is necessary to provide more corroborating evidence that would further support the findings of this study. Researchers also recommend to continuously explore changes in demographic factors in order to evaluate whether these changes will affect consumer’s purchase intention as oppose to the results of this study. In addition, it is also suggested to construct the survey which is answerable by Juster’s scale (7 point scale) as recommended by marketers (East et al, 2013). 2. Managerial Suggestions Ang pangit ng sentence ko. haha Ang pangit ng sentence ko. haha The reason why consumers are not likely to buy eco-labelled products is that they are not familiar with eco-labels. Since there is a low positive linear correlation between awareness and purchase intention, marking products with eco-labels could be a viable source of competitive advantage provided that the eco-labeled products have extensive advertisement to increase perceived quality and is on par with other popular products in terms of price. Researchers suggest placing eco-labels on products with higher demand. Management should also be aware of the risks related to costs of placing eco-labels on products and enhancing consumer’s familiarity. 3. Suggestions to future researchers The researchers recommend that a study focused mainly on level of awareness on eco-labels be held to...
Words: 334 - Pages: 2
...Squared(X - Mx)(Y - My): Product of Deviation Scores | X - Mx Y - My (X - Mx)2 (Y - My)2 (X - Mx)(Y - My) 141.00033.000-27.00066.00029.000-6.000-236.000Mx: 22.000 | 0.0950.0330.027-0.023-0.0100.002-0.121My: 0.504 | 19881.0001089.000729.0004356.000841.00036.00055696.000Sum: 82628.000 | 0.0090.0010.0010.0010.0000.0000.015Sum: 0.026 | 13.3351.075-0.717-1.546-0.302-0.00928.657Sum: 40.491 | X Values ∑ = 154 Mean = 22 ∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx = 82628 Y Values ∑ = 3.531 Mean = 0.504 ∑(Y - My)2 = SSy = 0.026 X and Y Combined N = 7 ∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) = 40.491 R Calculation r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy)) r = 40.491 / √((82628)(0.026)) = 0.8717 Meta Numerics (cross-check) r = 0.8717 This is a strong positive correlation The P-Value is 0.010696. The result is significant at p < 0.05. 2. X - Mx Y - My (X - Mx)2 (Y - My)2 (X - Mx)(Y - My) -134.250171.75087.750-152.250183.75015.750-56.250-116.250Mx: 1016.250 | -11.05012.5503.550-4.4507.8501.850-9.150-1.150My: 80.750 | 18023.06229498.0627700.06223180.06233764.062248.0623164.06213514.062Sum: 129091.500 | 122.103157.50212.60219.80361.6223.42283.7231.323Sum: 462.100 | 1483.4632155.462311.512677.5131442.43729.137514.688133.688Sum: 6747.900 | X Values ∑ = 8130 Mean = 1016.25 ∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx = 129091.5 Y Values ∑ = 646 Mean = 80.75 ∑(Y - My)2 = SSy = 462.1 X and Y Combined N = 8 ∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) = 6747.9 R Calculation r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy)) r = 6747...
Words: 344 - Pages: 2
...Ortiz Psych 313 Research Methods The Interpretation of Significant Correlations A 186 people that were surveyed, on a scale of 1-5, 1 being the lowest 5 being the highest: Importance: 1. Spending time each day reading Scripture. The importance of reading scripture each day was significantly related to the frequency of reading scripture each day with a positive moderate correlation of .503. The importance of reading scripture each day was significantly related to the frequency of spending time each day in prayer with a positive moderate correlation of. 483.The importance of reading scripture each day was significantly related to the frequency of spending time fasting a positive weak correlation of .199. 2. Spending time each...
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