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First Corresponders Analysis

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During the terrorist attacks on 9/11 committed by the foreign terrorist group al Qaeda or the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 by domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh, the first line of defense and recovery were the first responders: police, fire, and medical technicians who arrived within minutes of the attacks. These first responders act as the initial barrier and the support system in any attack and face many risks if they are not properly trained in understanding and identifying the signs of a terrorist attack and their personal safety is at stake on their arrival to the scene. Whether the attack is a physical attack in the form of a bomb or shooting or if it is a chemical or airborne attack, first responders are often unprepared with their limited equipment, training, and …show more content…
An international terrorist organization may find a suitable target in first responders and can launch a successful attack at these responders by drawing them in to a smaller attack to lure them and then proceed with their intended attack against their main and focal targets. These organizations may first attempt to test the protocols and security of the first responders by having a “dry run” with an attack or by simply submitting a false report of a similar incident to their plans or a similar area to get a general idea of manpower, supplies, or response time of the first wave of responders (Recognizing 8 signs of terrorism, 2009). During the terrorist attacks on 9/11, operatives in the plan tested the response times of police and fire departments and their location at the sites to see where they would arrive and park their vehicles. No matter the motivation or the purpose, first responders play a vital role in the prevention, aid to victims, and can even be targeted by terrorist organizations who are looking to cause as much chaos and destruction as they

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