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Course Outline


Submitted By lmmmin
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Australian School of Business

School of Economics



Course Outline

Semester 1 2011

Table of Contents


1.1 Staff 3
1.2 Communications with staff 3
1.3 Pitstop 3


2.1 Teaching Times and Locations 4
2.2 Units of Credit 4
2.3 Summary of Course 4
2.4 Aims and Relationship to Other Courses 4
2.5 Student Learning Outcomes 5


3.1 Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course 5
3.2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies 6


4.1 Formal Requirements 7
4.2 Quality Assurance 7
4.3 Assessment Details 8 4.3.1 Week 9 In-Session Test 8 4.3.2 Tutorial Participation 8
4.4 Final Exam Format 9
4.5 Feedback Quizzes 9




7.1 Workload 11
7.2 Attendance 11
7.3 Keeping Informed 11
7.4 Special Consideration and Supplementary Examinations 11

You must submit all assignments and attend all examinations scheduled for your course. You should seek assistance early if you suffer illness or misadventure which affects your course progress. 11

General Information on Special Consideration: 11



9.1 Other useful Readings: 14


10.1 Lecture Schedule 15
10.2 Tutorial Schedule 15



1 Staff

Lecturer in Charge
Diane Enahoro
Room Number: ASB 461
Ph: 9385 3317

Contact the Lecturer-in-Charge for all academic matters.

Course Administrator
Jonathan Lim
Room Number: ASB 463
Ph: 9385 3565

Ariel Ben Yishay
Room Number: ASB 404B
Ph: 9385 4967

Alberto Motta
Room Number: Quad 3124
Ph: 9385 9771 Peter Nichols
Room Number ASB 465

Contact the Course Administrator, Jonathan Lim for all matters.

A full list of the tutors’ names and contact details will be available on the Course website by the first week of session.

2 Communications with staff

You should feel free to contact your lecturer about any academic matter. All enquiries about the subject material should be made at lectures or tutorials or during consultation time. Discussion of course subject material will not be entered into via lengthy emails.

3 Pitstop

Pitstop provides an opportunity for consultation with tutors. It will start in Week 3 and continue until Week 15; that is it continues into the exam study period. The schedule of Pitstop times for this course will be announced on the Course website.


1 Teaching Times and Locations

Lectures start in Week 1and end in Week 12. Tutorials start in Week 2 and end in Week 13. A full list of tutorials, times and names of tutors will be available on the Course website.

The lecture times and locations are shown in the table below.

|Lecture Group A |Mon 13:00 - 14:00, |Central Lecture Block |
| |Wed 10:00 - 11:00 |Keith Burrows Theatre |
|Lecture Group B |Mon 11:00 - 12:00 |Keith Burrows Theatre |
| |Tue 14:00 - 15:00 |Keith Burrows Theatre |
|Lecture Group C |Thu 12:00 - 13:00 | |
| |Fri 16:00 - 17:00 |Keith Burrows Theatre |
| | |Central Lecture Block |
|Lecture Group D |Wed 14:00 - 15:00 |Law Theatre |
| |Fri 11:00 - 12:00 |Law Theatre |
|Lecture Group E |Wed 18:00 - 20:00 |Law Theatre |
|Lecture Group F |Wed 15:00 - 16:00 |Law Theatre |
| |Fri 14:00 - 15:00 |Rex Vowels Theatre |

2 Units of Credit

The course is worth 6 units of credit.

3 Summary of Course

This course examines the principle that markets work efficiently in the allocation and production of goods and services which results in maximum welfare. However, sometimes the market fails to work (market failure); this course investigates the reasons for the market failure whilst suggesting remedies to these failures. These remedies, which include the intervention of the government, are compared and evaluated for their effect on efficiency and welfare maximisation.

4 Aims and Relationship to Other Courses

The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to microeconomic analysis. This means that ECON1101 Microeconomics 1 is an introductory course in the theory of markets with relevant applications to business, social and individual issues.

The course covers the principles and consequences of “rational” choice by individual economic agents in markets. The course also provides an introductory analysis of the role of governments in seeking to ensure the efficient operation of markets.

ECON1101 Microeconomics 1 provides a broad introduction to economic analysis and is a core requirement for all students in the B.Com and B. Ec program. ECON 1101 Microeconomics I is a prerequisite for ECON1102 Macroeconomics I and for all courses in the School of Economics with a course code number beginning with 2 or 3.

No previous study of economics is assumed.

5 Student Learning Outcomes

After studying ECON 1101, students should:

1. Be familiar with a core set of economic concepts and principles that are important for sound economic reasoning and rational decision making 2. Be able to apply this core set of economic concepts and principles to the understanding of a wide range of economic problems and issues. 3. Construct economic arguments in terms of these concepts, and present logical economic arguments in both written and oral form. 4. Be familiar with the different market environments in which management, social, and individual business decisions are made; 5. Have knowledge of the justifications for, and likely effects of Government Microeconomic policy.

This course contributes to your development of the following Australian School of Business Graduate Attributes which are the qualities, skills and understandings we want you to have by the completion of your degree.

Graduate Attributes

|Learning Outcomes |ASB Graduate Attributes |Attribute No. |
|1, 2, 3,5 |Critical thinking and problem solving |1 |
|2,3 |Communication |2 |
|3 |Teamwork and leadership |3 |
|4,5 |Social, ethical and global perspectives |4 |
|4,5 |In-depth engagement with relevant disciplinary knowledge |5 |
|4,5 |Professional skills |6 |


1 Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course

The philosophy underpinning this course and its Teaching and Learning Strategies are based on “Guidelines on Learning that Inform Teaching at UNSW. These guidelines may be viewed at: Section 3.2 (below) provides more detail on Teaching and Learning Strategies for this course.

The lectures, tutorials and assessment have been designed to appropriately challenge students and support the achievement of the desired learning outcomes. A climate of inquiry and dialogue is encouraged between students and tutors and amongst students (in and out of class). The lecturer and tutors aim to provide meaningful and timely feedback to students to improve learning outcome.

The examinable content of the course is defined by the Text references given in the Lecture Outline, the content of lectures, the content of the Tutorial Program, and any additional material provided by the Lecturer in Charge.

2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies

Students will be taught the “core principles” of economics and given practice at applying these principles to everyday problems. The aim is to teach the students to “think like an economist” whether it is in everyday or workplace situations

The purpose of Lectures is to provide a logical structure for the topics that make up the course; to emphasize the important concepts and methods of each topic, and to provide relevant examples to which the concepts and methods are applied.

The purpose of tutorial meetings is primarily to provide an opportunity for small group discussion of the issues, to which economic concepts and methods can be applied, and to provide practice and feed-back in writing short answers addressing specific questions as set out in the Problem and Review Questions.

A Tutorial Program which contains the Problem and Review Questions for tutorials will be distributed in the first lecture and will be posted on the Course website.

The Problem Questions consist of selected end-of-chapter problems and exercises from the textbook (Frank, Jennings and Bernanke) and other problems and exercises. Students should attempt the set of weekly exercises before each tutorial. The solutions will be posted on the web the following week.

In some tutorials students will be expected to write a paragraph type answer to questions. In the first tutorials these will be self assessed, in later tutorials these will be peer assessed and in a later tutorial these will be assessed by the tutor. The aim of these questions is to give you practice in writing answers. No marks will be awarded to self and peer assessed attempts but your participation in these writing tasks as a writer and as an assessor will form the basis of your mark out of 5 for class participation.

In the tutorials it is expected that the tutor will cover only those questions which students find particularly difficult. This may mean that not all the questions set out in the Tutorial Program will be addressed in each tutorial. Questions which are not covered in the tutorials can be addressed in PITSTOP or PASS (see Section 6.2 below) or posted on the Discussion forum of the website.

Out-of-Class Study
While students may have preferred individual learning strategies, it is important to note that most learning will be achieved outside of class time. Lectures can only provide a structure to assist your study, and tutorial time is limited.

An “ideal” strategy (on which the provision of the course materials is based) might include:

1. Reading of the relevant chapter(s) of the text and accessing the lecture overheads from the Course website before the lecture. This will give you a general idea of the topic area. 2. Attending lectures. Lectures are where the context of the topic in the course and the important elements of the topic are identified. The relevance of the topic will be explained. 3. Attending Tutorials and attempting the set Review and Problem Questions, checking their solutions. This will identify the things you need to do to demonstrate your understanding of a topic, and guide your re-reading of specific parts of the text. This will also provide a self-test of your understanding, and identify those parts of the topic with which you have problems. This should be done after the lecture and before the following week’s tutorial. 4. Attempting the on-line multiple choice questions to check your understanding of the basic concepts of economics. 5. Attending PASS to work with other students in the course.


1 Formal Requirements

To be eligible for a passing grade in this course, students must:

Achieve a composite mark of at least 50 per cent.


Satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks or submit appropriate documentation relating to your failure to complete a task to either the Lecturer in Charge or the Course Administrator.


Achieve a satisfactory level of performance in the final exam. This usually means a minimum mark of 50 per cent. Any student having an overall mark of 50 or more but less than 50 per cent in the final examination may be given an UF grade (unsatisfactory fail).

2 Quality Assurance

The ASB is actively monitoring student learning and quality of the student experience in all its programs. A random selection of completed assessment tasks may be used for quality assurance, such as to determine the extent to which program learning goals are being achieved. The information is required for accreditation purposes, and aggregated findings will be used to inform changes aimed at improving the quality of ASB programs. All material used for such processes will be treated as confidential and will not be related to course grades

3 Assessment Details

1 Week 9 In-Session Test

In the Week 9 tutorial (May 2 – May 6) each student will write an answer to a question which will be worth 25 marks of the total marks for the course.

Each class may have a different question set. The test will last 45 minutes and will cover all the material from Week 1, Lecture 1 to Week 8, Lecture 8. (This material will not have been covered in tutorials for all classes.) The format of this test will be a short written answer which may include drawing and explaining a diagram and/or calculating an answer to a problem and explaining the results. Every student must attempt this test.

Presentation of a medical certificate from a certified medical practitioner may allow a student who misses his class test to do the test at another tutorial the same week. For longer term illnesses with the appropriate documentation, students should consult the Course Administrator, Jonathan Lim.

Sporting events, religious camps and social events (even if associated with the University), work related absences and family ceremonies are not grounds for missing this test. Students are advised that where these events conflict with the examination date, missing the test will result in a zero mark.

Zero marks will be awarded for any student who does not complete this assignment.

There will be no supplementary exam for this component of the evaluation.

2 Tutorial Participation

Students will be awarded a mark out of 10 per cent of the total marks for the course. This will be for their attendance in class, evidence of their preparation of material and their contribution to class discussions and writing assignments. More details will be provided in tutorial.

|Marks Guide for Tutorial Attendance and Participation |
|Mark/5 |Attendance Requirement |
|0 |Attended less than 5 tutorials. |
|1 |Attended between 8 and 6 tutorials. |
|2 |Attended 9 tutorials |
|3 |Attended 10 tutorials |
|4 |Attended 11 tutorials |
|5 |Attended 12 tutorials |
|Mark/2 |Participation Requirement |
|0 |Produces work less than 50% of the time. |
|1 |Produces work between 50% and 100% of the time |
|2 |Produces work 100% of the time |
|Mark/3 |Tutor Assessed Written Task (Week 12) |
|1 |Tutor assessed work of a below acceptable standard |
|2 |Tutor assessed work of an acceptable standard |
|3 |Tutor assessed work of a high standard |
|Mark/10 |Total Tutorial Attendance and Participation |

The University requires that students attend 80% of their classes. Attendance at 9 of 12 tutorials will be deemed as meeting the requirement. Students must sign on by 10 minutes from start of tutorial to qualify as ‘in attendance’. Signing on for another student will be treated as misconduct.

The total mark for this component is 10 per cent of the total marks for the course.

In addition, this mark will form the basis of the consideration for the remarking of the final exam paper. A mark of 5 out of 10 for this component is considered to be the minimum requirement for requests for consideration.

If, owing to illness or other exceptional circumstances, you are unable to attend your usual tutorial, you may try to attend another tutorial in the same week so that you do not miss out on the work. However, you are required to attend your usual tutorial class at least 9 times during the session. This allows for occasional absence due to minor illness and other reasons, hence Special Consideration applications will not reduce this requirement.

Students should also note that, in certain circumstances, such as where a request for Special Consideration is made in relation to assessment items, tutorial attendance will be taken into account in determining your final assessment or whether Special Consideration is granted.

4 Final Exam Format

The final exam will be worth 60 per cent of total marks for the course. This will include multiple choice questions and short answer questions. It will be conducted in the University examination period. The timetable for this will be published by the UNSW Examination Branch.

|Assessment Task |Weighting |Learning Outcomes |ASB Graduate Attributes |Length |Due Date |
| | |assessed |assessed | | |
|In-tutorial Tests |25 |1-4 |1-4 |45 minutes |Week 9 |
|Class Attendance and |10 |1-4 |1-4 x |During each |Over the session |
|Participation Mark | | | |tutorial | |
|Feedback Quizzes |5 |1-4 |1-4 |No time limit |Over the session |
|Final Exam |60 |1-4 |1-4 |2 hours |University Exam |
| | | | | |Period |

5 Feedback Quizzes

Each week beginning Week 2 there will be an online quiz available via the Blackboard course website. You will find the quizzes on the “Online Feedback Quizzes” page in the course menu.
You may attempt each quiz as many times as you like. Each time you open the quiz, you will be given 10 multiple-choice questions at random from a larger set of questions. Upon submission of the quiz, you will immediately be able to see your score and the correct answers. These score will not be recorded in the Blackboard system – only the fact that you completed the quiz. These quizzes are for your own feedback.

Successful completion of each quiz is worth 0 .5 of a mark towards your final mark. There are 10 quizzes overall, for a potential total of 5 marks. You must make at least one valid submission for any particular quiz to receive credit. A valid attempt means all questions answered and the quiz submitted into the system. Upon successful submission you will see a confirmation on screen. Please remember to submit all attempts. Do not close a quiz without submitting.

You can check whether or not you have completed a quiz through the “Your Marks” link in Blackboard. Any quiz you have successfully submitted will have a green “tick” mark next to it.
It is recommended that you attempt each quiz more than once. The quizzes will give you a good indication of how well you understand the material each week. Working with the feedback quizzes will also help prepare you for the midsession and final exams.


The University regards plagiarism as a form of academic misconduct, and has very strict rules regarding plagiarism.

For UNSW policies, penalties, and information to help you avoid plagiarism see: as well as the guidelines in the online ELISE and ELISE Plus tutorials for all new UNSW students:

To see if you understand plagiarism, do this short quiz:

For information on how to acknowledge your sources and reference correctly, see:

For the ASB Harvard Referencing Guide, see the ASB Referencing and Plagiarism web page:

In the School of Economics all cases of substantial plagiarism are reported to the Associate Head of School. The following penalties will apply:

• Reduction in marks for the assessment item, including zero; • Failure in the course [00FL] in extreme cases; • Other additional penalties in accordance with the UNSW Procedures for Dealing with Student Plagiarism, may be considered in extreme cases; • All cases will be recorded on the UNSW Plagiarism Central Register


Each year feedback is sought from students about their experiences in courses offered in the School, and continual improvements are made based on this feedback. UNSW Course and Teaching Evaluation and Improvement (CATEI) Process is one of the ways in which student evaluative feedback is gathered.

Further Information about CATEI can be obtained from:


Students are expected to be familiar with and adhere to university policies in relation to class attendance and general conduct and behaviour, including maintaining a safe, respectful environment; and to understand their obligations in relation to workload, assessment and keeping informed.

Information and policies on these topics can be found in the ‘A-Z Student Guide’: See, especially, information on ‘Attendance and Absence’, ‘Academic Misconduct’, ‘Assessment Information’, ‘Examinations’, ‘Special Consideration’, ‘Student Responsibilities’, ‘Workload’ and policies such as ‘Occupational Health and Safety’.

1 Workload

It is expected that you will spend at least ten hours per week studying this course. This time should be made up of reading, research, working on exercises and problems, and attending classes. In periods where you need to complete assignments or prepare for examinations, the workload may be greater.

Over-commitment has been a cause of failure for many students. You should take the required workload into account when planning how to balance study with employment and other activities.

2 Attendance

Your regular and punctual attendance at lectures and seminars is expected in this course. University regulations indicate that if students attend less than 80% of scheduled classes they may be refused final assessment.

3 Keeping Informed

You should take note of all announcements made in lectures, tutorials or on the course web site. From time to time, the University will send important announcements to your university e-mail address without providing you with a paper copy. You will be deemed to have received this information. It is also your responsibility to keep the University informed of all changes to your contact details.

4 Special Consideration and Supplementary Examinations

You must submit all assignments and attend all examinations scheduled for your course. You should seek assistance early if you suffer illness or misadventure which affects your course progress.

General Information on Special Consideration:

1. For assessments worth 20% or more, all applications for special consideration must go through UNSW Student Central ( and be lodged within 3 working days of the assessment to which it refers; 2. Applications will not be accepted by teaching staff, but you should notify the lecture-in-charge when you make an application for special consideration through UNSW Student Central; 3. Applying for special consideration does not automatically mean that you will be granted a supplementary exam; 4. Special consideration requests do not allow lecturers-in-charge to award students additional marks.

ASB Policy on requests for Special Consideration for Final Exams:
The policy of the School of Economics is that the lecturer-in-charge will need to be satisfied on each of the following before supporting a request for special consideration:

1. Does the medical certificate contain all relevant information? For a medical certificate to be accepted, the degree of illness, and impact on the student, must be stated by the medical practitioner (severe, moderate, mild). A certificate without this will not be valid. 2. Has the student performed satisfactorily in the other assessment items? Satisfactory performance would require at least at least 40% in each assessment item specified in the Course Outline and meeting the obligation to have attended 80% of tutorials. 3. Does the student have a history of previous applications for special consideration? A history of previous applications may preclude a student from being granted special consideration.

Special Consideration and the Final Exam:
Applications for special consideration in relation to the final exam are considered by an ASB Faculty panel to which lecturers-in-charge provide their recommendations for each request. If the Faculty panel grants a special consideration request, this will entitle the student to sit a supplementary examination. No other form of consideration will be granted. The following procedures will apply:

1. Supplementary exams will be scheduled centrally and will be held approximately two weeks after the formal examination period. The dates for ASB supplementary exams for session 1, 2011 are: 12 July 2011 – exams for the School of Accounting 13 July 2011 – exams for all Schools other than Accounting and Economics 14 July 2011 – exams for the School of Economics If a student lodges a special consideration for the final exam, they are stating they will be available on the above dates. Supplementary exams will not be held at any other time. 2. Where a student is granted a supplementary examination as a result of a request for special consideration, the student’s original exam (if completed) will be ignored and only the mark achieved in the supplementary examination will count towards the final grade. Failure to attend the supplementary exam will not entitle the student to have the original exam paper marked and may result in a zero mark for the final exam.

If you are too ill to perform reasonably on the final exam, do not attend the final and apply for a supplementary instead. However granting of a supplementary exam in such cases is not automatic. If a student attends the regular final, s/he is unlikely to be granted a supplementary exam.

The ASB’s Special Consideration and Supplementary Examination Policy and Procedures for Final Exams for Undergraduate Courses is available at:


The University and the ASB provide a wide range of support services for students, including:

ASB Education Development Unit (EDU) (
Academic writing, study skills and maths support specifically for ASB students. Services include workshops, online and printed resources, and individual consultations. EDU Office: Room GO7, Ground Floor, ASB Building (opposite Student Centre); Ph: 9385 5584; Email:

Capturing the Student Voice: An ASB website enabling students to comment on any aspect of their learning experience in the ASB: Blackboard eLearning Support: For online help using Blackboard, follow the links from to UNSW Blackboard Support / Support for Students. For technical support, email:; ph: 9385 1333

UNSW Learning Centre ( )
Academic skills support services, including workshops and resources, for all UNSW students. See website for details.

Library training and search support services:

IT Service Centre: Technical support for problems logging in to websites, downloading documents etc.
UNSW Library Annexe (Ground floor)

UNSW Counselling and Psychological Services (
Free, confidential service for problems of a personal or academic nature; and workshops on study issues such as ‘Coping with Stress’ and ‘Procrastination’.
Office: Level 2, Quadrangle East Wing; Ph: 9385 5418

Student Equity & Disabilities Unit ( Advice regarding equity and diversity issues, and support for students who have a disability or disadvantage that interferes with their learning. Office: Ground Floor, John Goodsell Building; Ph: 9385 4734


The website for this course is on UNSW Blackboard at: The Website contains copies of:
Course handouts, including the Course Outline the Tutorial Program, lecture slides, answers to tutorial questions, sample exam questions and answers, additional readings, and Course Announcements.

Students should consult this website at least once a week as it contains important information about the course. It will be assumed that all students have seen any notice posted on the Course website.

The textbook for this course is:
Frank, R. H., Jennings, S. & Bernanke, B.S. 2009, Principles of Microeconomics, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill International Book Co., Sydney.

The publishers provide a range of support material for the textbook, including a Study Guide, and a website. Information on accessing this support material is provided in the introduction to the text.

While the support material may provide useful additional assistance to your study of the subject matter, the support material is not required reading. Students must make their own judgement as to whether accessing and using the support material is worthwhile. The examinable content of the textbook is defined by the Lecture Outline and the Tutorial Program (see below).

1 Other useful Readings:

The library holds a wide range of alternative textbooks covering microeconomic principles. While the text set for this course is sufficient reading, if you wish to supplement this with additional readings, you may consult these alternative books.

Some useful texts are (with the Library Call Number shown in brackets):

Jackson, J. McIver, R., McConnell, C. and Brue, S. (2007), Microeconomics, (8th Ed.) McGraw-Hill International Book Co., Tokyo. (S338.5/155)

McTaggart, D., Findlay, C. and Parkin, M., (2007), Microeconomics, Fifth Edition, Addison-Wesley, Sydney. (Library Call No S338.5/142).

Frank, Robert H. and Bernanke, B.S., (2004), Principles of Microeconomics, (2nd Ed.) McGraw-Hill, Irwin. (SQ338.5/197)

Baumol, W.J., Blinder, A.S., Gunther, A.W. and Hicks, J.R.L., (1992), Economics: Principles and Policy, Australian Edition, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Sydney. (S330/485F)

Samuelson, P., Nordhaus, W., Richardson, S., Scott, G., and Wallace, R., Economics, 3rd Aust. edition, Vol. 1, Microeconomics, McGraw Hill, Sydney, 1992 (S338.5/143)

Stiglitz, J.E., (1993), Principles of Microeconomics, Norton, New York. (S338.5/148)


1 Lecture Schedule

Lectures start in Week 1and finish in Week 12. There will be a notice on the Course website.

|Week |Topic |Reference |
|Week 1 |Introduction/Administration |Ch 1 and |
|28 February-4 March |Thinking as an Economist. |Appendix |
| |Appendix 1 (may not be treated in lectures) | |
|Week 2 |Comparative Advantage: the Basis for Trade |Ch 2, Ch 8 (pp204-210) |
|7-11 March | | |
|Week 3 |Supply and demand: an Introduction |Ch 3 |
|14-18 March | | |
|Week 4 |Elasticity |Ch 4 |
|21-25 March | | |
|Week 5 |Demand: The Benefit side of the Market |Ch 5 |
|28 March – 1 April |Perfectly Competitive Supply : The Cost Side if the | |
| |Market |Ch 6 (pp 146 -151) |
|Week 6 |Perfectly Competitive Supply : The Cost Side if the |Ch 6 |
|4-8 April |Market | |
|Week 7 |Efficiency and Exchange |Ch 7 |
|11-15 April | | |
|Week 8 |Efficiency and Exchange continued |Ch 8 (pp211-223) |
|18-21April |The Quest for Profit and the Invisible Hand |Ch 9 |
|(Public Holiday22April) | | |
|Lecture Groups C and D should attend | | |
|any other lecture this week | | |
|Mid Session Break 22 - 29 April |
|Week 9 |Monopoly and other forms of Imperfect Competition |Ch 10 |
|2-6 May | | |
|Week 10 |Thinking Strategically |Ch 11 (pp 294-303) |
|9-13 May |Externalities |Ch 12 ( pp322-333) |
|Week 11 |Common Resources and Property Rights Public Goods and |Ch 12 ( pp 334-to end) |
|16-20 May |Their Financing |Ch 13 |
|Week 12 |The Economics of Information |Ch 14 |
|23-27 May |Revision |Revision |

2 Tutorial Schedule

Tutorials start in Week 2 and finish in Week 13. There will be a tutorial program posted on the Course website.


It is your responsibility to ensure that:

You are recorded by the University as being correctly enrolled in all your courses.

You have successfully completed all prerequisite courses. Any work done in courses for which prerequisites have not been fulfilled will be disregarded (unless an exemption has been granted), and no credit given or grade awarded.

You abide by key dates:

Monday 28 February is the first day of Semester 1 lectures.

Sunday 6 March is the last day you can enrol in Semester 1 courses and is the due date for Semester 1 fees.

Thursday 31 March (Week 5) is the last day for students to discontinue without financial penalty (and the last date to finalise arrangements for FEE-HELP).

Sunday 17 April (end Week 7) is the last day to discontinue without academic penalty.

You organise your affairs to take account of examination and other assessment dates where these are known. Be aware that your final examination may fall at any time during the semester’s examination period. The scheduling of examinations is controlled by the University administration. No early examinations are possible.

The examination period for Semester 1, 2011, falls between Friday 10 June and Monday 27 June (provisional dates subject to change).

When the provisional examination timetable is released, ensure that you have no clashes or unreasonable difficulty in attending the scheduled examinations. The final examination timetable for Semester 1 is released in May (date TBA).

Note that the dates for ASB supplementary exams for session 1, 2011 are:
12 July 2011 – exams for the School of Accounting
13 July 2011 – exams for all Schools other than Accounting and Economics
14 July 2011 – exams for the School of Economics

A full list of UNSW Key Dates is located at:

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Course Outline

...VLT2 - Security Policies and Standards - Best Practices Course of Study This course supports the assessments for VLT2. The course covers 3 competencies and represents 3 competency units. Introduction Overview The skills and knowledge measured by performance assessment VLT2 are derived from a survey of information security professionals from around the world and are also based on the many different information security and assurance frameworks (ISO 27001/2, COBIT, ITL, etc.). The results of this survey were used in weighing the subject areas and ensuring that the weighting is representative of the relative importance of the content. The Security Policy and Standards subdomain focuses on creating organizational security activities and policies; assessing information security risk; and implementing and auditing information security management programs, information assurance certification programs, and security ethics. Watch the following video for an introduction to this course: Competencies This course provides guidance to help you demonstrate the following 3 competencies: Competency 427.3.2: Controls and Countermeasures The graduate evaluates security threats and identifies and applies security controls based on analyses and industry standards and best practices. Competency 427.3.3: Security Audits The graduate evaluates the practice of defining and implementing a security audit and conducts an information security audit using industry best practices. Competency 427...

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Course Outline

...COURSE OUTLINE MGMT/INTL 446 - Fall 2013 Date Topic Read Aug. 23 F Course introduction 26 M International HRM overview Ch. 1 28 W IHRM overview (continued) Last day to add/drop classes 30 F In-class exercise: Staffing a New Joint Venture Blackboard Sept. 2 M LABOR DAY HOLIDAY – NO CLASS 4 W The cultural context of IHRM Ch. 2 6 F The cultural context (continued) Research project team formation 9 M Select city assignments and oral presentation dates The organizational context Ch. 3 11 W The organizational context (continued) 13 F Homework 1 due: Quality Control at theHawthorne pg. 287-288 Arms 16 M Cross-border M&As, alliances, & SMEs Ch. 4 18 W Cross-border M&As, alliances, & SMEs (continued) QUIZ 1 20 F Homework 2 due: Strategic forecasts and staffing pg. 298-304 formulation 23 M Review for Exam 1 25 W EXAM 1 27 F Selected team oral reports 30 M Research Assignment 1 due In-class exercise: HR Planning Blackboard COURSE OUTLINE (continued) Date Topic Readg, Oct. 2 W Staffing, recruiting & selection Ch. 5 4 F Staffing, recruiting & selection (continued) 7 M Homework 3 due: Spanning the Globe pg. 282-286 9 W Performance management ...

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Course Outline

...AIMS: English for Academic Purposes is designed to help students to critically engage with texts, research and write effective essays for academic audiences, and participate intelligently in oral and written discussions on a variety of topics, while developing an understanding of the linguistic context in which they operate in the Caribbean. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the course, learners will be able to: (USE LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT) Describe the essential characteristics and functions of language, especially in relation to the English language Define the Caribbean community and identify language-related issues that affect communication in one or more language communities in the Caribbean (READ) Distinguish academic writing from other kinds of writing Decode meaning in samples of academic writing Respond critically to a variety of texts, identifying the rhetorical context and evaluating rhetorical strategies (WRITE) Assess the needs of their audience and summarise material appropriately Engage in various stages of the writing process and write an effective documented expository essay Consult the Internet, library databases and other information sources for research and use information appropriately in assignments Use approved citation and documentation techniques to incorporate information from credible sources (SPEAK) Present ideas individually and in groups Discuss and critically evaluate oral presentations and written passages RECOMMENDED MATERIALS: (All books listed...

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Course Outline

...COURSE OUTLINE Prescription An introduction to the study of marketing and its role in developing a strategic customer/client focus within commercial, public sector and not-for-profit organisations. Course Learning Objectives MARK 101 provides students with an introduction to marketing principles, theory and practice. Students are introduced to the role of marketing within organisations, the economy, and society across commercial, government, and not-for-profit sectors. In particular, students will recognise the function of marketing and markets as the key driver and shaper of any organisation and the integration of marketing with other business and commercial disciplines. Students who successfully complete MARK 101 will have the knowledge and ability to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Describe commonly used marketing concepts and terminology Summarise the main marketing tools of products and services, pricing, distribution and communications Explain social responsibility and ethics as they pertain to marketing Describe marketing in New Zealand with respect to the Pacific Basin and global perspective Analyse marketing problems associated with marketing decisions and present coherent solutions to such problems Organise and explain processes involved in the preparation of marketing strategies and plans Trimester Dates Teaching Period: Monday 29th February – Friday 3rd June Study Period: Monday 6th June – Thursday 9th June Examination Period: Friday 10th June...

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Course Outline

...Course outline for BUSN85 STRATEGIC CORPORATE FINANCE, Fall 2014, 7.5 credits Introduction The main objective of the course is to further your understanding of the theory and econometrics of corporate finance beyond what is covered in previous courses in corporate finance (esp BUSN92 Empirical Corporate Finance). It is not necessary to have completed BUSN92 Empirical Corporate Finance (corporate finance students), nor BUSN80 Financial Econometrics and BUSN81 Theory of Corporate Finance (MSc finance students), but you are expected to hold equivalent knowledge of the theory and econometrics of corporate finance. The course emphasizes three perspectives: behavioral corporate finance, corporate governance, and microeconometrics. Behavioral corporate finance integrates psychology into the study of corporate financial decisions, while corporate governance focuses on implicit and explicit contracting, supervision, and control for ensuring accountability and reconciliation of conflicting interests. Microeconometrics, finally, refers to econometric tools for analysis of individual-level data on the economic behavior of individuals or firms. Assessment and grading The intention with the assessment is for you to give account for your knowledge and demonstrate your capacity to undertake the abilities you are expected to learn in the course. All assessment tasks must be carried out in English. In the grading, we make use of scoring system where you collect points on different assessment...

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Course Outline

...ACC 4291 INTEGRATED CASE STUDY Case Summary: Androids Under Attack SEM 1 2013/2014 Case Synopsis 1918 : Arthur Androids form an audit firm called Androids & Co. For many years, the Androids’ motto was “Think straight, talk straight” as it emphasis on honesty. 1987 : David Lawrence appointed as Androids’ partner in charge of auditing Enronaa’s accounts. His job was to check Enronaa’s accounts and to make sure that they fairly represent the state of the business. 1997 : US SEC found Androids guilty of issuing materially false and misstatement audit reports on Solid Waste financial statements for the period 1993 through 1996. Androids and Solid Waste agreed to pay USD 229 million to settle the class-action suit. The Solid Waste case followed Androids’ decision to pay USD 110 million to settle a lawsuit on audits at Sunbaemic. Both cases are the point of discussion between David and Ken Bailey, a junior partner to solve the Enronaa’s case. 2001 : David began to painfully explain the technical intricacies of Enronaa’s accounting to Ken. Both of them knew that the firm is in deep trouble and another scandal in the likes of Enronaa may end their business. The future of 85,000 staffs in 390 offices in 84 countries lies in David’s hand. Protagonist/Decision-maker Obviously, the decision-maker of the case is David Lawrence; one of the Androids’s partners. He is in...

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Course Outline

...MBA – II WINTER 2011 COURSE: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (MGT 604) INSTRUCTOR: PROF. F. A. FAREEDY TEACHING ASSOCIATE: HAADIAH QAISER SYLLABUS 1. Case Study Method: How to prepare and present a case analysis. Why to do case studies? Traditional/Lecture approach versus the Case Method, Oral Presentations and Preparing a Written Case Analysis. Constructing Visual Aids and Answering Questions. 2. Introduction to Human Resource Management: Human Resource Management at Work. The changing environment and role of HRM. The Human Resource Managers’ Proficiencies. 3. Strategic Human Resource Management: The HR Scorecard: The Strategic Management Process. Human Resource Management’s Role in Creating Competitive Advantage. Human Resource Management’s Strategic Roles. Creating the Strategic HRM System. 4. A Review of concepts in Organizational Behavior: Motivation. Communication. Leadership. Management and corporate culture. 5. Recruitment and Placement: Job Analysis. Job Specification. Job Description. Human Resource Planning and Recruiting. Planning and Forecasting. Recruiting a more Diverse Workforce. 6. Employee Testing and Selection: Interviewing Candidates. Designing and conducting an effective interview. Structured and Unstructured Interviews. 7. Training and Development: Training and Developing Employees. Management Development systems and programs. 8. Performance Management and Appraisal: Appraising Performance; Problems and Solutions. Managing...

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Course Outline

...MANAGEMENT AY 2015-16 TERM: III TITLE OF THE COURSE: FINANCE II CREDITS: 4 Name of the Faculty Arnab Bhattacharya Gaurav Singh Chauhan Kousik Guhathakurta Radha M. Ladkani Faculty Block/ Room No. J BLOCK C-102 A-106 J BLOCK Email Telephone Number;; 0731-2439589 0731-2439592 0731-2439518 0731-2439698 COURSE DESCRIPTION The second core course in Finance deals with the core corporate finance functions in an applied setting. The participants are exposed to real world corporate finance decisions to be taken up by managers for creating value. Such an exposure is accomplished through a mix of theory and practice. The pedagogy employed reflects a judicious mix of case discussions, lectures and problem solving approach. COURSE OBJECTIVES The objective is to familiarize participants with the three major decision areas of Corporate Finance, viz. the investments, financing and earnings distribution decisions. Subsequently the participants are to be offered an integrated view of the decision areas by discussing the issues in corporate valuations and risk management. The course aims at sharpening the financial decision making skills of the participants. EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES AND ASSOCIATED MEASURES At the end of the course student is expected to accomplish the following learning outcomes. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the Programme Learning...

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Course Outline

...Human Resource Management (HR- 101) Course Objectives: It is increasingly understood by both practitioners and academicians that one critical source of sustainable competitive advantage lies in their human resources and its effective management. Human resource management practices of an organization play a pivotal role in acquiring, developing and deploying employees to create and sustain the human resource-based competitive advantage. The course aims to help students develop this perspective as well as expose them to various functional and strategic human resource policies and practices. Course Duration and Pedagogy: It is a 1.5 credit course and will be conducted during the pre- midterm period (5 weeks; 13-12-10 to 14-1-11). The course would involve a mix of lectures, exercises, and live case discussions. Instructors and Course Coordinator: The course is divided into two parts, A and B. While Part A will be a Strategic Human Resource Management approach to basic HRM issues, Part B will be an Economics of Human Resources approach to those very issues. Course Reading Materials: Reference books: 1. Human Resource Management- Mirza Saiyadain, Tata McGrawhill education pvt ltd., New Delhi-2004. 2. Personnel/ Human Resource Management- David A. DeCenzo & Stephen P Robbins- Prentice Hall of India, Private Ltd. New Delhi, 3rd edition, 2007 In addition, a bound reading materials package will also be handed out as will be the class lecture slides. Evaluation:...

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Course Outline

...AFM 341 - Accounting Information Systems Week Date 1 2 3 4 Topic Jan 5 Accounting Information Systems and Firm Value Accountants as Business Analyst Jan 12 Data Modeling Relational Database and Enterprise Systems Jan 19 Sales and Collections Business Process In Class Lab (Bring Laptop with Microsoft Access 2010 or 2013 Installed) Jan 26 Purchase and Payments Business Process Conversion Business Process Feb 2 Integrated Project In Class Lab (Bring Laptop with Microsoft Access 2010 or 2013 Installed) MID-TERM EXAM – Ch. 1 to 7 – IN CLASS EXAM Reading Quiz Due (Saturday Assignment Due at 9pm) Ch.1 Quiz#1 (ch.1-2) Ch.2 Ch.3 Quiz#2 (ch.3-4) Ch.4 Ch.5 Quiz#3 (ch.5) Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch. 8 Quiz#4 (ch.6-7) Reporting Processes and XBRL Review Exam Group Presentations Feb 16 NO CLASS: Reading Week Feb 23 Accounting Information Systems and Internal Controls Group Presentations Mar 2 Information Security and Computer Fraud Review DB-Phase 2 Group Presentations Ch.9 Quiz#5 (ch.8-9) Ch.10 Quiz#6 (ch.10) Ch.11 Quiz#7 (ch.11) 10 Mar 9 Ch.12 Quiz#8 (ch.12) 11 Mar 16 Ch.13 Quiz#9 (ch.13-14) Ch. 14 Ch. 15 Quiz#10 (ch.15) 5 6 7 8 9 Feb 9 12 Mar 23 13 Mar 30 Monitoring and Auditing AIS Group Presentations The Balanced Score Card and Business Value of Information Technology Evaluating AIS Investments The Systems Development Life Cycle and Project Management Group Presentations ...

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Course Outline

...MGNT 7090 – BUSINESS STRATEGY GUIDELINES FOR INDIVIDUAL PROJECT You should view this individual project as an opportunity to refine your strategic analysis and formulating skills and apply them to a practical situation—preferably one that has benefit to you and your career. For most students, this will be the organization for which you have an inherent interest. It might be your family’s business or a company that you have worked for, or it could be an organization for which you would like to work in the future. Personally, I prefer you not take a famous international company like Starbucks, Alibaba or Wal-Mart, but you can if you want. You are to take on the role of a consultant and devise a plan to improve and implement the strategy of the company of your choice. Note, this is a rough guideline, and you may modify the structure as you see fit. The basic components of the project are as follows: I. Overview (~1-2 pages) -- Give an overview of the firm, including a brief history, its strategy, its tactics, its primary competitors and its goals. Questions you may wish to consider addressing: What is the ownership structure? Is it a family organization? Is it a government bureau or department? Is it a state-owned enterprise (SOE)? Is it a conglomerate or a division of a larger organization? What are the major strengths and weaknesses? What is the process by which strategy is formed? What are major issues or problems the organization is facing? II. External...

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Course Outline

...Management & Organization (2 mc, intensive format) FM1, 7-9 January 2013 FM3/FM4, 10-12 January 2013 Dr. Daniel J. McAllister Dr. Matthias Spitzmuller BIZ 1#08-58 BIZ1 #08-46 +65 6516 1009 +65 6516 7230 ABOUT THE COURSE Managers often express surprise when they find that people are more difficult than numbers to understand. Recruiters often indicate that they wish new managers possessed stronger people skills. Alumni often affirm that they too wish they had stronger people skills. The aim of this course is to provide you with some of these skills so that you can become a more effective manager and leader. However, management is not a science. Nor is it a profession. It is an art – a craft that is developed over a lifetime. This course is therefore not designed to offer you a magic formula for how to manage an organization. It is designed to provide tools to help you better understand why people in organizations do the things they do and how to influence these behaviors. We will use theories of management, economics, sociology, psychology, and philosophy to help us discuss individual-, team-, and organizational-level behaviors. The format for this course will be highly interactive in order to provide a rich learning experience. We will do this through the use of debates, role-playing, simulations, and case studies. Each of these experiences will provide opportunities to reflect and analyze in order that we may walk away...

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Course Outline

... | |Course |: |Event Conceptualization And | | | |Planning | |Level |: |Bachelor | |Credit unit |: |4 | |Contact hour |: |4 | |Semester |: |2 | |Course Status |: |Core | |Pre-requisite |: |None | Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Identify the event management process in strategizing event conceptualization and planning. 2. Develop an estimated event budget 3. Propose an event which is in accordance with stakeholder’s requirements and needs. Course Description This course is designed for...

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