Premium Essay

Counselor Keesha's Code Of Ethics

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Pages 3
Identification of the Problem When reviewing the first scenario counselor Keesha is face with three elements that are negatively impacting her ability to be an ethical practitioner. Although it seems that Keesha has her clients best interest at hand when she is concerned about Bryant current lifestyle that consists of binge drinking and wild sexual behavior. The question remains if her concerns are due to Bryant damaging himself both physically and emotionally, or is Keesha at risk of transferring her religious beliefs upon her client. Keesha is also faced with a dilemma when asked to be a reference for a job that could inevitable increase Bryant risk factors with drinking. She also received a friend request from Bryant on a facebook which could be signs of co-dependency starting to develop.
Applying the Code of Ethics According to the American Counseling Association (ACA), Keesha situation applies to section A ( Counseling Relationship) of the code of ethics manual. Section A of the ACA was developed to provide ethical guidelines for counselor relationships. This section states that counselors must do the following: create and sustain a trustworthy relationship with the …show more content…
Counselor Keehsa really struggled with transference while counseling her client due to her personal religious beliefs which indicated that she felt that excessive drinking and wild sexual behavior is wrong. Although Keeshia viewpoints are correct, her reasoning that brings her to this understanding is a direct violation of section A.4.B. During this situation counselor Keesha focal point should be on how Bryant behavior is directly impacting him physically (because excessive drinking is damaging to his health), emotionally( mood swings, anxiety and depression) and socially ( relationship with family, friends and his future

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