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Housing Market Crash Effect

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The cause of the Housing Market Crash of 2008 was that the banks discovered a way to make money and eventually became greedy with it. The initial root to the housing market crash began years earlier maybe even decades. Banks began selling mortgages to people whom most likely would never be able to pay up for the mortgages. They also sold home loans without verifying the customer's credibility. Once they sold the mortgage or loan and the customer was unable to pay their bill the bond value deflates; the bond goes from a triple A (AAA) mortgage and slowly decreases, worst it could reach is F. When the bank realizes these mortgages are worthless they compile them into a whole new bond label it as an AA Bond and sell it to another bank. In this circumstance the original bank made their profit and leaves the mess for someone else to handle. However this was not the demolishing factor which ruined America's Economy, of course it …show more content…
Investors believed they were investing in a triple A or at least a B bond, when in reality it was simply a pool filled with D’s and F’s.
Government should definitely regulate businesses; people need to realize that businesses maybe not at, but however many major businesses are not concerned about us or our well being they will do whatever is in their best interest. As was seen with the Housing Market Crash they knew that people were investing in horrible bonds that were absolutely useless, but they made money so they weren’t concerned. Even with credit cards banks are constantly pressuring teenagers going into college to open up a Credit Card even though most aren’t even close to being mature enough or informed enough to understand the impact of your credit score. Freshmens in college see they have

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