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Creative Writing: The Mortuus Virus

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Words 657
Pages 3
He ran across the deserted street in hope of some civilization, at least one person. But all there was were dead creatures everywhere. Animals and people were covered in blood, some fresh some old, some young and some elderly. By the time he exited Chicago, Nolan gave up. When he looked up to see that the sun was going down, he knew he should find a place to sleep safely.

He looked around the area to see several abandoned buildings, all of which most likely have some inhabitants of the Mortuus Virus (a plague surrounding the whole world). He stealthily walked into a building, a shotgun in hand. His eyes locked on a set of stairs at the end of the facility. Looking around the room, he dashed to the stairs. He soon came upon a child's bedroom filled with scattered toys and clothes. He placed his belongings on the floor next to him to where it's with him at all times. …show more content…

Nolan woke up to the sound of glass being broke. He immediately sat straight up in the broken bed, grabbing his shotgun. Taking a look around, he found nothing in sight. When he was about to head upstairs, he heard the noise again. He spun around, and again, saw nothing, that was until he saw an outline of something. He put his gun down and took out a dagger, holding onto the handle tightly. Once he saw the outline again, he threw it, hitting something that soon turned visible.

He stumbled over to it, seeing that it's not the normal type of creatures he's been seeing; it's a higher class zombie. Taking the knife out of it's head, blue blood spilling out everywhere. He ripped a piece of his shirt off, cleaning the blood covered blade.

"Of course," Nolan muttered to himself multiple times, shaking his head. He got up instantly, heading back upstairs to finally go to sleep once again.

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