Premium Essay

Creative Writing: Katsu's Cages

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Words 1460
Pages 6
There once was a legendary warrior who fought hard for his village. he was a ruthless aggressive samurai that would kill anyone for the sake of his family or village. he then had a son his name was katsu. he lived in a village called the mist he had a pretty good life here. he lived with his two other brothers akatsuki and kakashi. one day he was running through the forest like he always does. but then he saw a quick wind over his soldier katsu fell over the wind was intense. he then yelled out father no response. father no response. he was worried they couldn't hear him. so he tried his best to stand on his feet. he then realized his shoulder was slashed. then someone jumped out of the trees. and landed right in front of him. he panicked …show more content…
i then noticed his mask since he was wearing a black half mask so you can not see his nose he then said i do not come to kill you simply to retrieve you but your brother is not in my attention span which means i will have to exterminate him noooo katsu said i will not let you shut up katsu you stupid idiot said his brother we can break out of this cage if you will just shut up then i noticed something about akatsuki he had bloodshot eyes and looked at me the strange man opened his cage i was scared he was not fighting back with the man when the man opened his cage simply brother left his cage and started consulting with the enemy he then said to me kill him said the stranger then i put two and two together and figured what was going on he was brainwashed and mind controlled to kill me i yelled out to him brother it is me katsu i begged he then said in a mysterious voice i have no brother no dad no mom no sister no family he shocked me with his words i freaked out but held it in the floor became a super flat platform and the strange man was floating above it and said in a very loud tone as if he was talking in a megaphone fight brother then came sprinting at me and said lightning style chidori jutsu like i said before i only know one jutsu and that was i clamped my hands together to make a v shape and said water style mist jutsu and i spewed high speed mist from my mouth he then collided his chidori in my mist and the platform blew up i felt the intense adrenalin in my veins and i did a flip around him and said mist jutsu mist jutsu mist jutsu and sprayed him with scalding high speed water but he said earth style earth reanimation jutsu and he made rocks hurling toward me i then used my mist jutsu and split the rock in half he then teleported behind me and took out a sword but when he cut me i used water clone jutsu and he slashed a decoy i then appeared flipping to the ground in adrenaland and for some reason my eyes were spinning i looked at myself through the

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