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Arguments Against Juvenile Offenders

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Juvenile Offenders
Juvenile crimes make up an overwhelming amount of arrests in the United States. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention reported that in 2010, courts with juvenile jurisdiction disposed more than 1.3 million juvenile offender cases. Also in 2010, there were 225 arrests for Violent Crime Index offenses for every 100,000 youth between 10 and 17 years of age (OJJDP, 2012). Violent crime committed by juvenile offenders peaks during the after school hours. Nearly one-third (29%) of all violent crime committed by juvenile offenders occurs between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m (OJJDP, 2010). According to the 2011 Juvenile Offenders and Victims: National Report Series, in 2009, 22% of arrests involving youth who were eligible …show more content…
Yet gaps exist in regards to juvenile offender recidivism rates. One study by Barrett , Katsiyannis,& Zhang suggests that efforts at rehabilitation offer only a negligible effect on recidivism," whereas another demonstrates that JAP, through the use of specific sanctions, actually lowers recidivism (Hazen, 2012). There has been a recent shift in focus in the research regarding restorative justice and juvenile recidivism. A study by Hipple, Gruenwald & McGarrell question whether or not variations in in family-group conference, restorativeness, procedural justice, and defiance elements affect variations in juvenile reoffending. To address this question the researchers collected two sets of data from IJRJE, a diversionary program for first-time offenders meeting certain eligibility criteria within the Marion Superior Court, Juvenile Division. The first set of data consisted of information gathered on a subsample 215 youths whose FGCs were selected for observation by a trained member of a research team and the second set of data was based on juvenile histories of offending. Bouffard and Bergseth also conducted two different studies, 2007& 2012, to question what types of services succeed in juvenile recidivism reduction. The results from these studies indicate that programs that use a restorative justice …show more content…
Bergseth and Bouffard examined the effectiveness of restorative justice programs for different types of juvenile offenders. Their study examined whether a restorative justice program for juvenile offenders had differential impacts on recidivism across various offender characteristics (including age, gender, racial group, offending history, and current offense, their results generally supported the effectiveness of the program for many types of

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