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Why Do Athletes Use Steroids In Sports

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Sports, Drugs, and the Monster Unleashed Human beings are extremely competitive creatures and many humans seek fame and glory in the challenges presented before them. Sporting events can be seen as a measure of the unique talent's humans possess, and those athletes who are the strongest, fastest, and most coordinated emerge victorious. Often times humans search for the ultimate advantage in sports to put themselves above and beyond the other athletes. Sometimes, athletes will turn to unnatural elements, otherwise known as performance enhancing drugs to vastly increase their odds at achieving glory. Unfortunately, they frequently ignore the dreadful side effects, both physical and emotional, that comes with using PEDs. It is imperative that athletes consider the long term side effects of PEDs over their initial motivations or goals. Additionally, athletes …show more content…
Jekyll are similar when it comes to using unnatural drugs. Dr. Jekyll’s selfish desire to push the boundary of human nature, ultimately led to the creation of his evil persona. This is comparable to athletes who attempt to push their own body’s to the limit by using PEDs. These athletes who unnecessarily push the boundaries for the chance at eternal glory often fall down a monstrous path they cannot escape. Furthermore, the athletes’ lust to be the greatest of all time is an excellent motivation for them. Unfortunately that does not warrant the use of PEDs. It is important to note that athletes such as Alex Rodriguez, Lance Armstrong, and Barry Bonds, most likely did not intend for their actions to be malevolent; in fact, they wanted to be the hero. This contrasts with the actions of Dr. Jekyll’s persona and how he wanted to separate man’s evil side, in doing so he shaped the wicked persona of Mr. Hyde. To put it quite simply, Athletes who use PEDs are trying to be the Incredible Hulk or the hero, but they end up being the villain or simply the

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