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Skippping Class Research Paper

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Pages 3
If you were to skip class the likeliness to get lower grades when skipping class is a consequence, where those who stay in class obtain knowledge. What people don’t realize is it effects more than you, it is a direct waste of money for all those who have to pay for their education. Eventually you’ll end up regretting your decisions if it causes problems in your life and you end up wasting years of your time by trying to get those years back and going back to school. People don’t realize their mistakes when they create them but these mistakes can affect your whole future, whether it’s if people go back and look at what you did in high school and your grades. What people don’t realize is that the opportunities that are given to them can help them out a lot in their future and if they just try to pass or ditch class it can …show more content…
Plus other kids end up getting the education and future that you may not be able to achieve and even though they have to work hard in school and give up hours to study and pass it ends up helping them in the long run. If you ditch and just get barely passing grades that shows other people you aren’t going to give them your time let alone your hard work. When you end up ditching you miss either notes or what they teach that day so when it’s time for exams or finals you’ll most likely end up doing bad and failing. It has been known that you’re more likely to get lower grades and fail more classes when you skip class then when you do all the work and show up. When missing so many days it tends to reflect on your attendance and that can lead to you not graduating or you having to take the class over again. Nobody wants to wake up early to take an exam or even just take notes but all in all you have to get it done if you want to be able to say you succeeded and show

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