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Creative Writing: Sticky Floors

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Sticky Floors, my Sister, and a Very Pink House “The cookies are burning! The cookies are burning!” Laurel, my dear sister believed that she had to say everything twice in order for me to hear her. “I got them!” I said as I pulled the cookies out of the oven. It was the time of year when everyone was a little bit colder, but a whole lot happier: Christmas. I stopped to pause and take a deep breath of the warm air that was billowing off of the pan freshly pulled out of the oven. The smell of cookies filled the entire household as my sister and I scurried around packing up cookies and a crockpot full of scalding hot chocolate. Every year we choose one family member to do a service project for instead of giving them a Christmas present. My sister Laurel and I came up with the plan to make large amounts of cookies and hot chocolate. We would drive around the city blessing local nurses, firefighters and people standing in the street asking for help, instead of giving my sister Leigh a physical …show more content…
We packed everything up, including multiple rolls of paper towels. We jumped into our 2000 GMC minivan, and started driving towards the end of the driveway. BUMP! “Umm.. I think the hot chocolate spilled.” I said as I looked down at my once light brown boots. The warm soggy feeling was starting to seep into my socks. My sister and I looked at each other and started laughing about as hard as we could. We quickly decided it was a good idea to bring as many rolls of paper towels as we did. We sopped up the mess and continued our journey out of the neighborhood. “Hold tight!” Laurel would say as we approached a bump. Practically half way out of my seat, leaning towards the floor I held onto the crockpot with all of the body weight I had. Hot chocolate continued to spew out of the edges of the tightly closed lid. My shoes continued to get darker and darker as the ride went

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