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Bargaining Style Assessment

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Upon taking the Bargaining Style Assessment tool I discovered that my negotiation skills are predominantly in compromising and avoiding. I was not surprised at all that I am high in compromising. Whenever I have to negotiate, I typically stick to what I want and but am willing to easily come to a reasonable compromise especially if it is something that I care about. For example, when I first applied for colleges my parents wanted me to stay in state, but I really wanted to come to American University. I was able to negotiate with them and come to a compromise that as long as I kept my GPA over a 3.3, I would be allowed to go to AU. If my grades slipped I had to transfer home. I am very patient and willing to work through any questions and problems the other side might have so that we can come to a compromise that will work best for both parties. A weakness I have when it comes to compromising is that I do tend to focus on making sure that both sides come out equally rather than trying to get the best deal for me. I like to preserve relationships rather than “winning”. …show more content…
I do have the tendency to leave negotiations that are more serious to fester and have no resolution for a long period of time, but never to the point that I would completely avoid them. However, if it doesn’t have an immediate effect on my life, I tend to overlook it and forget about it. An example of this is when I get assigned a group project. If the group project isn’t due until the end of the semester, I tend to not want to work with my partners on dividing work or deciding who would do the presentation in front of the class. It then leaves them to try and either get ahold of me or assign what I am to do which is not fair to

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