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Bottled Water Results

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Most people think that all water is the same; technically, it is not. When you taste several bottles of water, you start to notice a difference. The reason for this is the amount of TDS found in water. TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids, which contains all dissolved solids like Nitrates, Sodium, Sulfates, Barium, Cadmium, Copper, and Fluoride. When you have all of those minerals in the water, it changes the taste. These minerals give water a heaviness and it correlates with the hardness of the water (Pouring Tea). The excellent amount of TDS is less than 300 mpl (milligram per litre), while the poor amount of TDS is above 900 mpl (TDS and pH). When I decided to test the amount of TDS found in bottled water, I found that most water have a decent level of TDS contained in them. I tested the amount TDS found in Dasani, Clover Valley, FIJI, Shurshine, Aquafina, Niagara, and Smart Water. Out of all the bottled water, I think that Dasani contains a lower amount of TDS, which means it tastes better.
To gather my information, I began testing the levels of TDS contained in all of the bottles that I gathered. Next, I analyzed my results, and then I researched what could possibly be in the bottled water so I could get a better understanding. Results …show more content…
Natural pollution is solids like rocks and particles in the air, which gets into the water. In addition, it could create health issues if you drink a high concentration of bottled water that has a high level of TDS contained it. When you have a high concentration of TDS, the water can taste bitter, salty, metallic, or change the tastes of your food, and it can have an unpleasant odor (APEC). On the other hand, consumers describe the lowest TDS level water as tasting clean, with even a hint of sweetness

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