...also based on the many different information security and assurance frameworks (ISO 27001/2, COBIT, ITL, etc.). The results of this survey were used in weighing the subject areas and ensuring that the weighting is representative of the relative importance of the content. The Security Policy and Standards subdomain focuses on creating organizational security activities and policies; assessing information security risk; and implementing and auditing information security management programs, information assurance certification programs, and security ethics. Watch the following video for an introduction to this course: Competencies This course provides guidance to help you demonstrate the following 3 competencies: Competency 427.3.2: Controls and Countermeasures The graduate evaluates security threats and identifies and applies security controls based on analyses and industry standards and best practices. Competency 427.3.3: Security Audits The graduate evaluates the practice of defining and implementing a security audit and conducts an information security audit using industry best practices. Competency 427.3.4: Certifications and Accreditations The graduate identifies and discusses the Information Assurance certification and accreditation (C&A) process. Course Mentor Assistance As you prepare to successfully demonstrate competency in this subject, remember that course mentors stand ready to help you reach your educational goals. As subject matter experts, mentors enjoy and take...
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...a hard time anticipating future misconduct * Our legacy-touchstones: Secular legacy (family, Gandhi), Religious legacy, work legacy * Our core principles and values often begin with our role models, our family, culture, our roots, the society in which we live and work Lecture 2 * Two axes of ELI: Autonomy-Equality, Rationality-Sensitivity * The ELI is not suggesting you change your perspective and allows you to self-identify. The ELI gives a better understanding of the strengths and challenges in our view of lens. * Four lenses of ELI: Rights/Responsibility Lens (I am responsible), Relationship Lens (I am fair), Result Lens (Make choice that good for everyone), Reputation lens (concern about legacy, reputation) * Tools for analysis: Rights/responsibility: reason. Relationship Lens: Authority. Result lens: Experience. Reputation lens: tradition. * Risk: Rights/responsibility: Being autocratic. Relationship Lens: Being authoritarian. Result lens: reducing decisions to cost-benefit analysis. Reputation lens: self-righteousness. * Ethical decision making: -Be attentive, -Be intelligent, -Be reasonable, -Be responsible, -Return to awareness Lecture 3 * The service profit chain: Internal service quality-----Employee satisfaction (Employee Retention, Employee productivity)----External service value----Customer...
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...COE Framework and Ethical Dispositions Comparison Matrix Instructions: In the left-hand column, list seven instances of overlap between the Association of American Educators’ four principles of ethical teachers and the Teacher Candidate Proficiencies in Conceptual Framework. Be sure to cite each appropriately. In the right-hand column, state the priority from 1-7 (“1” being the most important) you would assign this concept as an educator. State and defend your rationale. Use research to support your rationale. Comparison of overlapping statements regarding teacher ethics | Priority of specific ethical disposition/protocol and rationale | Example: “The professional educator continues to grow professionally” (AAE, 2001).“Learners will develop the values, commitments, and ethics that positively impact the educational community as well as the educator’s own professional growth.” (COE-GCU Framework, 2010). | Example: Priority ranking : 5I have ranked the issue of Professional Growth at number five because…Actually, Meninger (1986) said that… | The professional educator makes a constructive effort to protect the student from conditions detrimental to learning, health, or safety. (AAE, 1994-2012).Challenging students to report inappropriate behavior, providing a positive and supportive environment that allows students to feel safe in reporting it. (COE-GCU Conceptual Framework, 2011). | | | | | |Priority Ranking: 2Studies show that students who do not feel safe at...
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...An Introduction to Ethics * Ancient Greek translation of Ethics is it is a “Theory of living”. * Ethical deliberation is a process of consciously reasoning out what is right and what is wrong. Individual is accountable for their own actions * It’s a process of moral judgment * Ethics is cultural, community, nation, fundamentally human consideration * Problem arises when there is disagreement in facts of the case, values and principles, in framing( reasoning )the case in question * Levels of Ethical inquiry – Individual actions add up to a another level/higher. Conflicts between levels. * Society – Larger economic good, the way the society needs to be structured * Corporation and their policies –Suppliers, consumers, employees, local community, stakeholders of a specific company. Obligation owed to each specific group. * Stakeholders – relationship concentration to specific stakeholders * Personal – how people treat each other in their roles in an organization * Design Ethical framework – set of questions a manager can use to decide under a given situation. Framework should include question concerning the Character, consequences and principles * Decision making process – Why the decision makes a difference * Accountable to stakeholders – Ability to defend the decisions to various stakeholders the firm is committed to * Ethics is everybody’s business - Resolving conflicting demands and obligations *...
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...Bettie Harden EDU 576 Conceptual Framework & Ethical Dispositions Dr. Susan Meredith Framework and Ethical Dispositions Comparison Matrix Instructions: In the left-hand column, list 7 instances of overlap between the two documents by asserting the comparison of the overlapping statements. Be sure to cite each appropriately. In the right-hand column, state the priority from 1-7, (“1” being the most important) you would assign this concept as an educator; state and defend your rationale. Use research to support your rationale. Comparison of overlapping statements regarding teacher ethics | Priority of specific ethical disposition/protocol and rationale | The professional educator makes a constructive effort to protect the student from conditions detrimental to learning, health, or safety. (AAE, 1994-2012).Challenging students to report inappropriate behavior, providing a positive and supportive environment that allows students to feel safe in reporting it. (COE-GCU Conceptual Framework, 2011). | Priority Ranking: 2Studies show that students who do not feel safe at school stay home. And when students aren't in school, they don't perform academically. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES)’s report, Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2010, in 2007, approximately 5 percent of students ages 12–18 reported that they were afraid of attack or harm at school, compared to 3 percent of students who reported that they were afraid of attack or...
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...\documentclass[a4paper]{report} \begin{document} \title{Justice-based Ethics and its Applications} \author{Leo Huang} \date{2017-11} \maketitle \tableofcontents \newpage \chapter{An introduction to the Justice-based Ethics} \section{Preface} Ethical frameworks are an important part of human societies, from the most primitive societies of the past, to the most advanced societies of the future. Although we may not be aware of their effects, ethical frameworks guide our every action, our every decision, and our every thought, driving the immeasurably complex machine that is the human society. Many ethical frameworks operate on the personal level, and dictate only whether a single person should act - how the actions of one person can be ethical...
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...the decision making process of the Adelphia Communication’s executive board, namely John Rigas, and how his decisions not only violated the basic trust of their shareholders but violated the ethical framework of what should have been a successful, solid, honest family business. Ethics is loosely defined as rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad (Webster’s on line dictionary). As morality and Ethics are defined as one in the same for the purposes of commonality, the professional liberties taken by Rigas violated what any professional and/or layperson would consider good business practices. The examination of the ethical breaches made by the executive board, namely having motives that were self-serving and actions that contradicted acting dutiful to the wellbeing of the company which was composed of various family members. This not only paved the way for ongoing bad decisions, but ultimately corrupted the fabric of the company so much that when the corruption was finally discovered the company was destroyed in more ways than just financial. The company had lost all public trust from which they could not recover. From the perspective of the deontological framework, the exclusion of the basic principles of proper ethical behavior proved that attempting to create a structured entity without these basic principles may have be personally beneficial in the short term but the reality of unethical business practices did not survive public or in house scrutiny...
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...workplace is productive and positive and my community is responsive and growing. Through this focus I will give more than I take and will provide a positive role model for my children. Ethical principles which I follow in achieving my life mission Ethical principles provide a generalized framework within which particular ethical dilemmas may be analyzed. As we will see later in this module, these principles can provide guidance in resolving ethical issues that codes of ethics may not necessarily provide Make Regular Dhikr: Dhikr, the remembrance of Allah, calms the mind and gets rid of disturbing thoughts. i do tasbih, dhikr, whenever I am free, by doing this my mind feels to be in peace during the day. My mind will not be easily disturbed as it was before. Never Leave The Mind Vacant: An empty mind is the devil’s workshop. I keep mind occupied in something positive, something worthwhile and negative thoughts will not plague your mind. Actively follow a hobby, something that holds your interest. You must decide what you value more: money or peace of mind.. Change Yourself: I have try to change the environment single-handedly, the chances are you will fail. Instead, change yourself to suit your environment. I Do Not Interfere In Others’ Business Unless Asked: Most of us create our own problems by interfering too often in others’ affairs. We do so because somehow we have convinced ourselves that our way is the best way, our logic is the perfect logic and those who do...
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...regulatory agencies, channel members, trade associations, as well as others. It is important when addressing marketing ethics to recognize that it should be examined from an individual, organizational, and societal perspective. Examining marketing ethics from a narrow issue perspective does not provide foundational background that provides a complete understanding of the domain of marketing ethics. The purpose of this chapter is to define, examine the nature and scope, identify issues, provide a decision-making framework, and trace the historical development of marketing ethics from a practice and academic perspective. DEFINITION OF MARKETING ETHICS Ethics has been termed the study and philosophy of human conduct, with an emphasis on the determination of right and wrong. For marketers, ethics in the workplace refers to rules (standards, principles) governing the conduct of organizational members and the consequences of marketing decisions (Ferrell, 2005). Therefore, ethical marketing from a normative perspective approach is defined as “practices that emphasize transparent, trustworthy, and responsible personal and organizational marketing policies and actions that exhibit...
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...wide range of moral and ethical principles, providing methods and guidance for the distinguish between right and wrong. "Ethics is important for managers involved with Management Control Systems (MCS) because ethical principles can provide a useful guide for defining how employees should behave." [Management control-related ethical issues and analysis] It is important for an organization to have good ethics as unethical behaviors are costly not only to the individuals involved but also the organization, market and the society.' People learns from history,' each time a serious unethical issue arises, the government creates extra laws and standards for the governing of organizations, however these extra enforcements mechanisms "are incomplete, imperfect, and expensive, and have the typical drawbacks of rigid action controls." [Management control-related ethical issues and analysis] Business ethical issues arise because in most cases ethical actions may not generate the best outcome for an organization, "ethical individuals sometimes must make actions that are not in their own self-interest or their organizations owners' best interest." [Management control-related ethical issues and analysis] There are many dilemmas when making ethical decisions, often including the struggle between being selfish and doing 'what is right'. A culture will define the individual and group ethics within an organization. To control unethical behaviors and to set an ethical issue free environment within...
Words: 2445 - Pages: 10
...regulatory agencies, channel members, trade associations, as well as others. It is important when addressing marketing ethics to recognize that it should be examined from an individual, organizational, and societal perspective. Examining marketing ethics from a narrow issue perspective does not provide foundational background that provides a complete understanding of the domain of marketing ethics. The purpose of this chapter is to define, examine the nature and scope, identify issues, provide a decision-making framework, and trace the historical development of marketing ethics from a practice and academic perspective. DEFINITION OF MARKETING ETHICS Ethics has been termed the study and philosophy of human conduct, with an emphasis on the determination of right and wrong. For marketers, ethics in the workplace refers to rules (standards, principles) governing the conduct of organizational members and the consequences of marketing decisions (Ferrell, 2005). Therefore, ethical marketing from a normative perspective approach is defined as “practices that emphasize transparent, trustworthy, and responsible personal and organizational marketing policies and actions that exhibit...
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...regulatory agencies, channel members, trade associations, as well as others. It is important when addressing marketing ethics to recognize that it should be examined from an individual, organizational, and societal perspective. Examining marketing ethics from a narrow issue perspective does not provide foundational background that provides a complete understanding of the domain of marketing ethics. The purpose of this chapter is to define, examine the nature and scope, identify issues, provide a decision-making framework, and trace the historical development of marketing ethics from a practice and academic perspective. DEFINITION OF MARKETING ETHICS Ethics has been termed the study and philosophy of human conduct, with an emphasis on the determination of right and wrong. For marketers, ethics in the workplace refers to rules (standards, principles) governing the conduct of organizational members and the consequences of marketing decisions (Ferrell, 2005). Therefore, ethical marketing from a normative perspective approach is defined as “practices that emphasize transparent, trustworthy, and responsible personal and organizational marketing policies and actions that exhibit...
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...Excerpted from The Tracks We Leave: Ethical and Management Dilemmas in Healthcare, Second Edition, by Frankie Perry, RN, LFACHE (Health Administration Press, 2013) CHAPTER 1 Understanding Your Ethical Responsibilities Hea lt h c a re l eader s and those aspiring to be leaders must recognize first and foremost that character and integrity constitute the very cornerstone of leadership. Organizations have failed and promising careers have been derailed when ethics have been relegated to secondary importance or, worse yet, ignored in the pursuit of more bottom-line considerations. Healthcare managers must understand their role and responsibility in creating an ethical healthcare environment that is honest, just, and always in the best interests of those being served. Whether you are the CEO, an assistant administrator, a department head, a program manager, or a clinician, if you are “in charge,” you have the ultimate responsibility for establishing the culture and setting the standards of conduct in your sphere of influence. This task is not always an easy one. Nor is it easy for well-intentioned managers to always make ethical decisions themselves. BARRIERS TO ETH ICAL D ECIS I O N M A K I NG In our book Healthcare Leadership Excellence: Creating a Career of Impact, James Rice and I identify some of the common barriers to ethical decision making and seven pitfalls for managers to avoid (Rice and Perry 2013, 29–37). We then make recommendations for building...
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...Just Lie-Govt. To use ‘Honor System’ Without Verifying Your Eligibility” (2013, p.1). With the recent debates on whether or not Obama care is a critical component to ensure that individuals will receive health benefits, the ethical conversation must be debated throughout the United States of America amongst corporations and educational institutions which will be affected. According to Johnson, “The job of the leader, then, is to foster ethical accountability, to encourage followers to live up to their moral responsibilities to the rest of the group, (2012, p. 278. The author’s intent within is paper is to create of code of ethics that will demonstrate the significance of having an ethical and cultural competence in acceptance, understanding and sensitivity; both as an educational goal, and as a fundamental aspect of exemplifying responsibility and accountability. Rationale for the design of your code of ethics The motivation for designing a code of ethics stems from the author’s doctoral course on ethical dilemmas and stewardship. For this author, it opened the gateway to research for meaning and purpose to understand the importance on why educational, corporate and religious organizations must have a code of ethics that is grounded with integrity, authenticity and accountability. In order for a code of ethics to be in alignment personally, professionally, and organizationally, there must be a balance between an ethical climate and organizational culture which embraces race...
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...| | | | | | | The Ethical Principles: How it impacts on Life in General and in Business Based on some of the recent history ethical failures committed by executives from huge organizations like Enron, Arthur Andersen, PricewaterHouseCoopers, so on and so forth, if history teaches us anything is that ethics and character count a whole lot, especially in the business world. These executives, by their failures of ethics, all because for their personal benefits, had destroyed and tarnished not only the organizations reputation but, in many cases, its financial impacts resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars as damage and tarnish their reputation and their prospective career, not to mention damaging their prospective families financial security and, in some cases, serving many years in prison as the ultimate consequences. In today’s volatile, high tech, interdependent business world, charisma leadership style without conscience and being clever without character are a recipe for economic and personal failure of epic proportions. As quote from President Roosevelt –“To educate the mind without the morals is to educate a menace to society. The following core ethical principles, if one chose to follow rigorously, can play a vital role to success to leadership: Honesty, Integrity, Promise-Keeping, Loyalty, Fairness, Caring, Respect For Others, Law Abiding, Commitment To Excellence, Leadership (Exemplify honor & ethics), Reputation &...
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