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Corruption In Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

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In Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, he exposes the issues and corruption within Chicago’s meatpacking industry. Through the use of muckraking Sinclair is able to help make the industry a safer place to work by describing the harsh conditions the workers faced making Mike Scully is the antagonist of the novel. The owners of the companies offer little pay and do everything in their power to keep the workers oppressed. While Mike Scully controls the stockyards through the use of schemes to keep the immigrants poor and break their spirits. Scully owns the housing company in packingtown that sells houses to immigrants, but writes a contract that he knows foreigners would not understand. By using complicated legal jargon it tricks them into paying for hidden expenses that causes them to …show more content…
Scully knew that the people were desperate for money and would do anything they could to make a little. By taking advantage of them he is able to insure that he will always have political power:
He was not sure that he could manage the “sheeny,” and he did not mean to take any chances with his district; let the Republicans nominate a certain obscure but amiable friend of Scully’s… In return the Republicans would agree to put up no candidate the following year, when Scully himself came up for reelection as the other alderman form the ward (Sinclair 219).
The deal insinuates that all aspects of the stockyards are controlled by Scully. Scully knew that if he wanted to keep his power he would need to be reelected. To insure that he would win, he would make deals with the other political party to guarantee that he would never lose

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