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New Century Wellness Group Case Study

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New Century Wellness Group
Management information system has emerged out as an effective tool to reduce the growing costs to economy related to healthcare. To add to it, information system plays a critical role in storing, processing, capturing, communicating and diagnosing information in time and this helps to take better decision and cater better healthcare facilities. For instance, decision support capabilities and data mining can fore tell the adverse events that could possibly take place in a patient’s life.
Despite the importance that management information system carries, New Century Wellness Group is operation on traditional ways and it is not upgrading the system capabilities. Few reasons why it’s not investing in an information …show more content…
Once the information is entered, it can be selectively distributed throughout the organization. Executives in various departments like – human resource, accounting, billing, medical records and appointments. New Century Wellness Group has a large base of client, hence it could decrease the time span of decision making by installing this system.
Also the new system could include Enterprise Resource Planning can be put into use which would help club various functions like – Human resource management, customer relationship management, inventory management, financial inventory and reminders related to data storage and accessing. This will also provide centralizing of the information. ERP installation would serve the purpose because the group executives do not wish to hire more employees.
Different models of databases that a business enterprise can use are:
1. NDBM – Network Data Base Model
2. HDBM – Hierarchical Data Base Model
3. RDBM – Relational Database

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